Knight of Swords Reversed Tarot Card


The Knight of Swords reversed represents being out of control. It may represent the stress and negative effects of your current struggle. Or the card may indicate that things are not what they may seem at first and you need to give it a closer look. No matter what the situation, it is likely that you can improve things by re-evaluating and adapting your actions. When the Knight of Swords reversed appears in a tarot card reading, here are some possible interpretations that should be considered.


The reversed Knight of Swords can reference someone who is acting purely on impulse. They are impatient and practically bursting with energy. Because they have no real direction in mind, they are making rash decisions without any plan. This disorganization can not only cause them to fail, but also impact those around them. If you see someone acting so unpredictably around you, it’s best to keep your distance so you don’t get pulled into the madness.


The Knight of Swords reversed can also represent a need for independence. Doing something alone for the first time can be a scary thing, but it is necessary in order to create growth. You will probably end up dealing with a few problems along the way due to being impatient, but this is completely natural. It is often through our mistakes and struggles that we learn the most important lessons.


You might want to be involved in everything, but your mind is too scattered right now for this to be a realistic goal. You need to slow down. You can’t keep pushing forward or else you will end up burnt out. This much needed break will give you time to collect your thoughts and figure out your priorities. Otherwise, the growing stress can take a toll on you physically and mentally.

Tunnel Vision

The Knight of Swords reversed can also indicate that you are focusing too much attention on one thing. When you are working on something or trying to deal with something, it can be easy to think about it obsessively. But taking a break will do you some good. Take a step back and enjoy the present moment. Release your tension and stress. It’s okay that you don’t have everything done and perfectly in order at the moment. Don’t allow that to take away from your ability to live in the present and enjoy what life has given you.

Protecting Yourself

If someone new has recently come into your life, don’t let your guard down too easily. Although things may be going wonderfully at the moment, this is only an illusion. This person may not be exactly what you think they are. Do not grant them your trust at this time. They could turn out to be a thief who will end up stealing your possessions, ideas, or energy. Stay cautious and remember to protect yourself.

Maintaining Records

At work, the Knight of Swords reversed indicates that you may need defend yourself with a paper trail soon. Someone may be trying to take credit for the work you have done. Or they may be blaming you for something which you had nothing to do with. Don’t hesitate to defend yourself against these false claims – the proof you need is in the records you have kept.

Looking Within

If you are looking for love, the reversed Knight of Swords can serve as a reminder to look deeper within as well. What you see on the surface may not represent their true self accurately.

Compatibility relies on more than a surface level connection.

If you are in an established relationship, the card may be asking you to take a deeper look at your partner. There is likely something that is bothering them. Many times, the best way to find out what is going on is to simply ask.

A Bad Deal

If you’re making a purchase or financial decision soon, you need to watch out. Someone may be trying to cheat you out of your money in a scam. Or perhaps you’re being asked to pay more for something than it is actually worth. Don’t trust anyone blindly – do your research so you always know the truth of the matter and can act accordingly. Your preparation will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

A Hidden Cause

While it may seem as though you currently have a good understanding about your current health situation, the Knight of Swords reversed hints that things may not be quite so straightforward. This is not necessarily bad news, but you should get a second opinion for a better idea of what is going on.

When you’re feeling stressed, a tarot card reading can help you find the clarity you need to relax and move forward. The psychic advisors at Keen are available by phone, chat, or email 24/7. Our experienced tarot card readers can show you what the cards have to say about your current situation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed with every reading – and the first three minutes of your first reading are completely free!

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