The Hanged Man Tarot Card


Understanding the Symbolism and Interpretation of the Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man tarot card symbolizes sacrifice, surrender, and letting go. It often appears in readings to indicate a time of pause, reflection, and reevaluation of one’s beliefs and priorities. The Hanged Man suggests that to move forward in life; we must first surrender our egos, detach from our material possessions and desires, and embrace a new perspective. This card can also signify a need to step back and let things unfold naturally instead of forcing outcomes.

While the Hanged Man tarot card represents an opportunity for growth and spiritual transformation, it’s essential to consider its potential downsides. The card can indicate a sense of being stuck or stagnated, unable to move forward or make decisions. It can also suggest a need for patience and a willingness to endure temporary discomfort to achieve long-term goals. Seeking the guidance of a professional tarot reader can provide valuable insights into the Hanged Man tarot card’s significance in your life and the potential implications it holds.

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The Major Arcana Cards

The tarot’s Major Arcana consists of 22 cards representing significant archetypes, themes, and energies in the human experience. These cards are linked to major life events, profound transitions, and spiritual insights. Numbered from 0 to 21, each card in the Major Arcana features symbolic images that illustrate their meanings and has distinct symbolism and interpretation. The Major Arcana represents the Hero’s Journey, a universal storytelling pattern that symbolizes the journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment. It provides a powerful tool for personal growth and self-reflection.

The twelfth card in the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man, depicted by the Roman numeral XII (12). The card illustrates a figure hanged upside down, often symbolizing sacrifice, surrender, and releasing control. The Hanged Man represents a time of transition or transformation, urging individuals to let go of attachment to a specific outcome or way of doing things. The card encourages gaining a new perspective and approaching things in a new way by releasing old beliefs or patterns of behavior that no longer serve the person. Ultimately, the Hanged Man teaches that surrendering control and embracing the unknown can lead to growth, wisdom, and understanding.

Personification and the Hanged Man tarot card

With some cards in the deck, it may arise whether this card illustrates you (the person receiving the Tarot reading) or if it depicts someone in your life. It is critical for you to be brutally honest about your behavior, your character, and your tendencies when discussing the possibilities of a card’s personification. If The Hanged Man represents you in your reading, you are being advised by the Tarot deck to surrender, change course, or let the universe solve a situation without your input.

If this card instead represents someone in your life, you are being informed about manipulations that may be taking place and the overall strategy of a person with whom you are engaged in a battle. The insidious nature of The Hanged Man card personifying someone else in your reading is that you often do not realize this person is your enemy. The Hanged Man’s inherent helplessness and seeming victim status, as illustrated by the card, is a mask of the reality of the situation and the person behind it all.

What does the Hanged Man tarot card mean?

What is the meaning of the Hanged Man upright tarot card?

The Hanged Man tarot card is associated with surrender, letting go, and self-sacrifice. The card depicts a figure suspended upside down from a tree, symbolizing a state of suspension or limbo. In a tarot reading, the Hanged Man card may suggest letting go of control, surrendering to the present moment, or changing one’s perspective to gain a new understanding. It may also indicate a time of waiting, patience, or sacrifice for a greater purpose. The Hanged Man reminds us that sometimes, the only way to move forward is to release our grip and trust the universe’s flow.

The Hanged Man tarot card, when upright, can have several possible interpretations, including:

  • Surrender and letting go: The Hanged Man suggests surrendering control and letting go of attachment to outcomes or expectations.
  • New perspectives and insights: The Hanged Man encourages individuals to change their perspective and see things in a new light, gaining wisdom and understanding.
  • Suspension and waiting: The Hanged Man indicates a time of waiting or suspension, where patience and sacrifice are necessary for growth and progress.
  • Self-sacrifice and service: The Hanged Man represents self-sacrifice and service to a higher purpose, reminding individuals of the importance of giving back and contributing to something greater than themselves.
  • Trust and surrender: The Hanged Man emphasizes the need to trust the universe’s flow and surrender to the present moment, even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain.

The Hanged Man upright tarot card suggests a time of surrender, letting go, and trusting the universe’s flow. It encourages individuals to shift their perspective and gain new insights, reminding them of the importance of patience, sacrifice, and service to something greater than themselves.

Upright Hanged Man Tarot Love Meaning

When the Hanged Man appears upright in a love reading, it may indicate that the relationship is going through a period of self-reflection and reevaluation. It could mean that one or both partners must sacrifice or let go of something to move forward. The card also suggests taking a new perspective and seeing things from a different angle, which could lead to a breakthrough or a new beginning. Overall, the Hanged Man indicates patience, surrender, and a willingness to embrace change to achieve growth and transformation in love.

The Hanged Man: Yes or No

The Hanged Man card in a yes or no question suggests that you need to suspend your current course of action and take a step back to gain a new perspective before making a decision. It does not give a straightforward yes or no answer but advises approaching the situation with patience and contemplation.

What is the meaning of the Hanged Man reversed tarot card?

The Hanged Man reversed tarot card represents a need to surrender control and a lack of clarity or new perspectives. It may also suggest a reluctance to relinquish old patterns or beliefs and an unwillingness to embrace change. In a tarot reading, the card could indicate a state of stagnation, a feeling of being stuck, or a need to approach things in a new way. Overall, the Hanged Man reversed emphasizes the importance of releasing control and embracing the unknown. It encourages individuals to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and ways of doing things and to approach situations with an open mind.

The Hanged Man tarot card in the reversed position may have several possible interpretations, including:

  • Reluctance to surrender: The card suggests a reluctance to surrender control and a lack of clarity or new perspectives.
  • Stagnation: The reversed Hanged Man may indicate a state of stagnation, a feeling of being stuck, or a need to approach things in a new way.
  • Unwillingness to change: The card can represent an unwillingness to let go of old patterns or beliefs and an unwillingness to embrace change.
  • Fear of the unknown: The Hanged Man reversed can also indicate a fear of the unknown or a reluctance to take risks.
  • Resisting necessary transformation: The card may suggest that an individual is resisting necessary transformation, leading to a state of being stuck or unable to move forward.
  • Attachment to old ways: The reversed Hanged Man can also indicate an attachment to old ways of doing things, which may hold an individual back.

In the reversed position, the Hanged Man tarot card emphasizes the importance of releasing control and embracing the unknown. It encourages individuals to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and ways of doing things and to approach situations with an open mind.

Tarot Hanged Man tarot cards Meaning in Past, Present, Future Positions

Hanged Man Tarot Past Position

When the Hanged Man appears in the past position of a Tarot reading, it can imply that the seeker has experienced a phase of feeling stuck, uncertain, or indecisive, as if they were hanged in limbo, waiting for something to occur or a decision to be made. However, the Hanged Man in this position can also indicate that the seeker has undergone a transformative experience that enabled them to release old patterns, beliefs, or behaviors that were constraining them, resulting in personal growth and development, albeit it may have been a challenging process.

Hanged Man Tarot Present Position

When the Hanged Man appears in the present position of a Tarot reading, it may signify a phase of waiting or pause, where the seeker feels stuck, indecisive, or uncertain of what to do next. However, the Hanged Man in this position can also imply that the seeker is in a phase of personal growth and development, letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them. This can indicate that the seeker is undergoing a challenging yet rewarding transformative experience. Ultimately, the interpretation of this card will depend on other cards in the spread, as well as the seeker’s personal experiences and circumstances.

Hanged Man Tarot Future Position

When the Hanged Man card appears in the future position of a Tarot reading, it can imply a waiting phase, where the seeker needs to take a step back and reassess their situation before making any decisions. They may feel stuck, indecisive, or uncertain of what to do next.

However, the Hanged Man in the future position can also indicate that the seeker is on the verge of a transformative experience requiring them to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them. This card can suggest that the seeker is about to embark on a period of personal growth and development, which may be challenging but ultimately rewarding.

Similar to when in the past and present positions, ultimately, the interpretation of the Hanged Man card will depend on the seeker’s personal experiences and circumstances, as well as the other cards in the spread.

Hanged Man Tarot Card Combinations

As a member of the deck’s Major Arcana, The Hanged Man dominates most of the cards around him. Suited cards are often sublimated in the presence of a member of the Major Arcana. When there are many Sword cards around The Hanged Man, an argument or litigation is building to a climax, and the need to be passive is quite pronounced. Combining Cups cards with this card shows that being the pursuer in a romantic relationship will lead to disastrous consequences while being on the receiving end of a seduction could lead to extraordinary pleasure.

Pentacles and The Hanged Man are a warning from the Tarot that you might be controlled by greed and that the best way to make money is to follow your bliss and approach material possessions as needs instead of wants. Cards from the Suit of Wands in a reading with The Hanged Man indicate that your creative pursuits need work and refinement. People in the creative fields who see this combination often think of signing with a manager or promoter; this is the Tarot deck’s way of screaming a negative warning about such an agreement. Patience and passivity will bring a better offer, and a more honest businessperson may come your way.

The Hanged Man combines well with some of the more nefarious cards of the Tarot deck. When The Devil card appears with The Hanged Man, it may be easy to kick a drinking or smoking habit by going cold turkey. When The Hanged Man combines with The Tower card, a roommate situation will resolve itself, and you need not get into a battle. This combination also indicates that accepting a foreclosure of a property and moving on might be the best course of action in a real estate investment gone sour.

When The Hanged Man is in a reading with The Empress or The Emperor, a domineering woman or man in your life is best dealt with by passivity instead of confrontation. Bore the bossy people, and they will look for others to boss around. The number twelve card of the Tarot deck, The Hanged Man, is the higher echo of the number two card, The High Priestess, a Tarot card devoted to submitting oneself to the knowledge of an all-powerful universe. This submission reaches its zenith with The Hanged Man giving, letting go, and letting what is to happen happen. Learn more about The Hanged Man’s connection with the other cards numbered two in the Tarot deck.

Unlock the Power of the Hanged Man Tarot Card with a Professional Reading

Do you need help gaining insight into the meaning of the hanged man tarot card? Are you attempting to interpret tarot cards on your own or relying on online sources? While DIY approaches may seem convenient, they often need to provide more guidance and clarity that professional tarot card readings can offer.

At Keen, we understand the importance of connecting you with a skilled tarot reader who can offer accurate and personalized readings. Our professional tarot readers specialize in providing objective perspectives, insights, guidance, and support to our clients. Using our services, you can access the experience and knowledge of our tarot readers, who can help you navigate life’s challenges and uncover a path toward a more promising future.

Each tarot card holds a wealth of meaning and insight, and the hanged man tarot card is no exception. In a personalized tarot card reading with one of our professional tarot readers, you can better understand what the hanged man tarot card means for you and how it can impact your life. So why wait? Contact us today to schedule your personalized tarot card reading and take the first step toward gaining the guidance and clarity you need for a brighter future.

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