Leo Man in Love & Relationships

black and white photo of man smiling

Leo males are among the warmest and most loving of the entire zodiac. They’re extremely generous and enjoy showering loved ones with all kinds of gifts, usually for no reason at all. The Lion is usually happy and upbeat and likes to make others happy, too. He tends to gravitate toward people with positive attitudes and wastes little time on those who don’t share his inherent enthusiasm. It’s not that he dislikes such people; it’s just that he doesn’t understand them. His attitude is “Why be down and depressed when life is so wonderful?”

Leo has a huge dose of self-confidence and craves power and attention. He wants to be in the spotlight, among a group of adoring fans. The Lion is also a natural leader, and others often look to him for advice and solutions to problems. He’s always more than ready to accept these challenges. He has an insatiable passion for life and revels in the finer things. He’ll almost always choose the best restaurant, the best hotel and the best automobile. He’s a hard worker, with intelligence and creativity, so he usually has no problem being able to afford such luxuries.

As a lover, Leo is romantic and sensual, with a powerful sex drive. While you’re dating, the Lion will wine and dine you, be chivalrous and even a bit old-fashioned. If things progress to marriage, you’ll discover that Leo is a loyal, supportive husband and a loving father. He’s not the type to forget an anniversary, birthday or other special occasion, and your family will never do without.

On the downside, Leo is very jealous and possessive. He must always come first in your life, even before your children. He might not want to share you with the demands of your career. The Lion can have an explosive temper when he feels that his “possessions” or his territory are threatened. Even harmless flirting is a no-no with the king of the jungle.

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Finding and Keeping the Leo Man

Leo men are usually easy to spot. If you’re at a party, look for the guy who’s telling jokes or relating some vivid tale to a circle of guests. You might also find a Leo man performing with a local theater group, since Lions crave the spotlight. Leos also frequent ultra-chic restaurants, and he’ll probably be the one ordering a bottle of the best champagne on the menu. Leo males also have an affinity for certain careers, so that might be another good place to start your hunt. Many Lions are lawyers, judges, bankers, or CEOs. Look for a man in a leadership position, and chances are good that he’s a Leo.

To get the attention of a male Lion, shower him with praise. If he’s telling a joke, laugh. If he’s relating some daring narrative, be spellbound. Compliment him in some way: his looks, his fashion sense, his sense of humor, his expertise on a subject. It doesn’t matter so much what you praise him for, as long as your praise seems sincere. Once you begin dating, always look your best. A male Leo will see you as an extension of himself, so he’ll want you to be a positive asset. Use the Lion’s love for sensual pleasures to your advantage by dabbing on a bit of expensive perfume and wearing a classically elegant dress. When it comes to marriage, never try to dominate a Lion, and never let him doubt your fidelity. Your gentle kitty cat will bare his fangs and claws in either scenario, and turn into a roaring beast! The Leo man thrives on constant adoration and devotion, which let him know that he’s the center of your universe. Keep the romance alive by surprising him with candlelit dinners, love notes and unexpected small gifts. Play his favorite sultry song sometimes during dinner, and hang on for the fireworks for dessert!

Questions about your Leo man? Talk to an astrologer today!

Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs


(March 21 – April 19)

The Leo man will appreciate the intelligence and sense exploration of the Aries woman. Both are extroverts and will have a full social calendar. The only problem that might arise has to do with image. The Lion wants people to respect and admire him, but Aries doesn’t care what others think.


(April 20 – May 20)

The Leo man and Taurus woman are both stubborn with strong opinions. The Bull isn’t one to always allow the Lion to win arguments and debates, and she’s more of an introvert than attention-seeking Leo. If these obstacles can be worked out, however, the relationship will be powerful.


(May 21 – June 21)

The Gemini woman and Leo man both love having fun and experiencing all that life has to offer, but it may still be a bumpy road for these two. The biggest problem in this relationship will likely be the fickle nature of the Twins. She’s a natural flirt and often finds it difficult to fully commit to just one man, and Leo won’t stand for this.


(June 22 – July 22)

Even though the Leo man and Cancer woman are very different, each offers what the other needs. The Crab has no desire for the spotlight and is more than willing to turn all the attention over to the Lion. She’ll also allow him to be the leader and provide a warm, cozy home for her mate. In turn, Leo will give Cancer the love, security and stability she craves.


(July 23 – August 22)

Two Lions in the same jungle? The Leo man and Leo woman will both want to be ruler, so there will be a constant power struggle. If, and it’s a big if, they can learn to share the throne, the match can result in a loyal, committed relationship.


(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo woman may need to stretch a bit beyond her comfort zone to make a relationship with a Leo man work. Leo is loud and boisterous, while Virgo typically is quiet and subdued. Virgo is a perfectionist and is often critical, which the Lion simply cannot handle. She’s humble and modest and may find Leo much too full of himself.


(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra woman can be extremely attractive to a Leo man. Both signs love parties, people and beauty in any form. They’ll need to watch their finances since both seek the finer things in life.


(October 23 – November 21)

Love can be tricky territory for a Leo man and Scorpio woman. Both the Lion and the Scorpion have dynamic personalities, and both are extremely jealous. Scorpio, like Leo, thinks a lot of herself and doesn’t enjoy praising others, which of course, Leo craves.


(November 22 – December 21)

The Leo man and Sagittarius woman will have a lot of fun together, but a long-lasting relationship may seem beyond their grasp. Sagittarius may be too much of a flirt and a free spirit for the Lion to handle. Also, there may be a constant struggle over the limelight because they’ll both seek attention from others.


(December 22 – January 19)

The Capricorn woman has her work cut out for her if she’s determined to make a love connection with a Leo man. Leo will see the Goat as cold and unfeeling, and Capricorn will think the Lion is attention-seeking and shallow. Fights about money will likely erupt. Capricorn is a penny-pincher, while Leo has extravagant tastes and is prone to splurging on luxuries.


(January 20 – February 18)

A pairing between an Aquarius woman and Leo man can endure with some work. Both signs have strong wills and large egos, but they’ll have a healthy respect for each other. The physical chemistry is usually powerful, but the Water Bearer is often emotionally detached and won’t lavish praise and affection on Leo to the extent he desires.


(February 19 – March 20)

The differences between the Pisces woman and Leo man can make for some excellent chemistry. The Fish is perfectly happy to let the Lion have all the attention, and because of Pisces’ passivity, she’ll never try to dominate her Leo mate. The Lion will make the Fish feel safe and loved, and she’ll reciprocate by providing a comfortable home. The only problem that might arise is Leo’s extroverted nature, Pisces would rather stay at home than be in crowds.

Where to Find Help

True to the Lion symbol, finding and keeping love with a Leo man can seem a bit like going on safari–exciting and adventurous, but also unpredictable and intense. Call a professional astrologer to guide you through the wild. They can provide expert tips and advice on what makes the object of your affections tick, how to keep him happy and whether the two of you are compatible on the deepest level.

An astrologer can create detailed astrological charts from specific information on the date, time and place of your births to assess compatibility and help you develop strategies catered to your unique personalities that may help your love blossom. Other expert tools and techniques may include tarot cards, clairvoyance, telepathy, runes or numerology. Your information will be private, and your astrologer will be very discreet.

Think you can tame the Lion? Let a professional psychic help you on your conquest and guide you toward the love relationship of your dreams.

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