Channel Happiness with this Magic Cleansing Ritual

by Keen Psychic: Empress Tarot

Spring has arrived in my little town. The neighbor’s apple tree is in full bloom, the hummingbirds are back, and everything is green and beautiful. Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal for people, as well as plants. Springtime offers us the opportunity to grow and blossom every single year. It’s never too late to bloom!

My personal inspiration to blossom comes from a sad little orchid plant my husband rescued several years ago. He brought the orchid inside, put it under the plant light and told it how pretty and brave it was. He surrounded the plant with some of his most special treasures. Four years later, the orchid produced one little flower and has bloomed continually for over a year. At this time, there are more than a dozen flowers and at least that many buds waiting to open. It’s a joy to look at and it reminds me every day to make the most of the opportunities I have been given.

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It’s very easy to become discouraged and think your time to shine has come and gone. Not so!  It’s never too late to thrive and to blossom into the person you want to be. Never too late to start living the life you want to live. There is someone somewhere just waiting to tell you that you’re beautiful, brave, and deserve to be surrounded by treasures.

With that in mind, I’d like to share with you some simple tools for rejuvenation and healing.

1.  Magical Washes to Cleanse Both Body and Soul

This is fun and simple way to bring fresh energy back into your life. The full moon is best, but this works any night of the month.

Magical Cleansing Moonwash

Prepare the Moonwash by steeping the following ingredients in 1 quart of witch hazel:

1/2 oz. Jasmine flowers

1/2 oz. Eucalyptus Bark

1/2 oz. Mugwort

Prepare yourself in advance by fasting for a few hours, praying or meditating, listening to soothing music – whatever brings you a sense of serenity and acceptance. Apply the Moonwash from the feet up – work on cleansing your mind as you cleanse and purify your body.

Magical Cleansing Sunwash

Prepare your Sunwash in advance by adding the following ingredients to 1 quart of witch hazel:

1/2 oz. Chamomile Flowers

1/2 oz. Cinnamon Bark

1/2 oz. Oak Leaves or Bark

Prepare yourself as with the Moonwash – apply from the feet up, and work on cleansing your mind as you cleans your body.

2. Fill Your Home with Sparkling Energy!

To begin, fill a container with clean, warm water and squeeze the juice of two lemons into the water. Starting with the front door, wash the outside of every door leading into your home. When you’re done, wash the inside of every door – don’t forget to wash the top and sides.  If the lemon wash water becomes at all dirty, pour it out and make some more.

When all of your doors have been wiped down, pour any remaining water over the doorstep and sweep it away with a clean broom. As you sweep repeat this mantra:

“With this wash, I banish negativity from my home.

With this wash, I banish all unwanted energy from my home.

With this wash, I invite the sparkling yellow energy of the sun into my home.

With this wash, I invite love, hope, and positive power into my home.”

Now relax and bask in the warm sparkling energy of your home.

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3. An Affirmation to Invite Love and Acceptance into Your Life

It’s important to frame your affirmation as if you already have what you’re seeking! Settle somewhere comfortable – on your bed, in a bubble bath, in your favorite chair, outside on the grass.  Breathe deeply for a few moments to center your energy. Repeat the following.

“I love and accept myself as I am.

I am worthy of my love and acceptance.

Others love and accept me.

I am worthy of their love and acceptance.

There is someone special and wonderful who loves and accepts me.

I am worthy of their love and acceptance.

I embrace this love.

I accept it into my life.

I give love to others in return.”

4.  Channeling Happiness

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln

It took me a long time to realize that Mr. Lincoln was right. But how exactly does one make up one’s mind to be happy? After much thought and experimentation, I decided to channel happiness in basically the same way so many talented people channel those who have passed over to the other side.

Here’s my recipe for channeling happiness.

Materials needed:  None

Although props never hurt! With that in mind, I suggest the following:

1 pretty pillow (or bedspread, a field of flowers, etc.)

1 stick of incense (or fragrant flower, freshly brewed coffee, homemade cookies baking in the oven, etc.)

1 fluffy kitten. If you don’t have one on hand, a photo will do.

1 memory of a time when you were truly happy.


1.     Seat yourself comfortably.

2.     Inhale the scent of something that reminds you of a happy time.

3.     Focus on a beloved pet, favorite animal, or a baby. Notice the way they live in the moment, and how happy the simplest things make them.

4.     Focus on a favorite moment of happiness from your own past.  Let that moment of happiness fill you up and overflow to fill the space around you.  Tell yourself that you can re-experience this feeling any time you like, no matter what is going on in your current life. And soon enough, this will be true.

May we all be like my husband’s brave little orchid. May we blossom and show the world our true inner and outer beauty! And may we help others to bloom, as well.

Bright Blessings,



About the Author:

Having grown up in a family that appreciated and encouraged psychic abilities, Empress Tarot has read the cards most of her life. Her readings are non-judgemental & delivered with compassion & caring. She has 21 years of experience as a professional crisis counselor & has offered readings on since early 2001.

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