Be Your Own Beloved: Celebrating Valentine’s with Keen


Although Valentine’s Day has passed, the celebration of love never ends! Throughout the month of February, we’ve chosen to celebrate the Valentine’s spirit by focusing on the most important love of all: self-love. Of course, exchanging flowers and boxes of chocolate is a perfectly worth celebration of love (who doesn’t love chocolate, right?). However, it is only possible for us to fully share our hearts with our loved ones if we can first love ourselves.

That’s why we decided this year’s Valentine’s celebration should be BYOB: Be Your Own Beloved! Look no further for the perfect love to complete you instead, look within!

Love Advice from Keen’s Psychic Advisors

All throughout the month, Keen’s psychic advisors have been writing articles all about love to guide you through: self-love, romance angels, affirmations, Valentine’s history, your inner-child, and more. Click below to read more on topics covered by our advisors:

·       How to Call Upon the Romance Angels this Valentine’s Day by Adored Angel

·       5 Ways to Practice Self-Love by Astro Wing

·       Detox Your Way to Self-Love by PandoraP

·       Attracting Love Through Affirmations by Triple Moon Goddess

·       Raise Your Vibrational Frequency this Valentine’s Day by Dream Lily Rose

·       What Traveling Taught Me About Self-Love by Live the Light

·       What Valentine’s History and Vedic Philosophy Can Teach Us About Love by Maharani Rutan

·       4 Ways to Manifest Self-Love by Soul Navigation – Meredith

·       Your Inner Child: The Key to Achieving Self-Love by Majestic Insights

·       Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year: February’s Empowering Energy by Specialwoman


Every week, we spread the self-love spirit with our BYOB contests. Over the last 3 weeks, over 100 of you answered our three questions:

1.     What are 3 things you love about yourself?

2.     What are some ways you practice self-love?

3.     What does self-love mean to you?

Contest #3 was also a selfie contest, and we were so excited that many of you shared your beautiful faces with the world. If you haven’t entered yet, you still can! Submit a selfie and answer this week’s question for a chance to win $50 Keen Dollars. Click the link below to enter. Contest will end on Monday 2/18.

We also asked one more question for our raffle contest: What is your ultimate self-love ritual? We received about 120 entries, and we loved reading about all your different self-love rituals. Here are some we enjoyed:

“I called it ‘Spread Your Wings.’ I spent time visualizing the stars at night opening myself up to the divine, using crystals, incense, red and white roses all over my love circle, peacefully meditate about love and ways in how purify my emotions and thoughts.” – Maritza

“I wake up everyday, pray, look in the mirror and tell myself, ‘You are strong, you are beautiful, you are independent, etc.’ Self-love is the highest state of love… No matter what, love the skin you’re in, for we’re all beautiful, wonderful people.” – Noa

Happy Valentine’s Day from Team Keen!

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