Can I Find My True Soulmate Online?

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With online dating services on the rise, more and more singles choose to search the “heavenly web”, the internet, for a soulmate. It provides a safe route for some and a dangerous route for others. Those who use it say they prefer getting to know someone first via e-mail or by participating in one of the many chat rooms on the Net, rather than roaming bars and nightclubs.

On most dating sites, anyone can match up with someone by submitting a profile introduction. A profile can include a wild array of descriptive anecdotes about one’s personality. Everything from “what TV family your family most resembles” to “what substance you prefer to dip your candy bar into, peanut butter or milk.” And if you are a descendant of a royal bloodline, you may wish to include a coat of arms. Put up a picture and – voilà! – you’re ready to be discovered for a date on the heavenly web.

The field can even be narrowed down to those who share your interests. For stargazers, one of the astro-dating services will link you up with someone who has a compatible astrological sign and chart. The sports enthusiast can have a romantic discussion with someone interested in football, baseball or hockey. Vegetarians can eliminate the meat from the “meat market” and find someone who will stir-fry tofu with them. If you are spiritually enlightened, you can try one of the New Age-consciousness sites to begin the quest for your soulmate.

Singles who find it difficult to choose can have an expert narrow the field for them. Many online dating sites use psychological assessment tools that will help dating singles discover at last “who they really are” by asking them to complete a survey of adjectives that best describe their character and personality. Rate yourself on a scale of “very” to “not at all” on each of a hundred or more descriptions, which include the likes of “lazy,” “gregarious,” “social,” “good-looking” and “intelligent,” and you will get a good look at your self-esteem. These sites will compile the data and create compatibility profile that will be matched with suitable possibilities among those surveyed.

Through a logical, scientific arrangement of an individual’s character and constitution, family values, personality, and emotional makeup and skills, anyone can find the right match for a lasting relationship. These sites list few statistics on their success, but we can only guess that it is unlikely that a psychological assessment tool could be more successful at matching someone than is the higher creative intelligence of the human spirit.

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Unfortunately, a compatibility test will not match you up with your soulmate. There is no test that could read your destiny map to understand who most complements you and serves your higher purpose. Nor can it determine what karmic contracts you have made with your soulmate to balance the scales from previous lifetimes. It does not appreciate the lessons you chose to develop spiritually and that your complement comes into our life to support. Nor can it find a complementary partner who mirrors best your feminine and masculine attributes, bringing balance to your soul. It would not support a spiritual relationship and is likely to send innocents down a path away from their creative destiny and off the edge of a cliff for a great big fall from grace.

True soulmates, divine complements, come together by divine design. A link signature in each of their spiritual (stellar) hearts creates a powerful field of creative intelligence that draws them together to fulfill their plan for their lifetime. Their promise is more like an arranged marriage, but the difference is that their higher selves design their meeting place and the timing, not their family. Soulmates can meet in every way imaginable and in the most amazing places. Therefore, it is possible to meet your soulmate online, but its not the most common way soulmates meet.

Some singles sites post their success stories attesting to love matches that were made on the Web. They can tempt almost anyone to at least think about joining a singles chat. Some divine complements do find each other this way, though rarely. They enter the field of “meant to be” and navigate through to the right Internet site propelled by a powerful matchmaking force. Lo and behold, they lived a block or two away from each other and could have met the next day through some other experience.

A real success story came from a middle-aged woman who said that she tried online dating at the urgings of her mother. As a flight attendant, she considered her life satisfying and had resigned to “soulmatelessness”. Shortly after her mother died, she created a profile on an online dating site. She received three match possibilities and initiated emails to begin to narrow down the already narrow field. Nothing! Letting go to resignation, weeks later she finally received an email from a man whose responses sparked her heart. Come to find out, he was a customs agent at the very airport she flew out of week after week. She couldn’t count the number of times she must have ignored his shining face. To the credit of an online dating service she finally met her divine complement, the very man who fate had repeatedly put on her path, but who she had regrettably ignored. Meant to be!

Another success story came from a young man who met his bride through an online dating service. He used the service for about two years and finally found a woman with whom he fell in love. Both were successful doctors with a great deal in common, as both of their families were from India and had migrated to the United States. We might imagine that their families were elated. Whether they are divine complements I didn’t ascertain, but it sounded like a “happily ever after” perfect dating ending.

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