Is Your Relationship Real or Fake?

back of woman and man looking at water

by Psychic Advisor: Michelle Caporale

Sometimes we can easily find ourselves wanting to create a relationship with another because they fit what we desire. It’s certainly okay to want and to dream because we all have our ideal partners in mind. When we meet someone, and they fit all we have been searching for, the wheels start turning. Very often, we can easily create that person to be something they are not. Individuality is to be respected as well as acknowledged. Lying to yourself about who someone is will eventually crash and burn.

Desire is a real kicker. The force behind the feeling is like a rush. It can over take you because we really want to be happy and in love. Being in love is the goal, but the real goal is the love being reciprocated. Often, we make something out of nothing. This is where it gets tricky as well as painful. I pose these questions so you can weed out the fake relationships to help you get to the real one. There is nothing like the real thing.

Wondering if your relationship is real or fake? Get a psychic love reading today.

1. Is your partner attentive and makes time just for you?

2. Does your partner call or return calls in a timely fashion?

3. Do they respect you?

4. Do they discuss the future while making plans?

5. Are you always doing the work? If you are, then that is not a well-balanced relationship.

6. Are you being promised the world, but given silence?

Answer these questions and think if you’ve created a relationship out of a friendship with someone that caught your eye. If you are ignored, disrespected, and no compromise is ever made, then this is not a healthy relationship to be in. We want to strive for healthy and “normal” relationships.

Try not to create something out of nothing. When someone cares, they will make efforts. There are always going to be exceptions to every rule, but customarily, when someone really wants to make strides with you or get your attention, they will.

If you need guidance in deciding if your relationship is real or fake, call me for a reading and I can inform you.

Wishing you joy!



About the Author: Michelle has many attributes that can be used order to serve each querent, including: Mediumship (Spirit Communicator), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Clairsentience (Clear Feeling), Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), and Psychometry (Reading the energy attached to objects and photos). As soon as Michelle connects with an individual, she can immediately tap in using these tools. To date, She has worked on several cold cases with Police Departments and families in New York, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, and California. Michelle’s medium and intuition ability experiences began when she was visited by her great grandmother the night of her wake. She is endorsed by the NYPD Cold Case division for her skills. Michelle uses her gifts to tap into your deepest questions whether they be your relationship, career or any aspect of your life.

GET 5 MINUTES FOR $1! Call or chat with Michelle Caporale today!


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