Blossom Into Your Authentic Self

by Keen Psychic Advisor: ASTRO Wing

As spring approaches, the promise of hope and renewal surrounds you. The warm sun is breaking through the cold and dormant winter ushering in a time of growth that allows your imagination and true self to bloom in a riot of color. The key is to not allow other people’s negativity or judgments stop you from expressing who you really are. Bloom in all your glory!

On my life journey, I worked with a spiritual mentor who told me that throughout my life, I had spent considerable time and energy creating a beautiful garden. She could see it blooming with roses, peonies, daisies, violets, and all the flowers I so dearly love. Yet, each flower I planted over time in this collection of blooms represented not me, but who others expected me to be. It was planted to please others, one bloom at a time. The garden, despite its beauty, was not a reflection of my true self.

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This time of renewal and transformation is an opportunity to look within and focus on who you truly are, versus who you project yourself to be in your daily life. Are the two in sync? Dig deep to your roots and find out. Ask yourself some question and honestly assess the results.

Does your outer appearance and health reflect your inner beauty in a way that tells the world who you are? Choices can be as simple as a new wardrobe and hairdo, dedication to a new diet and exercise regimen, meditation, stopping smoking, or similar actions to become the healthiest version of you.

Are there challenges that you need to deal with that connect your actions to your spirit in a more positive way? These may include gravitating toward work that makes you feel more fulfilled, interacting only with people who treat you with consideration, or removing toxic relationships from your life.

What makes your heart sing? Identify activities that take you to a magical place of joy and peace. Activities may include communing with nature and hiking, jogging and being a gym rat, meditation and yoga, creating music or art. Discover what makes your heart happy and introduce it to your days.

What makes you uncomfortable about your true self? Don’t be afraid to face the darker aspects of who you are. We all have elements of our being that are in need of light and laughter. Break established patterns of behavior that no longer serve your highest good and develop new ones. This could mean being more loyal, honest and trustworthy or keeping promises. Perhaps it is time to pull out the weeds in your mind, weeds of fear, and insecurity.

Plant new seeds that will grow into self-love and belief in the real you. Remember to water the seeds everyday with love and care. Then bloom! Transformation is not an overnight process. It takes time and effort. Think of yourself as a butterfly in a chrysalis, emerging into the world. Self-analysis is the first step to becoming your true self. Once you are on course with your inner compass, make sure that you are following true north to self-realization, achievement, and love.

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The goal is to be whole. After self-analysis, it is time to identify areas in need of transformation. Look at actual outcomes in your life rather than your feelings about them. What is and is not working?  What changes do you need to make to bring each area of your life to a place that reflects who you are and is satisfying to your soul? Some thoughts to keep in mind:

·        Don’t compare yourself to others

·        Do what makes your soul dance

·        Dare to be different

·        Make room in your garden for dreams

·        Forgive yourself

Once your goals are clear and you have decided what inner changes you want to make, plant a new garden full of blooms that reflect the real you. Gradually and with awareness, how you express yourself at work, in your relationships, in your home life and in your friendships will reflect your unique soul energy.

This process can be challenging due to family situations, life circumstances, societal pressures, and choices made. Many factors play a role in how you relate to your inner being. Combine the parts of your life that are in opposition and build new approaches to old issues. Think of yourself as a painter. Combine different situations, just like a painter blends color, to create unique solutions in the process of creating your masterpiece. It takes time to grow into who you are and shine for all to see. One change at a time. One day at a time. One step at a time.

It is never too late to bloom into your true self! If you are already in sync, keep watering that garden. The power of the human soul is strong. Transformation at a personal level takes courage, honesty, patience, and commitment. Build a support system through trusted friends, family, or personal counselors as needed to help you on your journey.

Take advantage of the beauty of springtime as life begins anew. Plant a new garden and blossom into your true self. Enjoy the process of metamorphosis because the results will be simply amazing. I can smell the beautiful fragrance of personal growth on the summer breeze. Bloom!


About the Author:

ASTRO Wing, professional clairvoyant and energy reader, understands the human spirit. She connects to the natural energies that inform us all, providing detailed insight into life’s hard questions about love, relationships, career, and destiny. Born psychic, ASTRO Wing acts as a lightning rod. She illuminates what is shrouded in the unknown, empowering you to create your joy!

Call or chat with ASTRO Wing today for your psychic reading!


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