How to Open Your Energy to Meet Your Soulmate

couple sunflower field

by Keen Psychic: Insight with Gabby

Ready to open your energy to new romance this Spring? In each Spring season we witness a rebirth with flowers, trees, and plants in bloom. It’s time for you to bloom into feeling great and open your energy to attract your soulmate.

Overcome Negative Dating Experiences

If you’ve had negative experiences while dating, now is the time to put them in the past. It can be difficult when you feel like each date or relationship ends the same. It’s important to remember that not every dating experience is going to be the same as the one before.

One of the ways clients get stuck is that they focus on one person or a negative dating experience. Try to let negative experiences roll off your back.

By knowing what you want from a relationship, you’ll be clearer in knowing who to turn down and who to accept. Even if you experience another negative date, keep moving forward to the positive experiences waiting around the corner.

Is there a budding romance in your future? Get a psychic love reading today!

Get Past a Break Up

A breakup can take time to overcome. If you feel ready this Spring to get back out there, but aren’t sure, be aware of what you need for self-care. What helps you feel energized and good?

Take time to bring these things into your regular routine. The more positive you are about life, the easier it is to attract a person who is also positive. You’ll be more open to other people around you. Being around people creates new experiences that fill your memories of the past.

Embrace What’s Positive About You

Hold onto what you know is true about you. This will give you strength. Write your truths down and carry them with you, even while on dates with your potential soul mate. This will give you a quick energy boost and make you confident in who you are.

A way to find your strength is simply to write down what you know and like about yourself. You can also think about positive things that others say to you. If you need more inspiration, look up your astrological sign and write down what’s positive about yourself from the personality traits listed.

It’s time to let your heart heal. Call or chat with a love expert today!

Get Into The Dating Mindset

Dating can be a numbers game. If you are ready to open your energy to finding a soul mate, you may have to go on a few dates that aren’t ideal. Try not to let this distract you from your focus. This is what mindset is all about. Focus on what you are looking for in a soul mate. You don’t have to be diehard focused, but just keep in mind your impressions and feeling about the person you’re on a date with.

If you feel negative about them, chances are your intuition is trying to tell you something. Some clients stuck in a negative experience when they dismiss their negative feelings about a person and try to date them anyway. They override their negative feelings instead of listening to themselves.

Be in the mindset that your feelings are there to help you. You don’t have to hang onto a person just because they are there. The experience may be one that helps you find clarity towards what you truly want in a relationship. This will bring you closer to finding your soulmate.

Discover What You Want

It is very empowering to know what you want. Go ahead and ask yourself: ‘What do I want’? Write down what you want in romance, dating, and in your soulmate. Focus on the type of experience in day to day life that you want with this person. By being clear on what you want, you will stay true to finding it instead of getting distracted.

Open Your Energy to New Romance

Being truly open in your energy is to be in the moment and to go with the flow. If you’re having doubts about meeting your soulmate, distract yourself for a moment with some activity. You could wash the dishes, go for a walk, or play a game for a moment to take your mind off of the doubt.

In doing this one simple distraction exercise, you open your energy to the world. You will feel more relaxed and in pace with life.


About the Author:

Gabby is a Psychic, Medium, and Teacher, working professionally for over 10 years. Using her gifts to tune into the universe, Gabby receives insightful answers that help others in all areas of life. Quick and direct, Gabby delivers messages with truth and accuracy that enlighten and empower the soul.

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