Monday, March 17, 2025
Your partner may return from a journey today, Libra, and a deep conversation could follow. Your friend will share stories of the trip, which could lead to talk about the relationship's future. Nothing is apt to be decided. The discussion is more likely to focus on generalities than specifics. You will gain a stronger understanding of your partner and how things could shape up.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
All sorts of wonderful changes are in the air at home and at work, Libra. On the personal front, someone new is likely to enter your life and change it for the better. At work, perhaps a proposal you submitted has been accepted or you landed a deal you've been working on for some time. Enjoy this auspicious celestial energy!
With an airy or indecisive nature, you're represented by a scale in the zodiac. Life and partnership tend to hang in a delicate balance, but you're driven by a desire to learn the limits. Often, you find those edges by provoking a reaction. Once you identify your own rules and others' limits, your romantic quest is to choose the best possibility love offers. The more you learn about yourself, the more you understand your attraction to a certain type of partner. Your personal astrologer can see beyond your current situation and understand you as an individual. With greater self-knowledge, your soulmate questions often answer themselves.
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