Scorpio Man Scorpio Woman Compatibility


Scorpio is, without a doubt, the most passionate sign of the zodiac, so when two Scorpios get together, the intensity is predictably mind-blowing. Whenever members of the same sign form any type of bond, they can delight in sharing many traits in common. However, as anyone with a twin sibling knows firsthand, similarities do not mean every moment is happy-go-lucky. A dual Scorpio friendship or intimate relationship is considered risky, but very high reward if everything goes well. You can expect all to go well until the moment your passionate interests pull you in opposite directions. It is then that the stereotypical stubbornness will rear its ugly head and all can come crashing down. For scorpions searching for love with each other, your finest asset is knowing yourself and the traits of your sign.

Basic Compatibility

Scorpios ooze a mysterious charm that sucks in nearly everyone around them, including other Scorpios. Their secretive nature is apparent in everything they do, but it can become negative in a relationship with another Scorpio. The scorpion loves finding out every last secret of his or her partner but guards their own secrets as if their lives depended on it. Naturally, this can cause some clashes as innate distrust can continue to build between a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman pairing if neither side is willing to share their innermost desires. On a more positive note, Scorpios cherish loyalty and honesty so highly that it is extremely refreshing to be around someone who shares your values. Nothing upsets a Scorpio more than dishonesty, but they see no harm in selectively leaving out information themselves to bolster their secret count.

When two Scorpios butt heads, it can be an extremely volatile situation. They are quick to anger and quicker to cool back down from a fight, but they will never forget someone wronged them, least of all a friend or partner. Scorpios have a truly fun-loving personality that thrives off of excitement. While paired together, a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman lack the mismatch that often leads to boredom with other signs and compatibility comes easily. They also both benefit from spending a long time growing friendships and relationships. With a partner who won’t attempt to guilt them into rushing things, building trust and respect is a rewarding experience. The lack of balance within their relationship can create some rifts if unchecked. The scorpion is a creature of extremes, and having a mellower, emotional partner to support and follow them is always beneficial. Unfortunately, two Scorpios may constantly battle over leadership, and their energy has no off button. Winding down and compromising will be a struggle and should be one of the first issues to work on if problems arise.

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Love And Relationships

Seeking a close friendship with a Scorpio is a long journey up a seemingly neverending flight of stairs. This challenge only doubles with two Scorpios, but the wait will be worth it. Their best friends are only those they respect and can trust with their complete devotion. What better best friend is there than another Scorpio who you know will offer you the same absolute loyalty? With their zeal for making friendships last a lifetime, there are few, if any, roadblocks to a friendship between them. Twin irresistible personalities will be hard to ignore, and most Scorpios will naturally find themselves drawn to each other as if it were fate. Even though friendship is almost a given between them, it is only in an intimate relationship where their strongest shared traits truly begin to shine through.

In love, the scorpion shines like no other, and none can match their passion. For starters, their keen appreciation for romance can turn into an endless cycle of one-upmanship that is sure to put a smile on the face of both. Scorpio is well-known for having an extremely high sex drive that often causes problems with less sexually driven signs. When in a matched pair, this problem rarely presents itself, and both partners feel unrestrained in their favorite form of emotional expression. Utter devotion and a refusal to give up on love combine with desires that simply do not cool. They will endlessly feed the fires of their partner without distraction and are known for some of the most enduring marriages and long-term relationships. Fights may be bitter, highly charged, and hurtful but discord is often short-lived. The positives far outweigh the negatives here as both the Scorpio man and the Scorpio woman will greatly benefit from the deep emotional connection they can have together.

Working Together

Scorpios are inspiring leaders but can be uncompromisingly stubborn and opinionated. Unless they are both in positions of a supervisory capacity, there can be some clashing when working in the same space. Competitiveness can impact productivity and be an unwelcome distraction for other coworkers. Following the rules and completing projects timely is no struggle for Scorpios, who tend to responsibly follow through with whatever they are working on. Workplace drama will forever be the true weakness for Scorpio-born, they are absolutely unable to pass up an opportunity for secrets and gossip, but in all fairness, it is the presence of either that is the real problem. Overall, Scorpios can be counted on to work hard, but social distractions are a real concern.

A mirrored friendship or relationship between two Scorpios can be a match made in heaven or a real disaster. The longer the bond endures, the stronger it grows thanks to their diehard devotion to long-term relationships of all types. Scorpios are not immune to the magnetizing charm of their zodiac sign, and so it is not uncommon to find them together as friends or soulmates. Not many signs bond so well when in a matched pair, but the success of two scorpions ranks very highly in compatibility and relationship survival. While you may never agree on who wears the pants in the relationship, you will always agree on when to take them off. Expect an adventurous ride with no brakes if you decide to go this route.

Talk to a love and relationship psychic on Keen for additional insights about the compatibility of Scorpio men and Scorpio women.

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