Surviving Mercury in Retrograde

Illustrated constellation of Aries over the planet Mercury and astrological sign for Mercury in background

Mercury, the planet of communication, influences the way things get done down here on earth. This is the ancient ruler of the way we interact and comprehend each other. When this planet is speeding through the zodiac, our lives mesh well and we get the word out to each other. Everything from instant messages to detailed contracts is influenced by this little planet.

Mercury is close to the Sun and when it goes too far around the big star, it appears to be moving backward in the zodiac. This motion is called retrograde. Mercury made this move at the end of March and through Saturday April 23 it will appear to be moving this way.

While Mercury is retrograde, all bets are off. The way things were done in the past is challenged when new information is made available. Inaccurate information also competes for attention. Truth-seekers take the wrong path, while liars fool themselves.

All this retrograde chaos gives everyone a dose of equal opportunity confusion. Even astrologers suffer.

Mercury is retrograde in the zodiac sign of Aries until April 23. When it ends its retrograde, give the chaos another few days to wear off before taking big risks with planning, organizing, communicating, making agreements, signing documents or making assumptions about where your pets (and loved ones) are and are not. Read your sign below to find a coping skill or two to make it to May as unscathed as possible.

Coping Tips by Sign

  • Aries March 21 – April 19

    Mercury is retrograde in your zodiac sign. This means you will appear to be a different person than you ordinarily seem. Someone might even call you two-faced.

  • Taurus April 20 – May 20

    You will not have the words when you need them. You may be best off communicating through pictures. If you recently invested in a computer tablet, the next few weeks will be easier.

  • Gemini May 21 – June 21

    Party planning is pointless until early May. The chaos that most annoys you is getting all dressed up only to find out that you have no place to go.

  • Cancer June 22 – July 22

    Career tension could work your way by accident. Your boss is going through Mercury Retrograde too and there may be something only you are around to help with and look good doing so.

  • Leo July 23 – August 22

    Expect delays whenever you travel. Leos love to make a dramatic entrance and tend to be a little late to everything. Mercury Retrograde will be like Daylight Savings Time and ensure you are at least an hour behind.

  • Virgo August 23 – September 22

    You might have trouble paying back a loan while Mercury is retrograde. Make sure to get receipts and to store them safely. There could be someone claiming you owe more than you do.

  • Libra September 23 – October 22

    Your one-on-one relationships may go awry. Your natural charm will be put to the test as you could be forced to woo someone all over again. If your pride is hurt, you will have to put it away and start from square one.

  • Scorpio October 23 – November 21

    The details are not your friend. You could be in store for a big surprise when you find an organized system no longer works. Hours of preparation may be wasted. Improvising is your best hope!

  • Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

    This is a great few weeks to reorganize your scrapbooks, social networking profiles and other things you established in the past but want to get updated. Mercury Retrograde is great for rewinding. Try, try again.

  • Capricorn December 22 – January 19

    Tension at home will make the road an attractive place. You could wind up in a new part of town with some fast friends. Understand they might not be sticking around and enjoy the moment. Better not make down payments or deep commitments.

  • Aquarius January 20 – February 18

    You might have to ignore the gossip, because you will not be able to control it. Working with a few new faces breaks the monotony and lessens old rivalries. Try not to spread bad news; you might get some of the blame.

  • Pisces February 19 – March 20

    Money trouble might get you into a tough spot and you might find out you have no money just as the restaurant waiter hands you the check. Look twice into your wallet before you order.

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