Lady India: Compassionate Psychic Advice for a Positive, Happy Life

Lady India

Lady India has always been able to sense the mood of those around her. Even when she was younger, friends and family members would often ask her to use her intuition to help them with problems. “My mother and grandmother have the same gift—we have very strong intuitions, which allow us to accurately analyze people and situations.” As a teenager, Lady India began exploring her abilities more closely and continued to give readings as a hobby. “Just by looking at someone, I knew what they were thinking and feeling. And when I sensed someone was upset, no matter who it was, I wasn’t afraid to start a conversation with them and ask if they needed help. I think my openness has always made others feel comfortable talking with me.” 

Lady India enjoyed being a source of compassion for others and wanted to pursue a career that would allow her to use her intuitive gifts, but she didn’t think there was a way to make a substantial living in that. Instead, she went to college and became an accountant. Then, in 2001, while at a party, someone suggested she look into becoming an advisor on Keen. “I’d never met him before, but he said that, just from observing the way I interacted with people, he could tell I was a loving, caring, and knowledgeable person. He felt very strongly that I would make a good advisor.” Lady India checked out the website and found that it was exactly what she’d been looking for—a way to share her intuition with others and get paid for her services. A few days later, she set up her Keen page and, later that year, she quit her job to focus on advising full-time. 

Energy and Action   

By tuning into a client’s aura, Lady India is able to feel what the person is thinking. “I look at each caller individually, and I care about each one of them. As a clairvoyant, hearing someone’s voice or tone allows me to connect with them quickly. I can then read their energy and look into whatever specific issues they are dealing with. Once I see where the problem is, I give recommendations that are best suited for their circumstances.” It’s very important to Lady India that her clients are satisfied, and she goes above and beyond in her service to ensure that she’s done everything she can to help them. “Once a call ends, my job isn’t finished. I sit and reflect on our conversation and think about what else I can do for that particular person. Sometimes I’ll do some additional research and email them with some follow-up thoughts or suggestions. I’m very attentive because I want each of my clients to find happiness, and I want to help them make choices that will lead them toward the path they want to be on.” 

Lady India loves seeing her clients achieve goals or make changes that allow them to live a more positive life. “When I do readings, I know that there is only so much I can do. I share my visions and give advice, but ultimately, it is up to the client to make their own decisions. But, it’s so rewarding when someone calls and tells me that, because they listened to me, they had successful results. I love hearing about their developments—whether they resolved an issue with a loved one or made progress in an area in which they were struggling. It’s gratifying to see those changes and know that my words helped them.” 

Gratitude and Connection 

While many clients call Lady India about their love lives, she is very well-rounded in the topics she covers. “Most people want to discuss love first, but once we’ve made progress in that area, they will often call back and want advice on other things like career, family, and finances. I discuss a variety of subjects with my clients, and I’m always happy to share my knowledge.” 

Since becoming an advisor, Lady India feels that she has developed into a more grounded and patient person. “Listening to so many people share their stories and concerns has given me a new perspective and deepened my gratitude for life. It’s truly fascinating that, when we make a connection with others, we can have such a positive impact on one another. I believe that everyone should be treated with respect and love because every life matters—being an advisor gives me a way to touch others’ lives in a way that is meaningful.” 

Openness and Fulfillment 

Lady India is thankful that she found Keen, which has allowed her to find fulfillment in advising others. “This career path has enabled me to accomplish so much, personally and professionally. I’m able to work from home and pursue a career I am passionate about, all while being present for my children. It’s given me stability and empowered me to reach so many people. I feel blessed that I can do what I do and it brings me such joy to help others—I look forward to talking with my clients each day.” 

Lady India suggests that anyone who is considering talking with a psychic should find someone they sense a connection with and can trust. “It’s important to feel comfortable and at ease with an advisor. But, if you’re debating whether you should call, I say just give it a try. It’s good to experience new things, and you never know where your destiny lies.” Lady India believes that talking with an advisor can be very therapeutic for some people. “Some clients just need someone to talk to, and I’m honored to be there for them. It’s not healthy to keep things bottled up inside—it causes stress. It’s amazing what opening up and venting can do. You never know what you might discover about yourself or what your eyes will be opened to.” 

Advisors on Keen, like Lady India, can provide psychic readings and advice to help you get on a positive life path. 

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