How to Find the Perfect Psychic

If you’re looking for a psychic, it’s hard to know where to start. From psychic phone lines to spiritualist churches, via that woman your aunt’s hairdresser knows – how do you know which psychic is right for you? Everyone is curious about what their future holds, so it’s natural to be drawn to a psychic for a sneak peek into the upcoming months or years. Psychic readings are not an exact science and do not always yield 100% accurate results, but if you find a legitimate clairvoyant that has a true gift, you will be surprised at how much they can tell you about what’s coming up for you. It’s good to be prepared in every way possible so that you can make the best decisions for your life. So how exactly do you find a good psychic? These days, we’re inundated with options on TV, social media, and the internet. It can be overwhelming and scary at the same time. We’ve compiled a list of things to watch out for and avoid and ways you can determine a psychic’s legitimacy so that you can choose the right one for your questions.

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First, Understand What You Want

There are many different types of psychics and psychic readers. The first step in finding the perfect reader for you is to ask yourself what you want from your psychic reading. Are you hoping for advice on the best time to do something? An astrologer would be your best bet. Do you have to make a choice between conflicting options? A tarot reader could offer helpful insight. Do you want a general overview of where your life is heading? An all round psychic can offer this. Or are you desperate to hear from a deceased loved one? In that case, you need a medium, not a psychic (no, they’re not the same thing).

Do you want to see a psychic in person, or would you prefer a phone or Skype reading? Some people prefer psychics who use tools – such as tarot cards, angel cards or runes – because if you have a record of which cards were selected, you can then do your own research into the meanings, to underline the messages you are given. Others prefer psychics who just use clairvoyance. These things are all a matter of personal preference, but it’s helpful to have an idea of what you would like before you start looking for a psychic.

Seek Recommendations

Having established which type of psychic you would like to consult, the next step is to ask around among friends and family for recommendations. Nothing beats a strong personal recommendation from someone you trust, and if you find one, it would be sensible to go with it.

If you can’t find a personal recommendation, do some research to find several potential people. Look for testimonials on their websites. Are they a member of a known national organization? Do they offer any kind of satisfaction guarantee? For example, many psychics offer the first 10 minutes free, and if you’re not happy with how those 10 minutes have gone, you do not have to continue or pay.

If you’re looking online for a psychic advisor, research their website. How long has the business been in operation? Legitimate psychic sites are the ones that have been in operation for many years. Large sites, like Keen, have been around for almost 20 years and have a wide variety of advisors that have worked for them for years. Read the reviews and testimonials. These are all green flags you should be looking out for. Google the businesses you’re curious about to see if there have been any lawsuits or fraud scandals.

Another good way to find possible psychics is to visit a psychic fair – typically, there will be many psychics there for you to choose from, and you could always ask someone that you know has just had a reading what they thought of it.

If you’re searching for a medium, ask local spiritualist churches for recommendations, or go along to watch several public demonstrations and choose from among the mediums you have seen working.

Trust Your Instincts

This is important – ideally, your chosen psychic will be someone you feel at ease with. As you’re researching possibilities, you’ll probably find yourself drawn to some more than others. Discount those where your gut doesn’t give you the right feeling.

In order to get the most from a psychic reading, you’re going to need to be open and honest with the psychic, and you need to know that they will work honestly and with your best interests in mind. Instinct will help you narrow down your final choices, so don’t discount that little voice in your head.

If you start to recognize any red flags, whatsoever, move on. That’s not the psychic advisor for you. There must be a two-way connection to build trust and result in a clear, accurate reading. You also need to be able to spot a scammer right away. If an advisor is touching on topics that are very specific and resonate with your, they are legitimately making a psychic connection with you.

If the reader is keeping it broad, jumping between topics quickly, and it all sounds generic, they’re probably faking their gift and throwing random information out at you. A legitimate psychic reader won’t be eager to please you and tell you what you want to hear. They will be brutally honest about what they see coming to you. Your reading should be relevant to your unique story, it shouldn’t sound generalized.

Also watch out for advisors that push for extra time, rituals, merchandise, or curse lifting spells, etc. A legit psychic advisor will only do the reading in the time you booked and nothing more. They will not attempt to manipulate more money out of you through fear tactics. It will be up to you to decide if you want to book future sessions with them. If you’re feeling pressured to do anything more than what you’ve booked, shut that scam artist down immediately.

How to Prepare for a Good Psychic Reading

Psychic readings can be done in a variety of ways: in person, over zoom, on the phone, or even through email. How you want your reading delivered is entirely up to you and your personal preference. Decide the purpose of your reading. Do you want to know more about love, career, family, money, or a general reading? Are you drawn more to oracle cards, tarot, crystals, angel readings, or aura reads? Once you’re decided on the details, make sure your mind and energy are cleared and free of worry and stress.

A good psychic will be picking up on your energy, so if you’re stressed and muddled, the reading will come out that way, too. Meditate and smudge yourself before your reading. If you’re already in a bad, chaotic place, don’t get your reading done that day. Wait for a day that you are feeling at ease, neutral, open, and receptive. Try not to “force” a certain result by concentrating hard on it. Go in with no expectations and see what comes through for you.

Are you curious about what a spiritual reading will tell you? Consult a psychic reader today.


Is it good to get a tarot reading?

Yes, it’s very good to get a tarot card reading if you are looking for a way to get an intuitive read on your past, present, or future. Many people consult tarot cards themselves or book a session with a trusted psychic advisor to gain clarity and insight on various situations in their lives. Tarot card readings provide a unique outlook on life lessons, self-awareness, and important decision making. Love, career, relationships, and money are popular topics for tarot readings.

What are psychic gifts?

Psychic gifts are special extrasensory abilities that people can have. These gifts are sometimes referred to as “the sixth sense”. Some well-known and popular psychic gifts include, but are not limited to, automatic writing, mediumship, astral projection, clairvoyant, intuitive, divination, dream telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, aura reading, chakra balancing, and psychometry.

How do psychic readings work?

Psychic readings are done between a professional intuitive advisor and a querent. Many different types of readings can be done with various spiritual tools, such as cards, crystals, or palms. The inquirer asks questions, and the psychic can use their extrasensory, perceptive abilities to “look” into the person’s past, present, and future and provide them with the answers they are seeking. These days, readings can be done in person, over the phone, online through zoom, or via email.

What are the different types of readings?

There are many types of psychic readings to choose from a wide variety of readers with varying specialties. Some of the more common readings include tarot card readings, aura scans, reiki, tea leaves, email psychic readings, palm readings, psychometry, aura readings, crystal readings, or astrological readings.

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