7 Self-Love Books You Need to Read

self love books

Needing a little self-love boost in your life? If you’re on a quest this year to raise your vibration and open up to higher levels of self-love, consider picking up some inspiring literature to help you on your journey. Whether you have been practicing self-soothing techniques such as yoga, meditation, and journaling to practice self-love and self-care daily, having a book that speaks to your heart can be a real game-changer. 

So, here’s a carefully curated collection of self-love books to curl up with and help you connect with your inner being on a deeper level.

1. The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz

This book is an excellent read and you will more than likely find yourself underlining paragraphs or dog-earing the pages to refer back to at a later date. The Four Agreements are much like commandments to live your life by:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take things personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

This is a great start if you’re new to spiritual literature and self-help books.

2. The Courage to Be Disliked – Fumitake Koga & Ichiro Kishimi

Tired of expelling so much of your great energy into stressing about what other people think of you? This Japanese phenomenon speaks about how to change your life and achieve real happiness by loosening your grip on the opinions of others and reaching higher levels of self-esteem.

“A healthy feeling of inferiority is not something that comes from comparing oneself to others; it comes from one’s comparison with one’s ideal self…” 

Written as a dialogue between philosopher and youth, this book is an easy-to-read, insightful self-love book that encourages readers to strengthen their self-respect and step into their best selves.

3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a #@%! – Mark Manson

Looking for a light-hearted read that offers some wisdom on caring a little less about life’s imperfections? 

Then, this is the book for you. Written in a brash, witty tone, you’ll find it hard to put down as you discover that life’s problems are inevitable but finding something you assign deep meaning to in your life is the most productive use of your time and energy and the best way to overcome any frustrations you face. Love yourself and read this one cover to cover.

4. Letting Go – David R. Hawkins

What are you holding on to? What vibration are you currently sitting at? Letting Go encourages their readers to take an in-depth look at themselves by addressing habits and finding where they may be holding onto things that are not serving them. Using a consciousness scale to determine where you emotionally may be operating, this book paves readers with the pathway to surrender and enlightenment. 

5. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are – Brené Brown

When it comes to Brené Brown, anything and everything she has written corresponds to boosting self-love and self-care. Brown is a revered thought leader on vulnerability and shame. She speaks a lot about tearing down the walls around the heart that are built on foundations of guilt and shame. This book will inspire and excite you as Brown discusses ways to live more whole-heartedly by choosing a path of authenticity and worthiness. Once you finish, be sure to pick up her latest book, Atlas of the Heart

6. The Untethered Soul – Michael A. Singer

Start at the beginning where you will unpack your relationship with your thoughts and feelings, and then dive deeper into examining your life experiences before learning ways to free yourself from yourself. There’s a reason why this book is a #1 New York Times Bestseller. For a self-love book, it reads as a practical guide to undoing patterns that no longer serves you and raising your vibration into a state of deeper self-love.

7. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One – Joe Dispenza

Dispenza explores the energetic aspects of reality with sound science in this book. He gives the reader the tools to make positive changes in their lives and free themselves from any habits that are not serving their greatest good. If you are looking for a book that encourages you to step into your power and love yourself unconditionally, this is the best read for you!

If you’re looking to grow in self-love, expanding your collection of self-help books can be an excellent resource. Whether you are curled up at home with a cup of tea or on a vacation at the beach, make a self-love book a priority in your company. Consider incorporating this in your lifestyle along with journaling, meditation, and yoga as part of your practices to help you grow in self-awareness and cherish yourself more deeply.

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