Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Don't take your bank or portfolio statement at face value today, Taurus. Financial errors are likely. Someone may want you to see things from his or her viewpoint, which may not be based on fact. Check and double-check important figures that cross your desk. You're the only one you can trust to truly work in your best interests. It's time to put your mind to use and work on your own behalf.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
A rather unsettling communication could cause you to dwell on the negative side of whatever you learn, Taurus. Don't fall into this trap. The positive side will become more apparent as the day wanes. You might decide to purchase some new equipment to enhance your communications, perhaps a phone or new computer. Try not to spend too much of your day learning how to use it!
In the game of love, Taurus plays to win the most coveted prize: a soulmate. Since a brokenhearted bull takes a long time to heal, you can be tentative when approaching romance. With a reputation for stubbornness, you prefer to see yourself as consistent and reliable. A taste for the finer things drives you to compete to be the best in everything. Your astrologer knows what makes you unique and will guide you in successful plays in life, work and romance.
↑ read lessFascinating Scorpio oozes charm and a magnetism that's practically impossible to ignore. Women are naturally attracted to him, sensing his deep appreciation for romance. Somewhat of an enigma, the Scorpio's...more
Scorpio women have an energy that's impossible to ignore. They're also more strong-willed and erotic than other zodiac signs. Scorpio women with questions about their love life should try consulting a psychic...more