5 Ways To Find A Purpose In Your Life

You don’t have to be a philosophy major to wonder “what is my purpose in life?” We all hit a wall at some point and want to know what the heck we’re doing here. The good news is that it’s great you’re feeling this way!

These are Keen’s 5 ways to find purpose in your life:

  1. Do what you love
  2. Explore your interests
  3. Get involved with a cause
  4. Surround yourself with positive people
  5. Consult a psychic

Research suggests that those who have a greater desire to have a sense of purpose in life are likely to live longer than those who simply throw in the towel. Only you have the choice to choose between living a mediocre life, or living your life to the fullest. So, how exactly do you do that? Here are  5 easy ways to help you get on the right path.

1. Do What You Love

Finding your passion is about doing what you love! Like exploring interests, you already know what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. This could be as big as making a major career change, or as small (but definitely not insignificant) as taking time every day or week to engage in an activity that brings you pleasure. Make the time; you won’t regret it.

2. Explore Your Interests

When it comes to finding your passion, you have to start by exploring your interests! Chances are you already know what things appeal to you, but finding life purpose means you’re taking these activities and turning them into something more. Perhaps you love making jewelry — why not start a side business and see where it goes? If you’ve daydreamed about going to cooking school every time you prepare a meal well, then go for it. Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone in order to be truly comfortable and happy with our life path. No regrets, right?

3. Get Involved With a Cause

Do you tear up when you see commercials with abused animals? Does global warming keep you up at night? With so much injustice in the world, it’s hard not to get heated about one topic — or several. While you don’t have to commit yourself full-time, getting involved with a cause that speaks to (whether that’s money, time, or both) can give you a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride. It’s a different approach to finding life purpose.

4. Surround Yourself With Positive People

You’re never too young or too old to realize that you don’t need to have negative people in your life. You know, those who don’t want the best for you, are jealous, and just downright negative — likely because they are unhappy in their own lives. Don’t let these types of individuals drag you down. Instead, grow the positive relationships you do have and don’t be afraid to explore new ones by striking up a conversation with people. You never know where that can take you on your life path. In short, close some doors, open new ones.

5. Consult a Psychic

While you can’t create a game plan for everything life throws your way, a soul purpose reading gives you some insight on what to expect via a blend of astrology, tarot, and numerology. An advisor can help you determine the roadblocks that are holding you back from making life changes such as finding the perfect career, becoming committed in a relationship, and overall, manifesting your dream a reality. This is what finding your soul purpose is all about, after all.

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