Sunday, January 12, 2025
Today you may want to set aside some time to spend with close friends or a love partner, Gemini. Other responsibilities could have you on your own, taking care of errands and other important matters. You may have the feeling of being lonely in a crowd. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Take care of business and get back to your loved ones.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Today you're likely to feel especially communicative, Gemini. You might want to get on the phone and run ideas for new projects by colleagues or perhaps make arrangements to complete current projects. Success through creativity is strongly indicated at this time. This is a great day to seek success through writing or speaking. If this has been on your mind, get started.
For the twin sign, relationships can become complex. Although you live in a state of constant change, you are often surprised when a partner evolves into a different role or perspective. Your soulmate search is defined by a longing for stability, but you may be pulled in another direction, tempted by adventure. This can easily lead to living on the edge, especially in love. The master communicator, Gemini understands how to commit to a structured life, while fully exploring the boundaries. Your astrologer knows that your duality makes you a true individual. A personal consultation can deliver more specific context for dilemmas in love and life.
↑ read lessSagittarius is a fun-loving, happy sign that's usually a joy to be around. The Archer seems to always be upbeat, and he wants everyone around him to be the same way. If you're down in the dumps, he'll cheer you....more
Idealistic and honest, witty and fun-loving, a Sagittarius woman needs a partner who expresses love, loyalty, and a dedication that matches her own. She seeks romance, excitement, and adventure and will not...more