Capricorn Man: Love & Compatibility

Smiling young African man wearing a backpack and standing in a forest looking out.

Have you found yourself hooked on a Capricorn man, but you’re not sure how to get his attention? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you. This guy has many positive qualities that make him an ideal partner, but he can be very picky. You’ll need to know what turns him on and what gets on his nerves before you make a move. If you have already made contact and it’s going well, you should learn a few tips to keep him hooked. If you succeed in winning the Capricorn’s heart, you’re in for a loving and loyal partnership.

By consulting a professional psychic or astrologer, you can unlock the mysteries of the Capricorn man and discover what he really wants and needs. Once you do, you may find that love with a Capricorn man can be extremely fulfilling!

Characteristics of a Capricorn Man

The Capricorn man prefers to live by the rules. Extremely determined and goal-oriented, he believes in following well-laid plans to achieve success. He is very serious and practical about attaining what he wants most: respect, social status, and financial security. He’ll often lose himself in achieving his goals, but he’ll do so with honesty and integrity.

The Goat is often a loner who permits few people into his inner circle, as many Capricorns are shy. Because of Capricorn’s suspicious nature, you’ll have to prove your trustworthiness before he accepts you as a friend. Once you’ve accomplished this feat, a Capricorn man will be your loyal, dependable, supportive companion. But if you ever break the bond of trust don’t count on getting a second chance. The Goat will move on and never look back.

The Capricorn man is often seen as cold and emotionally aloof, but this is largely a protective mechanism. Once he’s convinced that your motives are sincere, he’ll open up to you, although this could take some time. The quality of the relationship will usually improve with age, so hang in there! You’ll discover that the more secure he is in a relationship, the more willing he is to share his deepest feelings.

Life with a Capricorn man may not be a-thrill-a-minute, but he will provide security and stability for his mate and for his family. The Goat isn’t known for having a bad temper, nor is he moody. He is sometimes pessimistic, but the right companion can overcome this and brighten his outlook. Surprisingly, despite their generally subdued nature, Capricorn men are often adventurous lovers who enjoy playful rollicks in the bedroom.

Finding and Keeping the Capricorn Man

Capricorn men are experts at managing and organizing, and as such, they’re often found at the head of a company or in some other leadership position. A typical Capricorn man may have a job as an administrator, a doctor, an engineer, a “headhunter,” a CEO or a politician. Quiet evenings at home are much more his speed than parties, clubs or crowded restaurants. It may be difficult to find a Capricorn at the usual singles haunts. Instead focus on career-oriented functions, professional organizations, charity events or anything that might help further his career.

Most Capricorn men aren’t superficial, so they don’t look for the flashiest woman in the room. In fact, most Goat guys prefer intelligence and character over looks in a prospective mate, so keep this in mind when trying to get his attention. He wants a life partner who shares his goals and one who will help him achieve success. In view of this, make sure he doesn’t see you as a bimbo. Instead, be quiet, serious, and intelligent, and dress conservatively.

Even if a Capricorn man is attracted to you, you might have to make the first move. A Goat guy will often become close friends with a woman before considering a romantic relationship with her. This gives him a chance to really get to know her before he commits. Keep him interested by complimenting him with sincere praise and never tossing a wrench in his plans. Let him see you as a supportive partner as well as a love interest.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’ve fallen for a Capricorn man. He has a seemingly impenetrable exterior that might take months to chip away. But when it finally erodes, a warm, sensitive man is found beneath the surface. He will make an excellent life partner and a devoted father.

Capricorn Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

  • Aries March 21 – April 19

    The Aries woman and the Capricorn man will be successful in their careers and individual goals, but these two have few other traits in common. Aries may find Capricorn boring, and he’ll think she’s too erratic. They’ll both have to go against their nature a bit if their relationship can stand the test of time.

  • Taurus April 20 – May 20

    The Taurus woman and Capricorn man usually mesh wonderfully together. The Goat provides the security the Bull seeks, and both will revel in their stable, dependable relationship and loving home life. Keeping the spark alive between these two down-to-earth types may take some work.

  • Gemini May 21 – June 21

    The Gemini woman and Capricorn man are almost total opposites. Gemini is ever-changing, which Capricorn will never understand. On the flipside, she may not like his love of rules and traditions. If they do manage to make things work it could make for a delightfully quirky pairing!

  • Cancer June 22 – July 22

    Both the Cancer woman and Capricorn man love home and family, but they’re worlds apart when it comes to emotion. Cancer may see the Goat as cold and distant, and Capricorn may think that the Crab is impractical and overly dramatic. Each will need to understand what makes the other tick if they are to build a lasting romance.

  • Leo July 23 – August 22

    The Leo woman loves the center of attention, while the Goat is an introvert. With this pair, arguments about money could be numerous because she loves to spend extravagantly while he’s a penny-pincher. Embracing their differences will be key to beating the odds when it comes to love between these two.

  • Virgo August 23 – September 22

    The Virgo woman may make a wonderful partner for the Capricorn man. Both signs are practical, goal-oriented and level-headed. They’ll understand each other and will work hard to make a good life together. Grand romantic gestures may not come easily to either of them, so they may need to work a bit to keep things spicy.

  • Libra September 23 – October 22

    The happy-go-lucky Libra woman may have a real problem with Capricorn’s somber outlook, while the Goat may consider her frivolous and capricious. It may take some work for these two to really understand one another.

  • Scorpio October 23 – November 21

    The Scorpio woman and the Capricorn man are both slow to trust and commit, so this relationship will take some time. Once it does, it will be beneficial to both parties. Scorpio’s intense passion will provide Capricorn with the emotional security he needs, and his undying devotion will make her feel truly loved.

  • Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

    These two opposites don’t bring out the best in each other. Sagittarius woman is all about having fun, while the Goat is focused on responsibilities. Her free-spirited independence can make him feel insecure, and she may feel smothered by his possessiveness. Needless to say, a relationship between these two will take some work.

  • Capricorn December 22 – January 19

    The Capricorn woman and Capricorn man will have a deep understanding of each other. With their determination and work ethic, there’s nothing this pair can’t achieve. Their biggest problem is that they’ll become so wrapped up in their responsibilities that they never take time out for fun.

  • Aquarius January 20 – February 18

    The creative and adventurous Aquarius woman may find the Goat a little boring. And because of his possessive nature, the Water-bearer will often feel trapped. It may seem that she’s simply too free-spirited for the traditional Capricorn man. Both will need to step out of their comfort zones a bit to find common ground.

  • Pisces February 19 – March 20

    The Pisces woman and Capricorn man are very different, but they often complement each other well. The Goat can help ground the Fish and bring order to her life, and Pisces will help Capricorn express his feelings.

Need Help Learning More About the Capricorn Man?

If you’ve decided that a Capricorn man is right for you, you’re probably in for a lengthy courtship before you finally win him over. The Goat builds and maintains a wall around himself, and you might find it almost impossible to breach. To learn how to get a Capricorn man to open up to you, get advice from a professional astrologer at

All Capricorns aren’t exactly alike. The major elements in their personalities are influenced by a number of astrological factors, including their rising sign. An individual’s rising sign changes every two hours and depends on the exact time of birth. An astrologer will take this into account when creating custom astrological charts for both you and your intended partner. This may help you discover amazing information about your compatibility. He or she may also turn to Tarot cards, numerology, and other tools and techniques.

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Are Capricorn men hard to date?

It depends on who you ask. Some personalities mix well with Cap men, while others find them challenging. Refer to the article for your zodiac sign compatibility.

What a Capricorn man wants in a relationship?

These men want stability, security, consistency, and honesty in a relationship. They also strongly prefer a drama-free partnership.

What Capricorn man wants in a woman?

Capricorn men want women who are feminine, nurturing, intelligent, ambitious, healthy, good communicators, smart with money and on the conservative side.

What not to do when dating a Capricorn man?

Do not be dramatic, overly emotional, bad with money, dress too sexy, be lazy or mean, or be inconsistent with your attention. These things will push a Cap man away.

What a Capricorn man needs in a relationship?

He needs a lot of time in patience because these men move slowly. It takes them a while to build trust and a sense of security in a relationship. He also needs to know you are committed to him and won’t run away at the first sign of struggle.

What are the cons of dating a Capricorn?

They can be workaholics, not romantic enough, obsessed with money, frugal, detached, judgmental, slow to act, and stuck in the same routine.

What do Capricorns find attractive?

Capricorns are attracted to people who are mentally and emotionally stable, financially successful, loyal, consistent, committed, and have a classy appearance.

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