Introducing Ping! A New Way to Connect

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New Feature Alert!

Keen is excited to announce our newest feature: Ping! Ping is a quick and easy way for customers and advisors to keep in touch between calls and chats — and it’s FREE!

Here on Keen, the most meaningful experience within our community is cultivating valuable relationships between customers and advisors. We know from Keen Mail that both customers and advisors enjoy keeping in touch between calls and chats. Whether you’re a customer dropping a thank you note to your favorite advisor, or an advisor who wants to check in on a customer, keeping in contact helps our community stay close. Now, with the convenience of Ping, keeping in touch is that much easier!

Why you’ll love it:

·       Wanting to speak to your advisor, but aren’t sure when they’ll be online? Use ping to send an instant message to your advisor to ask for their schedule.

·       No more waiting around! You’ll receive an SMS text when your advisor responds.

·       It’s convenient! Get quick responses and keep track of old conversations using Ping’s convenient thread format, which saves all your past messages.

·       Use Ping to follow up a call or chat with a “thank you,” or check back in on a past conversation.

·       Ping helps advisors maintain strong, meaningful bonds with their customers.

To get started, click on the Ping icon on your favorite advisor’s listing.

Try Ping Now!

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