What Does it Mean to Be an Aquarius?

Aquarius men and women truly treasure independence in all things. They are averse to all manner of limitations and restrictions, not out of a desire to be rebellious but simply to strike their own path. They are well known for their warm compassion and humorous natures that appear almost in conflict with their tendency to avoid emotional investment and attachment. Aquarius has a fixed quality, as they are truly set in their ways in their fight for freedom. As a water-bearer, you likely can attest that no one can force a compromise from you, especially if it involves any manner of restriction.

You are one of the signs that lean more towards your intelligence than how you feel about situations. Still, you put it to good use often in humanitarian pursuits and solving problems that will help others. Like two sides of a coin, you have your moments where you are wildly energetic and engaging and others where your shy and thoughtful persona rules you. You are an enigma and there is no one phrase that can describe you to perfection and that is the way you like it. Intellectual, elusive and compassionate; that is what it means to be a an Aquarius.

Mythology And Facts About The Enigmatic Aquarius

All dates that fall between January 20th to February 18th lie in the realm of the Aquarius-born. You are blessed to be among the ranks of some amazing people who also share your sign: Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, and Thomas Edison. They have all accomplished great things with famous Aquarius traits, including high intelligence, progressive thinking, problem-solving, and a desire to fight for what is right. The Greek origin myth of Aquarius is on the shorter side but gives a glimpse into the many traits Aquarius men and women are said to have. It begins with Zeus desiring a new cupbearer and choosing the most handsome young man who existed on earth at the time, a man named Ganymede.

Ganymede was the son of the king of Troy, and thus a prince in his own right and very qualified for the position. The issue was that the daughter of Zeus’ wife Hera already held the position of cupbearer and was being replaced. This infuriated Hera and she sought to take her anger out on Ganymede, but he was simply always doing his duty and accompanied by gods and thus never gave her an opportunity. One day, Ganymede made a request to be allowed to help those on earth who were suffering from lack of water. Zeus agreed and gave the prince the permission and ability to send down rain. The adoration and respect Zeus had for the kind and thoughtful prince only increased and so did Hera’s wrath. Eventually, to staunch the endless fighting and jealousy, Zeus glorified Ganymede as Aquarius, the god of rainwater, and placed him in the sky as the constellation we know today. The kindness, empathy, and humanitarian nature of Aquarius seemingly stem from this famed story.

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Aquarius Traits And Behaviors

Aquarius men and women tend to be mentally focused individuals and don’t forge emotional connections as easily as other signs do. If there is a problem to be solved, a theory to be conceived, or thinking out of the box required, then Aquarius-born are the right people for the job. Their emotional distance is often misconstrued as them lacking the ability. In fact, an Aquarian’s ability to form close and lifelong bonds exists; it is simply guarded well from most. The journey to the heart of a water-bearer is a long one and they do not toss themselves into endless relationships and hope for the best. As an Aquarius, you absolutely enjoy your alone time and space to organize your thoughts but you do not like being lonely. You prefer relaxed moments to chaotic ones, but endless routine and predictably only serve to bore you. It’s an Aquarius thing.

To your friends, you are a fantastic listener and can become absorbed in conversation very easily. You stand out as you tend to talk about things and ideas as opposed to people and more drama-related subjects. Your calm and mysterious nature draws people in, and they are almost immediately impressed by your innate charm and humor. Helping people is something that is extremely important to you, and you simply cannot ignore the plight of others. You will, however, opt to brainstorm long-term solutions as opposed to quick and immediate fixes. You have your weaknesses, including a habit of fleeing from commitment and not understanding those who have deeper emotional needs than you possess. Your constant desire to engage with the new and interesting can leave many friends in the dust, feeling inadequate or forgotten. Finally, you may fall into the habit of viewing every reasonable request as a battleground and refuse to compromise or consider other views.

Aquarius Guidance And Needs

The best advice for an Aquarius is to stop running from emotional connections. Spending a lifetime elusively dodging even the slightest commitment will make things all the more difficult when you finally find your soulmate. You are endlessly compassionate, but that behavioral compassion may not feel as sweet when coming from someone who is as emotionally close and comforting as a dead fish. Pick your battles; not everything is a fight worth digging in your heels for. Don’t forsake those friends of yours whose busy lives have shifted them to a category of boredom for you. There is far more to friendship than being exciting and fun all the time. Make your boundaries clear but not unreasonable and you can avoid a great many conflicts within relationships.

The Leo man or woman is your karmic partner. Their raw and exciting passion for life excites you. The optimism matches yours, and together you will never allow the other to frown. Leo women and men are are very likely to allow you the freedom and alone time you crave, as they are often busy being the stars of their own life’s show. They have a loyalty and devotion to loved ones that matches yours, along with a generous spirit that often doubles yours. Sagittarius and Gemini can also make fantastic partners for an Aquarius-born, but truly there are no limits as long as they make you happy.

Aquarius men and women are gifted with a uniqueness that makes every individual independent and special in their own way. Your humanitarian nature drives you to help others and enlist in meaningful activism to make sure your voice is heard. You are not a follower and would rather stand still than step in the footprints of another.

This article was designed to reveal the history, traits and behaviors that are common among Aquarius-born. However, you of all signs should know that each individual is radically different from another and nothing is set in stone. For insight and guidance that personally applies to you, consider consulting one of our many experienced psychic advisors.

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