Should I Stay or Should I Go? Getting to the Heart of Relationship Questions

couple breaking up.

Arlene was an energetic lady in her late 30’s. She fairly buzzed with her zest for life, and I could tell she was one of those people who was always busy and looking for the next project. Her question for the reading was simple: “Should I stay with my boyfriend?”

This is a common question. Of course, no one can tell you when it’s time to end a relationship—that is your free will choice. But it is helpful to talk when you are on the fence, and a psychic can help you get to the bottom of why you are asking the question in the first place. This is what I did with Arlene.

Finding the Heart of the Question

“Why are you considering ending the relationship?” I asked her.

We discussed her reservations; she was wanted children but wasn’t sure if he was ready or if he’d be the kind of dad she wanted. She was concerned about her age and didn’t want to waste any more time on this man if he wasn’t going to be daddy material.

“Do you love him?” I asked.

“Well, yes, of course. But that’s not that important. We get along. I want to have children.”

As we continued to unpack the situation, it seemed that the real question was about Arlene having children—and whether or not it would be a good decision to do that on her own. We did a spread for two scenarios—the first was having children with her current boyfriend as a fully committed dad and the second was having a child on her own. The outcome for the scenario in which she raised kids on her own was the Ten of Cups.  This indicated that a happy, contented family life was possible, and there would be stability and the beginning of a whole new emotional journey. With her boyfriend, it was the Four of Cups, indicating that the situation would be emotionally stable and even at times satisfying, but one or both of them might soon feel stagnant and want more. These cards proved powerful food for thought, and the more we talked about the possibility of having a child on her own, the more it became clear that this was actually what she wanted to do. It was time to leave the relationship.

By finding the heart of Arlene’s question, we were able read for the bigger issue, and Arlene was finally able to admit to herself that she wanted to have a child on her own.

Finding the Real Question

Signe presented a more typical scenario. She and her boyfriend had been together a few years. She wanted to get married, but he was fine with the status quo. She asked if she should leave him to find a man interested in marriage.

Again, when I hear the word “should,” I know there is more to uncover. It’s not up to anyone else to decide what you should do but rather to help you find what is in your highest good to choose for yourself.

Signe wasn’t clear why marriage was important to her. She just felt it was the next logical step. I asked her why there needed to be a “next step.” She took some time to answer; ultimately, she wanted to keep growing and didn’t feel that they would if they didn’t get married. We discussed whether this was actually true or not. The real the question for Signe was, “How do I keep growing in this relationship?”

Now we could do the reading. The Inner Work Tarot spread revealed that she needed to find some outlets beyond the relationship to focus on for her own personal growth—this could mean a return to childhood dreams, a new course of study, or cultivating new intellectual interests. This was signified by the Sun, the Page of Discs, and the Ace of Swords. As she expanded her own horizons, it would be important to see if the relationship continued to grow as well.

Signe returned for a check-in a few weeks later. She had followed an old dream by trying out for a play and had gotten a small part. She was very excited to be meeting new friends and feeling creatively stimulated.

“Rob doesn’t seem to mind; now that I’m gone at rehearsals so often, he’s gone back to playing basketball twice a week with his buddies, and he seems happier getting more exercise. He’s thrilled for me. I’m also going to start taking a French class, something else I’ve always wanted to do. He wants to try it with me—and we’re talking about going on a bike trip in Quebec next fall.”

The choice to stay and grow within the relationship was the right one for Signe. By knowing what she really wanted help with, I could help her move forward. The relationship wasn’t even really the issue in this case.

A talented psychic can assist you in finding the heart of your question—what really needs to be answered now. They can help you explore different avenues to moving forward, and then you can be empowered to make your own decisions regarding your relationship.

Do you have questions about your relationship? Curious about what is next for you? Advisors on Keen are ready to help you gain more clarity and insight. Make contact today!

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