Take Back Your Power with Self-Love

leaves falling, female extending her arms.

by Victoria Sands

Between anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and those “just because” date nights, there are many times throughout the year where we celebrate the love and romance in our lives, and for good reason. A statement that many will agree with! I would like to challenge all who read this to take a moment to ponder the deeper meaning of what it means to give and receive love. Before you take the time to pick out that perfect card for that special someone, take a moment to reflect upon the most important love you have in your life: yourself.

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You might feel that you are in love with someone for many reasons, but in actuality, the real reason you feel love is because of the feeling you get when you look at yourself in the mirror, just because that person is in your life. Loving someone can actually make us better people. That self-love will radiate back to your partner. I’ve always considered Valentine’s Day to be a time to reflect on past loves and relationships that perhaps ended badly, with forgiveness. Not so much for them, but to release the negativity from myself. In doing so, we take back our power and restore our ability and responsibility to be happy.

Most importantly, it is important to forgive yourself as well. People come into our lives for many reasons, and sometimes it’s just to further your journey in making you the person you are today. There have been many a day when I have had to refer to the serenity prayer just to avoid emotional collapse. I will close by offering that prayer to you. I hope you take a moment to find love for yourself, let this love in, and allow it to be one of your favorite recipes for happiness.


About the Author:

Victoria has been a practicing Medium since the 80’s. She discovered she had a connection to those who had passed and often relayed messages to their family. She found this work very gratifying and made her feel safe, as if they were all her guardian angels. She decided she would devote her life to the spiritual healing of any who seek it, as she did tirelessly the weeks after 9/11. Victoria decided to join Keen the day after in the hope to reach all that wanted to find their peace and clarity about any and all aspects of their life. To this day, she remains devoted to her work here on Keen.

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