What You Can Learn from Your Summer Fling

couple holding each other at the beach

by Mysticalcraft Arriana

Summer is the season of fun! We feel recharged after the long slumber of winter, spring perks us up, yet summer makes us sizzle and not just in regard to the heat! Love is in the air and we get caught up with the fun of the season, BUT we need to pay attention to life around us and not just get caught up in the sun and fun.

Love tends to be more frequent in the summer months, is it love or is it fun? We all tend to get out more when the weather is pleasant, so we meet more people. Truly making a love connection can be fun but there is a fine line between love and lust.

The Lovers card is a favorite amongst many, as we all love the intensity of being in love or being loved. But remember the flip side of The Lovers card is vice of lust instead of love. We can get caught up in the aspects of love like the fun, the romance, and the passion. But when it wanes, do we know when to walk away with a good memory instead of holding onto to something that was meant to be just some summer fun?

Questions about your relationship? Call or chat with a psychic love expert!

Many reasons abound as to why a summer fling comes into our lives temporarily. It could be the boost of energy we needed, but we have to know when to let go if it isn’t meant to last. Distance, career, as well as family can make a fling just not meant to be. Sometimes we just need a wee bit of fun to be able to ignite our lives to bring us to where we belong, so that we are able to have the confidence and motivation to move forward.

A summer fling can add a sparkle of fun to help us grow as people. We connect our souls to others and then can use that energy to add to our lives. It is important to see why some energies are just not meant to be in our lives forever, as some sparks are too hot to maintain and it may fizzle out.

The Lovers card sees vice and virtue and it reminds us that in life we do need balance. So though we need stability and reliable people in our lives, we also need fun and sparkle to recharge our batteries and inspire us to reach for our goals and dreams. Until you can find that in one person, we balance it by exploring the options in our path. Being true to yourself is the most important part of life, we cannot live for others in truth. We can only hope to bring love and light to others by being the best that we can be for us.

Where is your love life taking you? Find out with a psychic love reading.

Finding someone who is fun and exciting is what love is about as they excite our inner being but too much of a good thing can cause us to forget our responsibilities and once we go off course we need to realize that it is urgent to return as our souls suffer when we are not on track.

When it is time to walk away? When you stop feeling the spark and instead feel the weight of forcing force something to work, then it is not your destiny. It’s okay to let go! You can always hold onto the good memories and use them to inspire your next journey or action. That energy was brought to your life for a reason, take time to see what you learned from this connection. Even if the reason was to just remind you to have fun or to let love into your life, see that your new post-fling energy will bring you what you want in life. This is as long as you remind yourself that, ultimately, you are in charge of your own happiness and you define your path to self-love.

So be it love or lust, have fun this summer and remember to make yourself the priority. Do what you need for your future path, as being whole brings us more to share with those we choose to let into our lives. Know that short or long term, we can learn and love more through our experiences if we stay true to what is needed for our own happiness.


About the Author:

Arriana has been a dedicated reader on Keen since 2001. Tarot is her specialty, as well as pendulum and dream exploration. She is married with 3 standard poodles. She has many adventures in Canada and the US, and wants to share that she feels blessed to be able to be a part of the Keen family.

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