Online Dating & Astrology

Two computer mice with cartoon heart over zodiac wheel

You’re tired of hitting the bar scene and too old for the clubs, so you decide to check out some dating websites. At this point, you are thinking that there is nothing to lose since you are already tired and drained from your relationship search.

Positive aspects of perusing the profiles on online dating sites:

  • You can search for men or women without leaving your house.
  • You can get to know the likes and dislikes of a potential date without having to ask.
  • You can find out personal information without first interviewing the person.

It has been made easy for you to find someone new without having to do much work. You will often learn about a new person by what he or she has written on their profile, assuming that what is written is truthful and honest. Besides learning about the person’s likes and dislikes, you even get to see really nice photos of your potential date.

So you proceed forward, create a profile and decide to respond to someone else’s profile. One of the things you don’t know is where you are on someone’s online dating list. Does the person who responds to your profile consider you to be his or her number one choice, or are you actually number 5 on the list? The other obvious disadvantage of online dating is that you are falling for someone based on the information given you online before actually having met.

Cautionary steps for online dating:

  1. Make sure you have as much information about the person as possible

    You don’t need to know every little detail about a person, but you should at least know his or her first and last names, phone numbers, occupation and perhaps place of employment.

    How truthful is your potential online date? You will often see photos that were taken 5 years ago or even photos of someone else. Some people may tell you that they live nearby when they live far away. They could lie about their age, income, job status, or even about having children or not.

    It can be a dangerous world if you try to find someone through the Internet. Whether you find a person through an online dating network, through a chat room or other forum that connects people, it is always an uncertain place to meet and fall in love with someone. There have been many incidents of people being scammed by both men and women met through the Internet.

  2. Set a meeting place in public

    Meet your date at a coffee shop or at a restaurant. Do not go back to his or her place or to your place unless you feel extremely comfortable, and only after it has been several dates.

  3. Find out background information including past relationships

    Hint: If your date just got out of a relationship, don’t expect this person to be ready to offer you something serious anytime soon, even if this person states that he or she wants to be in a new partnership. Try to find out why a relationship ended. This individual may not be completely honest with you, but that is why you will spend most of your time communicating. The more time spent asking questions and listening, the more your date will open up to you.

  4. Beware of the guy or girl who only wants to keep the communication online

    If this person does not want to continue the conversations over the phone or meet in person then you have a big warning sign that this person is most likely unavailable or a big fat liar.

Now that you have the basics to proceed with your online dating search, you can get some additional clues about the suitability of potential dates from consulting the stars. Astrology can provide you with some ideas on what types of signs are open to having online and long-distance relationships and which signs will quickly give up.

Aries / Venus / Moon or Aries rising

People with Aries traits lack patience in wanting a long distance or internet relationship, so you can expect them to easily give up on you unless you live a few miles away.

Taurus / Venus / Moon or Taurus rising

Your Taurus date will be open to long distance or Internet relationships, but at some point he or she will want you to relocate. Taurus people do not like to move long distance – they do not like to move 20 miles away, so don’t expect them to relocate for you.

Gemini / Venus / Moon or Gemini rising

Those with Gemini traits are adaptable, have the patience to have a long distance or Internet relationship and will be willing to move. The problem with some Gemini individuals is that they may quickly get bored with you, so a long distance relationship may easily fade.

Cancer / Venus / Moon or Cancer rising

These people do not want to leave their homes and families, so don’t expect them to relocate. However, they will be open to dating online and having a long distance relationship.

Leo / Venus / Moon or Leo rising

The Lion desires to be in love and will be open to Internet dating and long distance relationships. Your only problem is that you better be thinking commitment and marriage if a Leo moves to be with you.

Virgo / Venus / Moon and Virgo rising

Virgos will fight you on relocating, but will be open to having a long distance relationship. They want to be in a partnership and will try the Internet to find the love of their life.

Libra / Venus / Moon or Libra rising

Libras love to be in a love relationship and they will be open to finding a lover whether their search is across the country or locally. They will be willing to relocate, but only if promised commitment and marriage.

Scorpio / Venus / Moon or Scorpio rising

Scorpios want the love of their life and will go to extremes to find that love. If they have to relocate, they will do so but prefer to find love locally. Be careful, as the Scorpio person may become your next stalker.

Sagittarius / Venus / Moon or Sagittarius rising

These people want space and freedom, so they will be open to long distance and online dating – but will also want to date others. You may have to give this potential mate time to fall in love with you. Sagittarians love to travel, so they will be open to taking trips to spend time with you, but may not be open to relocating. A lot depends on their careers.

Capricorn / Venus / Moon or Capricorn rising

These are the people who are serious about wanting a relationship, but do not have the patience to wait for someone to relocate. If you meet someone who has Capricorn traits and you live at some distance from this person, then expect to be given a time line on when you should relocate to pursue your relationship. By the way, YOU will be the one who has to relocate. Having his or her job on solid ground, your potential Capricorn partner will not be going anywhere.

Aquarius / Venus / Moon or Aquarius rising

These people love Internet dating and even long distance relationships. They will have patience and give you the time needed until one of you relocates to be with one another.

Pisces / Venus / Moon or Pisces rising

Pisces individuals want to fantasize about love and being with someone, so they are always open to having a relationship. They will even be open to relocating for you.

Finally, always be aware that when you try to find love online, some sun signs will be open to date you, but there are individuals who may also lie to you. Certain sun signs will go the extra mile and relocate for you, while other sun signs may be your worst enemies. Take caution when dating and make sure you find out everything you can about your potential online date regardless of his or her astrological sign.

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