Scorpio Man in Love & Relationships

man with bouquet of flowers

Fascinating Scorpio oozes charm and a magnetism that’s practically impossible to ignore. Women are naturally attracted to him, sensing his deep appreciation for romance. Somewhat of an enigma, the Scorpio’s demeanor is usually cool and calm, but inside, there may be numerous flames of passion. The Scorpion has intense feelings about almost everything, although he often does a good job of hiding them. Scorpio men have a powerful sex drive, and are adventurous in the bedroom. He’s also very romantic, but may never show his true feelings about you in public. However, when the two of you are alone you’ll be showered with his intense attention.

While the Scorpio man is secretive, he doesn’t like this trait in others. He’ll want to know everything about you and will not be satisfied until he discovers all your deepest, darkest secrets. In fact, the Scorpion has a burning desire for knowledge of any kind. This intelligent sign wants to learn all he can about the world, and especially about people. He closely examines potential friends and lovers before deciding whether or not they’re worth his time. If the Scorpion doesn’t genuinely respect someone, he will never allow the person into his “inner circle.”

Scorpio can be extremely moody and has an explosive temper. Fortunately, he usually gets over his rages quickly. Nothing provokes him as much as anything that threatens what he considers his. He’s the type who forgives, but he never forgets. The Scorpion is also fiercely protective of his loved ones and usually feels that it’s his appointed duty to keep them safe. If Scorpio cares about you, he’ll defend you to the end and will be the most loyal friend you could imagine.

Finding and Keeping the Scorpio Man

Because Scorpios have so many interests, you’ll find them almost anywhere. They love a luxurious lifestyle, so look for them in the best restaurants, clothing stores and fashionable clubs. The Scorpion is a natural leader who loves to manage others, so you might find one working as a CEO or another leadership role. Anything mystical or mysterious will grab Scorpio’s interest, so he might frequent stores that cater to astrology, UFOs, magic, Bigfoot or any other of the world’s mysteries.

To attract a Scorpio man, don’t dress too provocatively. Remember, he likes a sense of mystery so don’t reveal too much. Show him that you’re interested in a wide range of subjects and that you enjoy pondering the secrets of the universe. Once you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man, try your best to keep him guessing and on his toes. He usually bores rather quickly, so hold his attention by gradually feeding him bits and pieces of information about yourself. Always be honest, however, and never lie to him about anything. Never give him any reason to doubt your fidelity. Even harmless flirting on your part can throw him into a temper tantrum. Once you’ve lost the trust and respect of a Scorpio man, you might never regain it.

Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs


March 21 – April 19

Scorpio will share a lot of physical chemistry with the Aries woman, but their personalities may clash. The Ram often is too dominating for Scorpio’s taste. Also, she’s a natural flirt, which can be a problem for the possessive Scorpion.


April 20 – May 20

The Scorpio man and Taurus womann both tend to be stubborn, so arguments are bound to arise. Conversely, the Scorpion and the Bull will have a deep respect for each other, so they’ll enjoy a deep sense of commitment and loyalty in their relationship.


May 21 – June 21

The Gemini woman will need to reign in her flirtatious and outgoing nature if she’s going to build a lasting relationship with suspicious Scorpio. The Twins are also flighty and capricious, which Scorpio may interpret as immature and superficial.


June 22 – July 22

The loyalty, passion and sense of duty of the Cancer woman are bound to impress the Scorpio man. Both signs are romantic and emotional, so there will be no lack of passion. The Crab will feel safe and secure with her Scorpion, while he will feel completely adored and admired.


July 23 – August 22

Both the Scorpio man and the Leo woman are notoriously dominating. With each aiming to control the other, it will take some work to negotiate the constant battle of wills. The Lion also thrives on flattery and admiration, which Scorpio may be reluctant to provide.


August 23 – September 22

The Scorpio man and Virgo woman can build a solid relationship if both partners are willing to compromise. The Scorpion’s dynamic personality may sometimes make timid Virgo feel overwhelmed. He’ll often see her as far too practical, while she’ll find him too intense at times.


September 23 – October 22

There will usually be a strong initial attraction between the Scorpio man and the Libra woman, but it might take some work for a serious relationship to grow. The Scales will feel much too confined by the possessive Scorpion, and he’ll have trouble understanding her light-hearted approach to love and romance.


October 23 – November 21

A relationship a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman will be one of intense passion and romance. Each will understand the emotional needs of the other. Problems can arise when both partners feel that they’re right and the other is completely wrong, causing heated arguments.


November 22 – December 21

The Sagittarius woman is a free spirit who is seldom serious about anything, while Scorpio is the exact opposite. The Archer prefers to have casual friendships with a wide range of people, while the Scorpion prefers deep, meaningful relationships with a handful of people. Both will need to step outside of their comfort zones if they are to find common ground.


December 22 – January 19

It could be a rocky start for the Capricorn woman and Scorpio man. The Goat often lacks the passion Scorpio thrives on. But if Scorpio takes his time, he may get her to open up and share her feelings, which can be the beginning of a strong relationship of respect, trust and loyalty.


January 20 – February 18

The Aquarius woman runs on intellect, while Scorpio runs on emotions. He’ll admire her intelligent conversation, but he’ll have trouble understanding her emotional detachment. The Water-bearer will feel trapped and smothered by the Scorpion’s jealousy and domineering nature. Of course, that doesn’t mean a love connection is impossible, just that it may take some work.


February 19 – March 20

The Pisces woman and Scorpio man often bring out the best in each other. The Fish’s understanding nature can go a long way in soothing the Scorpion’s temper. This pair has a great chance of sharing intense romance and passion.

Where to Find Help

If you’ve set your sights on finding love with a Scorpio man, chances are you feel both captivated and confused by his enigmatic allure. The male Scorpion is very difficult to figure out. Until he’s hopelessly devoted to you, he’ll keep you wondering about his true feelings. A professional astrologer can be a great resource in helping you figure out what’s going on behind those smoldering eyes.

When you consult a professional psychic, you can begin to unravel the mysteries surrounding your potential lover. A gifted psychic can use several tools – such as personalized astrological charts, tarot cards, numerology and more – to help you better understand the Scorpion’s puzzling nature.. They can offer valuable insights, tips and even an honest assessment of the relationship’s chances. Find out what you can to do win the affections of the Scorpio man of your dreams.

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