The Magic of Mirrors: How to Block Negative Energy

woman looking in the mirror

by Psychic Advisor: Empress Tarot

Have you ever found yourself bombarded by negative energy and been unsure how to repel the bad vibes? Here’s a simple bit of magic that anyone can use to clear the air around themselves and banish negativity, malice, envy, etc. All you need is a mirror…or two…or three.

You will also need a white candle and some incense. You may also need a marking pen and some fabric glue, or a needle and thread. The type of mirror you choose depends on who, or what, you’re trying to shield:

– If your goal is to protect your home from unwelcome visitors, nosy neighbors, or any other type of negativity, you should use round stick-on mirrors (the type meant for the side mirrors on cars). You will need one mirror for each direction in which your house has windows. For example, I have no windows on the western side of my house, so I would only need three mirrors.

– If you’re having problems with someone at work, or if you find yourself overwhelmed by people when you go shopping, you will want to buy a small makeup mirror (not a compact, though – just a flat mirror with no lid).

– To protect your gym locker, school locker, or work cubicle, hang a small mirror that is hung to face the door.

– To protect your backpack, purse, briefcase, umbrella, etc., visit a craft store and buy those tiny little mirrors that are often sewn onto clothing.

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Before you begin, take a bath in salt water, or throw some bath salts under the spray in your shower. This will clean your personal energy. Now, light the white candle and the incense. Pass the mirror(s) over the flame of the candle and through the smoke of the incense and say:

“I infuse this mirror with the flaming fire so that it may burn away all outside negative energy. I pass this mirror through the fragrant smoke so that it may hide and shield.”

Now, let the candle and the incense burn all the way down. When that is done, put your mirror shields into place. If you are using the stick-on mirrors, attach one to the outside of one window on each windowed side of your home.

For protection in the workplace, get your magic marker and draw an eye on your small mirror. Now draw one little tear at the corner of the eye. This will reflect all sadness, envy, animosity, etc, back toward the sender. Attach a flat, stick-on mirror to the wall opposite the door of your locker, cubicle, etc.

Attach one or more tiny mirrors to the item you wish protected. For instance, I have a black velvet backpack and have sewn several small mirrors to the side that faces out when I wear it.

That’s all there is to it! My sisters and I use this technique all the time and have had great success with it. I hope it works for you, too.

P.S. It also helps to wear highly reflection silver jewelry whenever you are feeling overwhelmed by the energy of others.


About the Author:

Having grown up in a family that appreciated and encouraged psychic abilities, I have read the cards most of my life. My readings are non-judgemental & delivered with compassion & caring. I have 21 years experience as a professional crisis counselor & have offered readings on since early 2001.

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