How to Be Your Own Best Friend

Pretty woman texting on the phone at the cafe.

by Psychic Advisor: PandoraP 

We have all experienced changes in life that leave us feeling lonely. Here are a few situations that can make you feel all alone: passing of a loved one, breakup of a relationship, ending of a friendship, loss of a job, the list can go on and on.

When transition times like these occur, they trigger a new way of living. It is extremely important not to focus on what you don’t have, but instead, focus on what you do have- YOURSELF! After all, who really knows what you need better than you?

Sometimes we look to others to make us feel happy and we are left feeling abandoned or misunderstood. If we become our own best friends, we will never feel loneliness again.

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A good starting point is to make a list of what you are missing in your life. On the opposite side of the page, make a list of the ways you can fulfill these voids. Get creative!

If you are missing going on dates, then plan a self-date! There is no need for you to wait on someone, because you can go out and have fun by yourself. A trip to your favorite cafe can be made into a special event if you take that book with that you’ve been meaning to finish. Or, go on a walk and listen to music that brings you back to a happy time in your life. Embrace good memories!

We often treat our best friend to gifts, but it is time to give yourself gifts! A new crystal for your home, bath salts, an aromatherapy diffuser, or fresh flowers are all good ways to bring joy into your home and remind you how deserving you are of your own love.

When our best friend is sick, we often make them soup or their favorite food to show that we care. We can, and should, do the same for ourselves. Self-care is so important! Don’t wait for someone to be there to cook an awesome meal for you -do it yourself.

What other things can you do to be your own best friend? Share your ideas!


About the Author:

A sensational psychic medium, PandoraP provides amazingly accurate readings and incredible insight about life’s path, questions, and how you can shape your personal destiny. Whether you have questions about a relationship, are looking for closure, or simply need a little guidance, you’ll receive answers and find the peace of mind you seek.

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