Libra Man in Love & Relationships

happy man in blue suit walking down the street

Loving, warm and compassionate, Libra is one of the most charming of all the zodiac signs. Ruled by Venus, the Libra man is a helpless romantic who loves being in love. He’s rarely alone, and will choose a bad relationship over none at all. Libra is upbeat, with a positive outlook on life. He loves beauty, comfort and luxury, even when he can’t afford it.

As the Scales symbol suggests, Libra seeks balance and harmony. He has a deep sense of fairness and justice. He often takes up causes to help right the world’s wrongs. He expects his partner to take on these lofty causes and to fully support his efforts. Libra hates confrontation, which makes him fairly easy to please. On the down side, he may be very indecisive and hard to pin down to an opinion. True to his trademark fairness, he weighs all sides carefully first, and even then he’s likely to change his mind after giving it more thought.

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These same qualities can sometimes make him fickle in matters of the heart. He loves people, and they love him, so he’s often viewed as a flirt. He wants a perfect relationship. If he doesn’t have that with his partner, he’s not above finding a more suitable mate. But once he falls in love, Libra is faithful and devoted.

Finding and Keeping the Libra Man

To find a Libra guy, you have to think like he does. Since he loves beauty and creativity, look for him at art galleries, arts and crafts fairs, and museums. Because of his altruistic spirit, you might find a Libra man volunteering at a homeless shelter or marching in a protest. The Scales also love luxury, so they tend to frequent fine restaurants, hotels and fashionable clothing stores.

The Libra man is looking for the one who satisfies him emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically. For a Libra man to take notice, you need to stand out from the crowd. He’s drawn to beautiful women who have a sense of style and elegance.

Once you have his attention, you’ll have to work to keep his interest. Libra enjoys being flattered so compliment him often, especially on his taste and style. Give him small gifts once in a while, and send him little notes for no reason. Plan romantic escapes for you and your Libra guy, including candlelit dinners, massages and bubble baths for two. Surprise him with romantic getaways, even if they’re just short day trips like picnics in the forest or a sunset boat ride. Use your imagination and creativity and your Libra guy will fall helplessly in love with you!

Questions about your Libra man? Talk to an astrologer today!

Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs


(March 21 – April 19)

The Aries woman and Libra man may clash. Libra weighs decisions carefully, while the Ram is impulsive. Aries is also very opinionated, which Libra may never understand.


(April 20 – May 20)

A Taurus woman may need to go against her nature to make a relationship work with a Libra man. While Libra loves going out and socializing, the Taurus woman is more of a homebody. She also may be a little too clingy for free-spirited Libra.


(May 21 – June 21)

The Gemini woman has good chemistry with a Libra man. Both signs love people and social gatherings, along with the finer things life has to offer. The biggest problem will be that neither is good at making sound decisions.


(June 22 – July 22)

The biggest obstacles for love between a Cancer woman and Libra man are usually that she is usually too emotionally needy, practical and set in her ways for adventurous Libra.


(July 23 – August 22)

Both the Leo woman and the Libra man love romance and social events. Sometimes, however, the Lion might be a little too controlling for the Libra man.


(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo woman and Libra man have very different personalities, and they don’t often mesh well. Libra will find Virgo much too stubborn and critical.


(September 23 – October 22)

The double-Scales pairing of a Libra woman and Libra man can be blissful. Both partners will promote harmony and avoid conflict, and they’ll have a busy social calendar. The one downside may be that neither will want to take the reins when it comes to making important decisions.


(October 23 – November 21)

The Scorpio woman and the Libra man will share a lot of sexual attraction, but a long-term relationship may be difficult. Passionate Scorpio often is just too possessive for free-spirited Libra.


(November 22 – December 21)

The Sagittarius woman and Libra man are kindred spirits. Both signs are outgoing, adventurous and love life. They’re both independent, so they’ll understand that trait in their partner.


(December 22 – January 19)

The Capricorn woman may seem far too serious for fun-loving Libra. The spending habits of the Scales are not likely to go over well with frugal Capricorn. There could be some serious bumps in the road for this pair.


(January 20 – February 18)

The combination of the Aquarius woman and Libra man has the making of a wonderful relationship. Both signs love people and intellectual stimulation, along with personal freedom. They’ll both allow the other space, while reveling in each other’s company.


(February 19 – March 20)

The Pisces woman will need to work on becoming more grounded for this match to stand the test of time. Libra hates making decisions, and it’s often impossible for the Fish to come out of her dream world long enough to do so. This could build tension.

Where to Find Help

Is there true love in store for you and the Libra man that you desire? The Scales are easy to attract, but they can prove hard to hold – lucky for you, an astrologer can help you do both!

An astrologer can help reveal more about what makes your Libra “tick”, and whether the two of you are meant for each other. Using custom astrological charts – specific to the dates, times and places of your births – as well as tools such as tarot cards, an astrologer can provide details about your compatibility. All it takes is a simple phone call to get your astrology reading to guide your path to love.

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