Pisces Monthly Horoscope

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March Horoscope

The cosmic waters of March are dangerously choppy, Pisces, but every wave you conquer is a testament to your strength.

Turbulence... read more

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The cosmic waters of March are dangerously choppy, Pisces, but every wave you conquer is a testament to your strength.

Turbulence begins when Venus in Aries goes retrograde in your second house of wealth and self-esteem on March 1. Over the next six weeks, it will be important to manage your money responsibly and fine-tune your talents. Mercury enters Aries on the third, sparking innovative ideas and new ways to increase your income.

Relationship dynamics transform during the Virgo lunar eclipse in Libra on March 13 that lands in your seventh house of relationships and trust. Your closest connections are evolving, and so are you. The way in which you give and receive love undergoes a major makeover.

Mercury goes retrograde on the fifteenth, inviting you to pause and re-strategize. Avoid risky financial investments and draining side hustles.

The sun enters Aries on March 20, amplifying your confidence. It’s easier to create prosperity when you pursue your passions. Venus retrograde sways into Pisces and your first house of identity on the twenty-seventh. If you’ve been too hard on yourself, it’s time to change that.

A solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 brings the opportunity you’ve been waiting for, perhaps since 2023. Your well-deserved success arrives. Mercury retrograde coasts back into your sign on the same day, reminding you to honor your boundaries.

When Neptune visits Aries on the thirtieth for the first time since the 1800s, it brings a deep awareness of your values and how you want to share your energy with a very quickly changing society.

Standout days: 2, 12, 17
Challenging days: 6, 14, 20 ↑ read less

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The cosmic waters of March are dangerously choppy, Pisces, but every wave you conquer is a testament to your strength.

Turbulence begins when Venus in Aries goes retrograde in your second house of wealth and self-esteem on March 1. Over the next six weeks, it will be important... read more
The cosmic waters of March are dangerously choppy, Pisces, but every wave you conquer is a testament to your strength.

Turbulence begins when Venus in Aries goes retrograde in your second house of wealth and self-esteem on March 1. Over the next six weeks, it will be important to manage your money responsibly and fine-tune your talents. Mercury enters Aries on the third, sparking innovative ideas and new ways to increase your income.

Relationship dynamics transform during the Virgo lunar eclipse in Libra on March 13 that lands in your seventh house of relationships and trust. Your closest connections are evolving, and so are you. The way in which you give and receive love undergoes a major makeover.

Mercury goes retrograde on the fifteenth, inviting you to pause and re-strategize. Avoid risky financial investments and draining side hustles.

The sun enters Aries on March 20, amplifying your confidence. It’s easier to create prosperity when you pursue your passions. Venus retrograde sways into Pisces and your first house of identity on the twenty-seventh. If you’ve been too hard on yourself, it’s time to change that.

A solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 brings the opportunity you’ve been waiting for, perhaps since 2023. Your well-deserved success arrives. Mercury retrograde coasts back into your sign on the same day, reminding you to honor your boundaries.

When Neptune visits Aries on the thirtieth for the first time since the 1800s, it brings a deep awareness of your values and how you want to share your energy with a very quickly changing society.

Standout days: 2, 12, 17
Challenging days: 6, 14, 20
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