What if I told you that you really could have the life you want, the one you’ve been dreaming of but has thus far eluded you? What if I informed you that what has shown up so far is the direct result of what you believe you deserve? If you’d like some tools to get you to the love, joy and personal fulfillment you are entitled to, just fasten your seatbelt. You’re about to be launched into Spring, ready and able to create the life you’ve been hoping for. You have all the tools inside of you – I’m just going to remind you that they’re waiting for you to grab them.
Many women call me worried about love. Either there is no one, or the one they want is not taking well to captivity. These two scenarios typically propel a woman into feeling she’s unlucky, undesirable or unlovable. Nothing could be further from the truth. So from this point forward, no matter what situation that you would define as a negative in your life, I am going to invite you to reframe that. Why? Because nothing good comes from feeling bad. The better you feel, the higher the frequency you are resonating at. The higher the vibration, the happier you are, and this feeling serves as a magnet for even more joy to flood into your life.
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Here is an opportunity to put a fresh and positive spin on a situation that hasn’t met your expectations. If there is currently no one in your life, I encourage you to tell yourself, “This is temporary. My ideal partner seeks me just as eagerly as I seek him and we’re drawn together like magnets”, in spite of appearances to the contrary. If your current love interest is not as invested as you would like, then instead of over-analyzing why he is the way he is – clinging, blaming and pressuring him – remind yourself that you are indeed supremely loveable, no matter what his behavior says, and that you will not settle for crumbs. If you’re inclined to make him responsible for what’s not working, I invite you to understand that everyone who shows up in our lives and causes upset is there to teach us what aspects of ourselves need healing. We alone are responsible for what we feel, so pay attention to which emotions come up. It’s okay to remove yourself from the connection if you are feeling frustrated, depressed, lonely, jealous or anxious within the context of the relationship. I assure you that you will be fine. Your emotions will catch up and gift you with a sense of personal power, precisely because you held the bar high.
Since your personal universe conforms to thought, the more self-approval you can generate, the more your world will reflect back to you happiness in your life experiences. Find an area of your life (other than a man) to enhance your life. Reading to the blind? Taking dance lessons? Feeding the homeless? Learning a new language or musical instrument? Tutoring an at-risk child? Training for a marathon? Bringing a meal to a shut-in senior? Volunteering at the Humane Society? You get the idea I’m sure, that you need to fill your life with soul-enhancing activities which give a sense of accomplishment that only continues to bloom and flourish.
Be assured that it’s okay to be imperfect. Life will always challenge you. People will sometimes disappoint you, but at this point your acceptance of these things is the first step toward inner peace.
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Since Spring is a time of renewal, now is the perfect time to take personal inventory. Ask yourself: “How have I been short-changing myself? How have I settled for less than I deserve? What negative self-talk have I been inflicting upon myself? How have I made others responsible for my happiness?” It is from this place of insight and self-reflection that your growth, and with it your happiness, will emerge.
Your past does NOT equal your future! You are a remarkable expression of your creator, supremely loved and lovable. So as you embrace this new season, also embrace your own magnificence with the knowing that you have all the inner magic to create the loving, joyous and rewarding life that you seek.
About the Author:
Desiree, psychic since childhood, is a highly gifted clairvoyant. She’s been reading professionally for many years, offering her clients astounding insights that not only show them the path that lies ahead but what to do while on it to get the outcome they seek.
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