Speaking Your Truth: How to Strengthen The Throat Chakra

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Moira’s voice on the phone was so quiet I could barely hear her. When I asked her to speak louder, her voice was still strained.

“What do you need today?” I asked her. “Can I help you with something?”

“I don’t know, well—yes. I do need help with a girlfriend…” She trailed off.

I spent the first ten minutes of our call just getting her to say what the issue was. That’s okay; it isn’t uncommon, but coupled with her physical voice issues, I began to suspect a Throat chakra imbalance. Then, when I was doing the reading for Moira, she struggled to take the information in. This is a lesser known but also classic Fifth chakra issue: not being able to receive information or nourishment. 

I find my clients are often unfamiliar with the Fifth chakra, but it’s as important as any other chakra for maintaining balance and health.

Throat Chakra Basics

The Fifth chakra is located at your throat and is associated with the thyroid gland, neck, shoulders, and arms. In Sanskrit, it is called the Vishuddi. The color associated with this chakra is a bright blue, and I often see blue in the auras of talkative people or those who are expressing their true thoughts or feelings. 

People tend to skip over the Fifth chakra. Not as important seeming as the Heart, nor as fascinating as the Third Eye, the Throat chakra is nonetheless crucial to our well-being since it governs our voice and our ability to speak the truth and ask for what we need. The capacity to take in nourishment is another function of this chakra and is often at the root of emotional fatigue or overwhelm.

Common Fifth Chakra Problems

The most common issue I see with this chakra is a dampening of emotional energy and an inability to communicate clearly. As with Moira, when the Fifth chakra is distorted, just having a clear conversation—especially one about difficult or important issues—can be almost impossible. Typically, this “voicelessness” arises when the Throat chakra is sluggish or under-energized. There are many reasons why this might occur, but often it stems from childhood experiences where concerns of the child were not heard or permitted.

When there is emotional fatigue—which can result eventually in physical fatigue, too—the nourishment element must be addressed. Moira, sadly, had many extreme experiences as a young girl where she didn’t have enough to eat or wasn’t fed properly. Psychologically and energetically speaking, her Fifth chakra went on low power to conserve energy since she didn’t believe (subconsciously) that she had a right to be nurtured. If there is a lack of self-love (and thus less energy coming from the Heart), there can be feelings of “I’m not enough” that lead to denying your needs. 

If the Fifth chakra is over-energized, you might find yourself talking all the time. Often the same “not enough” of a sluggish chakra will manifest in a hyperactive grab for energy through constant chatter. One’s behavior can also seem manic, demanding, or domineering. However, I hardly ever see this chakra over-energized; low energy or even stillness is much more common in my clients.

Strengthening Your Throat Chakra

Regardless of how the Throat chakra’s energy is manifesting (low or high), there is a need to work on self-esteem. Spoken affirmations are helpful here, and Moira and I created some affirmations for her to speak into the mirror. This can be challenging, but it is an essential step in accepting that you’re lovable just as you are. Self-care is another part of this issue, so I help clients choose nurturing self-care practices that will enable them to feel more love for themselves. This does double duty as a Heart chakra strengthener, too.

The second thing I invite clients to try is a fun one: singing. Yes, giving your voice a chance to soar is immensely healing and joyful. Unless we’ve been told we have a good voice, most of us don’t like to sing. It’s a vulnerable thing to do, especially in front of other people. But nothing opens and energizes the Throat chakra like song. If you can take actual singing lessons, I find this is the best way. You don’t need to ever sing on stage, but a trained singer can compassionately guide your growth. Look for voice teachers who work with sound and healing or sound and personal growth. If lessons aren’t an option, start singing in the shower, the car, anywhere you can let loose.

The third way to strengthen your Fifth chakra is to practice asking for what you need. For some people, this can be terrifying; it was for Moira. She had to first work on even understanding what she needed and then move to the next step of speaking that. A crucial aspect of voicing your true needs is also not expecting to get those needs met. It sounds counterintuitive, but you have to be able to ask without a demand or expectation. We’re back to self-esteem here, plus a measure of self-reliance. Knowing you can meet your own needs most of the time will enable you to be detached from others meeting them. For chronic Throat chakra deficiency, this can take a while, but it is healing and empowering.

The Fifth chakra is a fundamental part of the chakra system, and like all the chakras, it is tied into the health of the entire energy body. If you have Heart chakra issues, you will likely have an impacted Fifth chakra; likewise, the Root and the Third can compromise the Fifth. A vigorous and bright Throat chakra is crucial to healthy relationships, clear and honest communication, and a robust sense of self-esteem. 

Do you have trouble asking for what you need? Perhaps you would like to voice your truth more clearly. Compassionate advisors on Keen can support you—call today!

Image Source: Shutterstock user bruniewska. 

Isabella grew up in a household of psychics and was working with spirit guides and her clairvoyant abilities from an early age. Her passions are expanding on her abilities, diving into personal growth, and helping others. A professional astrologer for over twenty years, Isabella incorporates the wisdom of the Zodiac, the Tarot, and spirit guides to help her clients navigate challenges, manifest their dreams, and grow spiritually.
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