Palm Reading

palm with rainbow light

Palmistry is the art and science of reading palms — interpreting the lines on a person’s palm to gain insight into their life, love and emotions, as well as their past, future and potential.

Since the tradition of palm reading, also known as chiromancy, dates back through many millennia to several different cultural traditions, there are many variations in palmistry methods. All methods, however, involve the same fundamental practice of examining the lines that crisscross the palm of the hand and interpreting their meanings.

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When doing readings, most palm readers look to the non-dominant hand for insight into the characteristics an individual was born with and their personal gifts and challenges, and at the dominant hand to learn about the individual’s past, future and choices. Some palm readers, however, look to the left hand to interpret the individual’s past and their inborn character traits, and to the right hand for insight into their life experiences, including education and relationships with others.

Whether considering a subject’s left or right palm, several primary lines are used in palm reading.  For more detailed information contact a KEEN advisor today.

The Heart Line

This line reveals insight into an individual’s emotional life, including their love relationships. Beginning at the outer edge of the palm, below the pinkie finger, the heart line extends horizontally across the upper portion of the palm, ending beneath either the middle or index finger.

A Heart Line marked with tiny circles or crosses (referred to as “griddled” or “chained”) indicates an individual who suffers from anxiety. He or she is likely to be sensitive, temperamental and highly creative, with emotions that are felt deeply and passionately.

If the Heart Line ends below the index finger, the individual’s romantic experiences are satisfying and fulfilling. If it ends below the middle finger, the individual can be thoughtless and inconsiderate in love relationships. If the line ends between the index and middle fingers, the individual is in love with love itself. Finally, if it is a short, straight line, the individual does not place much emphasis or importance on love affairs, preferring to focus their attention elsewhere.

The Head Line

This line signifies an individual’s intellectual life, including how they learn and communicate. Beginning at the inner edge of the palm, between the thumb and index finger, the Head Line runs below the Heart Line, extending horizontally across the palm toward the outer edge.

When the Head Line is long and deeply grooved, this indicates an individual whose thinking is sharp and focused. A short line shows a person who is more of a doer than a thinker. If the line is straight, it indicates someone who is grounded and realistic in their thinking, while a curvy or sloping line reveals a more creative thinker. Finally, a wavy or broken Head Line indicates someone who is easily distracted or frequently changes their mind.

Note that in individuals with a single palmar crease, that line is interpreted as both the Heart and Head Lines.

The Life Line

This line reveals an individual’s physical health and vitality. It can indicate major life events, including illnesses, injuries, moves to a new location, or traumatic experiences. Often, but not always, joined with the Head Line, the Life Line runs from the palm’s inner edge, starting between the thumb and index finger and extending down the center of the palm toward the wrist.

A long and deeply grooved Life Line indicates an individual who is vigorously healthy. A short, shallow Life Line reveals someone who might easily fall under the sway of more dominant personalities. A Life Line that swoops down in an arc shows an enthusiastic, active person. A straight Life Line that runs closer to the thumb, on the other hand, reveals an individual who tends to have lower energy and who may be rather reserved with others. A break or fork in the Life Line can indicate a sudden and significant change in the person’s life.

The Fate Line

This line, also known as the Line of Destiny, is not always present on an individual’s palm. When it is, it reveals the obstacles, decisions, difficulties and successes the individual will encounter along their life path. Beginning at the base of the palm, next to the wrist, the Fate Line runs upward, extending across the center of the palm in the direction of the index or middle finger.

A Fate Line that is forked or broken indicates an individual who will experience changes over which they have little or no control. Similarly, a deep Fate Line points to an individual whose life path has already been largely predetermined. A Fate Line that joins with the Life Line at the base of the palm, on the other hand, indicates an individual with the will to create their own destiny.

The Elements in Palmistry

Along with the lines that crisscross the palm, a palm reader can also interpret the shape of the fingers and the palm itself to gain further information. These shapes fall into four categories that are consistent with the four Elements in astrology: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Fire Hands

Compact hands with square-shaped palms that measure longer, wrist-to-fingers, than the length of the fingers themselves are referred to as Fire Hands. People with Fire Hands can have hot tempers, and are full of energy and spontaneity. They may be inconsiderate toward others.

Earth Hands

When the fingers are about the same length as their square, broad palms, these are said to be Earth Hands. These individuals tend to be hardworking and practical. They can also be stubborn, and they are firmly grounded in their values.

Air Hands

Individuals with fingers that measure longer than their square or rectangular palms are said to have Air Hands. They are witty and intellectual, talkative and gregarious.

Water Hands

Individuals with fingers that measure longer than their narrow, oval-shaped palms are said to have Water Hands. These people are emotional and can tune in intuitively to others’ feelings. They may tend to have unpredictable moods.

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