Everything You Need to Know About the May Birthstone of Agate And in Jewelry

agate birthstone in nature on rocks

No matter who you are or where you live, you have come in contact with a birthstone before! Gemstones and crystals are adored worldwide and can be owned and viewed at a variety of levels. Birthstones are especially popular due to the jewelry industry, which has associated specific crystals with specific months—as opposed to zodiac signs. Agate is one of the two May birthstones, just like emerald. Let’s learn more about agate and this wonderful crystal gem! Want to learn how to use agate birthstones to enrich your life? Consult with one of our gifted psychics, intuitives, or healers to better understand the agate birthstone. Book a session today!

What is a birthstone?

Gemstones are born from the Earth—and can be found on every continent and even beneath the oceans or on mountains. People have mined, searched for, and hunted for crystals for thousands of years. They have been prized by the elites—the rich, the famous, the royal, and the powerful—but have also found their way into the hands of people across socioeconomic status.

In modern times, the jewelry industry sought to bring more attention to the beauty of gemstones and branded certain ones as “birthstones.”

Birthstones are tied to months—not zodiac signs.

Birthstones often have a higher value, and are often more coveted on a global level. Birthstones often have higher rarity and are prized for their beauty, their significance, or their mass appeal.


What month is the agate birthstone connected to? Is it the only birthstone for this month?

The agate is connected to the month of May. It is a May birthstone. When it comes to the zodiac signs associated with this month, Taurus goes from May 1 until May 20. Taurus is an Earth sign. From May 21 until May 31, the sun moves through Gemini, which is an Air sign. Taurus is a Fixed Earth zodiac sign and is symbolized by the bull. It is ruled by the planet of romance, relationships, pleasure, art, and money: Venus. Taurus are also associated with the following gemstones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Carnelian, Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Sapphire, Selenite, Peridot, Garnet, and Rhodonite. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign and is symbolized by the twins. It is ruled by the planet of communication, the mind, travel, and business: Mercury. Geminis are also associated with the following gemstones: Citrine, Agate, Topaz, Apatite, Chrysocolla, Pearl, Tiger’s Eye, Alexandrite, and Moonstone.

However, it’s important to remember that May possesses two birthstones: emerald and agate! Because of this, if you or someone you love is born in May, you can choose which one you like more.

The importance of the color of the agate and the meaning and symbolism of the agate

Agates can come in a wide variety of colors and textures. Often, their color will bring more insight into the meaning. For instance:

  • Black Agate Gemstone: balances and protects against negative energy
  • Blue Agate Gemstone: can aid in compassion
  • White Agate Gemstone: brings about clarity
  • Red Agate Gemstone: unlocks courage and strength
  • Pink Agate Gemstone: opens up comfort
  • Green Agate Gemstone: empowers creativity and fertility

There are also specific kinds of agates that are used in birthstone jewelry, such as moss agate, lace agate, name agate.

What energy and powers does an agate have?

Agate is a very powerful stabilizing stone. It empowers people to experience comfort, stability, and serenity. Many people who actively work with an agate May birthstone notice soothing effects. It can also have noticeable effects on the body and mind.

Consider using an agate necklace, agate ring, agate earring, agate bracelet, or other agate jewelry. Even if May is not your birth month, you can still enjoy the benefits of wearing or having an agate gemstone. Having a birthstone necklace can be a perfect gift or even consider an agate pendant!

The history of the agate

Agates have been around for billions of years.

In the past thousands of years, agate was especially prized by the Ancient Greeks. Yet, as agate grew in popularity, it was also found throughout the world and prized by many cultures: Germanic civilizations, the Romans, Egyptians, and beyond. Agate has been thought to connect to divine power and thus people have loved it throughout time.

How do you care for an agate?

Most agates have a Mohs scale rating of 6.5 – 7 hardness. This means that most agates have fair to good toughness. They are strong, durable stones. However, you still must utilize important care. To clean a stunning agate, you can use soapy water and a soft towel. Remember to not be too rough with an agate, though, as it can be chipped. Agate is similar to the strength of granite.

Can you hire a specialist to help you work with an agate birthstone?

Here at, we specialize in working with some of the world’s most renowned spiritual practitioners, psychics, and intuitives. Book a session today and learn more about the agate birthstone!

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