Everything You Need to Know About the May Birthstone Gem and Emerald Birthstone

emerald birthstone laying on rocks in the sun naturually

Everything in the cosmos and on Earth carries very specific energy. Crystals and gemstones have been seen as valuable and powerful since the very dawn of humanity. Birthstones—a more recent development—have grown in immense popularity. Emerald—the birthstone of May—holds people worldwide captivated by its breathtaking beauty. Want to learn how to use emerald birthstones to enrich your life? Consult with one of our gifted psychics, intuitives, or healers to better understand the emerald birthstone. Book a session today!

What is a birthstone?

Gemstones are natural stones that have been found in the Earth worldwide. They can emerge in a vast spectrum of varieties, ranging in color, purity, hardness, luster, and rarity. People throughout the world and cultures throughout the millennia have been drawn to the special value of gemstones, utilizing them in décor, jewelry, monuments, tools, and armor.

Birthstones, however, are specialty crystals associated with specific periods in time. Most often they are linked with months, as opposed to being classified with zodiac signs.

“Birth stones” tend to possess a higher value, and are often more coveted on a global level. This is all due to their rarity, their beauty, their significance, or their mass appeal, as popularized by the jewelry industry.


What month is the emerald birthstone connected to? Is it the only birthstone for this month?

The emerald is connected to the month of May. It is a May birthstone. When it comes to the zodiac signs associated with this month, Taurus goes from May 1 until May 20. Taurus is an Earth sign. From May 21 until May 31, the sun moves through Gemini, which is an Air sign. Taurus is a Fixed Earth zodiac sign and is symbolized by the bull. It is ruled by the planet of romance, relationships, pleasure, art, and money: Venus. Taurus are also associated with the following gemstones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Carnelian, Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Sapphire, Selenite, Peridot, Garnet, Diamond, and Rhodonite. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign and is symbolized by the twins. It is ruled by the planet of communication, the mind, travel, and business: Mercury. Geminis are also associated with the following gemstones: Citrine, Agate, Topaz, Apatite, Chrysocolla, Pearl, Tiger’s Eye, Alexandrite, and Moonstone.

However, it’s important to remember that May technically has two birthstones: emerald and agate! Both are the birthstone for May.

The importance of the color of the emerald and the meaning and symbolism of the emerald

When looking at an emerald gem, it will leave you in awe of its brilliant green color. The color of an emerald gem is typically evaluated by its saturation, hue, and tone. Just as May is the full embodiment of spring, the green color of an emerald gem is directly connected and the mirror of how our natural world blooms and flourishes around us at this time. With vibrant gardens, flowering plants, vast trees, fields and prairies all in lush glory, this can also symbolize how we are growing in mind, body, and spirit. Emerald means “rebirth” and can be used to unlock this powerful and profound energy in our lives. Spring can also be traced to abundance and prosperity in all forms: personal, professional, financial, spiritual, romantic, platonic, creatively, and beyond. People are truly enamored with the deep green, pure green, and green hues that the emerald gemstone possesses.

The symbolism of an emerald can also be tied to loyalty, stability, and security. Remember, though you are always ready for rebirth and renewal.

What energy and powers does an emerald have?

Emeralds are a gem that is said to bring clarity, focus, and prosperity. For thousands of years, they have been associated with royalty, wealth, abundance, and fortune. Luck is also tied to an emerald. If you would like to tap into any of these particular energies, having an emerald necklace, emerald earring, emerald ring, emerald pendant, or emerald bracelet would do you well. If you love emeralds deeply, consider getting an entire emerald set!

May birthstone jewelry can be worn by anyone, even if you are not born within this month. Emerald jewelry and its rich green color can appreciated by people who simply want to unlock its sacred powers.

The history of the emerald

Emeralds have been around for billions of years. The oldest ones are said to be around 3 billion years old.

Long ago, Egypt harvested emerald gems from mines. The Queen Cleopatra was one of the most famous monarchs in the world and in Egypt. She cherished the emerald stone gem. The Egyptians used this gemstone in burial rites, religious shrines and ceremonies, in temples and pyramids, and in jewelry and décor.

Many emeralds have also emerged from the mines of Colombia.

In the modern era, the most famous emerald gem would be the one owned by Elizabeth Taylor, which eventually was sold for $6.5 million in 2011. This emerald gem has captivated the world—especially the rich, famous, and affluent.

How do you care for an emerald?

 Most emeralds are have a Mohs scale rating of 7.5 to 8 hardness. This means that most emeralds have fair to good toughness. It does, however, require important care. To clean a beautiful emerald, you can use soapy water and a soft towel. Do not be too rough with an emerald, though, as it can be prone to scratching and chipping over time. 

Can you hire a specialist to help you work with an emerald birthstone?

Here at, we specialize in working with some of the world’s most renowned spiritual practitioners, psychics, and intuitives. Book a session today and learn more about the emerald birthstone!

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