How Do I Prepare for A Psychic Reading?

woman wistfully blowing a dandelion

If you’re thinking about getting a psychic reading over the phone, it’s possible that you’re on pins and needles—so many unanswered questions! Will the advisor be kind? Will they actually help you? Will you cry? Is it even ok to cry? Maybe you’re even wondering what is a psychic reading anyway? Perhaps you’ve had an in-person reading before, but it was more spur of the moment so you didn’t have time to think about it beforehand. But now that you’ve scheduled a phone reading, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time together.

It’s normal to be nervous when doing something new. If you haven’t had a psychic reading, it’s natural to be curious, skeptical, afraid. If you’ve scheduled a session or know you are going to contact an advisor on Keen, take some time to prepare for your time together.

Think about the areas of your life you are the most concerned about.

When choosing the best psychic for you, think about the areas of your life that you need assistance with. This can include relationships, work, spiritual development, friendships, family issues, and more—but avoid health-related topics. While there are intuitives who work specifically on medical issues, most psychics don’t want to influence your health decisions. Keen advisors, in particular, do not give medical advice.

Make a list.

The time during a session will go faster than you think, so once you’ve identified your concerns, make a list for yourself in order of importance—you’ll get better psychic advice this way. It will also help you come up with psychic questions to ask your advisor. Honestly, it’s not uncommon for clients to spend an hour on their love life alone!

Ask specific questions.

Never ask passive (Will I?), reassurance (Should I?), or doubt-fueled inquiries. The best questions to ask a psychic are specific and open-ended such as: “I’m having trouble seeing eye to eye with my partner, what should I do?” Just be sure you’re not giving away too much information or you could unintentionally set yourself up for a scam.  

Identify your own agenda.

This is an important step! The thoughts, feelings, and desires that you currently have will be present in your energy field. With that said, a psychic will be able to pick up on these vibrations. If he/she knows that, they will be better able to sort through the information they receive. It’s crucial that you know what your hopes (and therefore unconscious expectations) are for the reading. You need to understand that a good psychic isn’t just going to tell you what you want to hear—but that doesn’t mean the information is wrong.

Be realistic about your expectations.

No psychic is going to be 100% right all the time. You have free will, and you are constantly changing your mind and making new choices. New decisions affect outcomes, so keep that in mind when receiving psychic advice and be sure to set your expectations before going into the session.

Make an informed choice.

If you are new to getting readings or wanting to try out a new psychic, take the time to look over profiles or their website. If you don’t care about angels, don’t choose an angel practitioner; if you are interested in past lives, look for a reader who lists that as one of their strengths or interests. If you wish to contact a deceased loved one, book a medium reading. Do look at photos and if you don’t resonate with the way someone presents themselves, choose someone else. While this may sound superficial, it’s important that you feel comfortable. If a Goth look makes you nervous, pick the psychic that just looks like an everyday Jane. Likewise, for gender; if you know you have authority issues with men, don’t choose a male psychic!

Don’t play “test the psychic.”

Whether you’re seeing a medium for the first time or a love an relationship expert, don’t test the psychic. Many new clients want some kind of proof that their psychic is “real.” This is legitimate but know that not all psychics are able to scan for existing facts. This doesn’t mean they don’t have real ability. The more time you take playing around, the less time you have to spend on issues that are important to you.

Be open.

If you come into a reading determined not to tell your reader anything and with a closed, skeptical mindset, your reader will be hindered by that energy. A closed mind is the energetic equivalent of a locked door. It’s a waste of time and money to approach a reading this way.

A psychic reading is just like any other professional interaction you might have, but it’s also deeply personal. Though a psychic isn’t a therapist, many clients report the same kind of relief and reward as when they visit a trusted counselor. Your willingness to be honest, participate, and also keep a sense of proportion and fun will help you have a fulfilling, fruitful reading.

Why not give yourself the gift of a psychic reading? Take a look at the great roster of advisors on Keen and choose to begin that special relationship today!

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