Tuesday, January 14, 2025
A talent for a new field that you might never have tried before could come to light, Libra. This might involve modern technology in some way or writing, drawing, or both. Communication with others should be warm, congenial, open, and honest. You can expect to gain a lot of pleasure from relationships of all kinds. Expect at least one of your conversations to turn to the fine arts or metaphysics.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Today you might want to put one last burst of effort into a project, as this could make a big difference to your income and status, Libra. It could put you before the public in some way. Your physical energy is high and mental abilities especially sharp. Whatever you choose to work on will be accomplished quickly and skillfully. Relations with others will be congenial and supportive.
With an airy or indecisive nature, you're represented by a scale in the zodiac. Life and partnership tend to hang in a delicate balance, but you're driven by a desire to learn the limits. Often, you find those edges by provoking a reaction. Once you identify your own rules and others' limits, your romantic quest is to choose the best possibility love offers. The more you learn about yourself, the more you understand your attraction to a certain type of partner. Your personal astrologer can see beyond your current situation and understand you as an individual. With greater self-knowledge, your soulmate questions often answer themselves.
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