Since the dawn of mankind, people everywhere have pondered the meaning of dreams. Civilizations across the world—as early as documented history first began—believed that dreams were the portal to understanding complex phenomena, such as the spiritual realm, connecting with the future, and uncovering secret information. Some people with profound dreams who went public with them were even crowned as seers or prophets. But what’s the truth? Join us at as we dive into the fascinating topic of clairvoyant dreams. Want guidance? Connect with a gifted psychic clairvoyant today here at We offer readings, advice, and in-depth analyses!
What are clairvoyant dreams?
Have you ever been deep in a dream that felt like you were watching a movie? Or that you were actually fully and entirely there? Did you register your senses—see the light and shadows, sniff the aromas, hear the sounds, or brush your fingertips against your skin? Did you awaken in a cold sweat or wake up laughing or open your eyes and feel like there was something “more” to these dreams? Well, you’re not alone. People for thousands of years—even today—experience these kinds of dreams all of the time.
“Are you psychic?” you might wonder. “Did spiritual forces bless—or curse—you with a vision?” The truth behind clairvoyant dreams is complex and still being unearthed. First and foremost to note, though, is that all human beings possess the gifts of intuition and perception. Even if you don’t consider yourself “a psychic” your mind holds immense levels of perception, picking up stimuli organically and processing it without you even having to pay attention to it. As millions of brain waves are running through your mind every week, you file information away without even needing to ponder it. That’s because you have your consciousness focused on what is immediately important or in front of you, while your subconscious is picking up the nuance and energy of everything else while your cognitive side does the talking. Yet, many psychologists, such as Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and more, have noted the incredible depth and power of the unconscious, realizing that it is deeper, larger, and more grandiose than the conscious ever is. The human mind and spirit are vast and unlimited. This is why even people who do not consider themselves “psychic” can still possess psychic clairvoyant dreams.
Yet, when it comes to the topic of clairvoyant dreams, one must first establish some criteria of what makes it one.
· First and foremost, a clairvoyant dream must possess vivid, clear, and concise details that are not vague in any way so that it is not open to “interpretation” or mere chance.
· A psychic dream must be recorded by the native who experiences it and reported to other people to confirm its accuracy.
· The clairvoyant dream must occur prior to the situation that is predicted to happen prior to it happening. Clairvoyant dreams that glean information about the past are not psychic in nature, but merely the mind’s imagination processing information about previous situations.
· Dreams that are self-fulfilling prophecies—regardless if positive or negative—are not clairvoyant dreams. They are ways of the unconscious mind to dive deeply into one’s hopes, aspirations, desires, fears, or paranoia.
· Recurring clairvoyant dreams are the most powerful.
What are dreams?
Scientists, researchers, and psychologists have been deeply diving into the importance of dreams for the past several hundred years. To find the truth, they have taken a more academic and scientific approach to testing their theories, recording their hypotheses, and fine-tuning their methods. However, prior to this, philosophers and religious people denoted a more spiritual meaning to dreams. Scientists, however, reject these notions entirely. To be entirely honest, there is no scientific proof of clairvoyant dreams existing. Yet, that doesn’t stop people from believing in them or wondering.
The science of dreams
In the present day, scientists and psychologists consider dreams as a way for our unconscious mind to process information in sleep that we receive during waking hours. Sleep is the tool that heals and relaxes both the physical body but also the mental powers so that we can be active and strong when we are awake.
Humans cycle through two individual phases of sleep. The first is called “REM” sleep for rapid eye movement. The second is “NREM” sleep for non-rapid eye movement. “NREM” or non-rapid eye movement is further broken down into N1, N2, and N3 stages. Each separate stage of sleep causes changes to muscle tone, one’s brain wave patterns, and eye movements. Most scientists agree that each person cycles through all of these stages four to six times every night, usually averaging ninety minutes per cycle. Most dreaming takes place during “REM” sleep.
Can psychic dreams predict the future?
As previously noted, no scientific evidence exists to support the idea that dreams can predict the future. However, gifted psychics who have been born with innate abilities or honed their skills have noted a higher percentage of accuracy in dreaming.
Dreams, regardless of what they are, do hold the ability to unlock one’s imagination, process emotions, and heal trauma. Because of this, they are a window into the deeper parts of the psyche, uncovering thought patterns, emotions, and desires that may not be processed readily. However, dreams should not be taken literally all of the time. For instance, many dream therapists have found correlations across vast demographics about certain kinds of dreams.
What are common dreams?
The following dreams are some of the most commonly reported by people throughout the world.
· Dreams about falling
o These dreams are often symbols that something in your life is not going well. It symbolizes fear and a need to rethink an important choice in your life.
· Dreams about being naked in public
o These dreams often reveal we feel inadequate or awkward and are afraid of our flaws or shortcomings.
· Dreams about being chased
o When we are being pursued, whether it’s by an animal or person, it often means we are avoiding something in our daily life that we cannot avoid any longer. This can be anything from our angers, previous traumas, or even relationships.
· Dreams about losing teeth
o These dreams bring up worries about social acceptance, as well as our innate attractiveness and ability to communicate with others without judgment.
· Dreams about death
o These dreams, whether imagining the death of a loved one, pet, or ourselves, often reveal that we are afraid of change. They encourage us to let go, prepare for growth, and honor the passage of time.
· Dreams about taking tests
o These dreams often tie to one’s fear of failure, as well as facing sudden challenges we may not be prepared for.
· Dreams about infidelity
o These dreams bring up inner fears in regards to trust, intimacy, and devotion. They can be triggered by real fears but are more often than not more closely tied to one’s mind’s desire to push the limits of reality rather than actual infidelity in the concrete sense.
Are nightmares prophetic?
While there are a multitude of dreams that one can experience, nightmares are often the most challenging. Nightmares—also known as “bad dreams”—often create strong emotional responses of a negative nature. They can trigger intense fear, paranoia, sorrow, despair, anxiety, or disgust. Nightmares are less often tied to reality or known to be psychic dreams because they are more typically linked to one’s inner fears that one cannot process during conscious hours.
Are my psychic dreams a premonition or precognition?
Most people dream. Sometimes we go through periods where we dream more regularly than others. These can be during periods of great change or when our minds need to process more significant information that we are not channeling and examining in our daily lives.
More often than not, your psychic dreams are not premonitions or precognitions. However, dreams are always important. They help us to learn more about ourselves, process complex thoughts, and even expand our imaginations.
How can I learn to have psychic dreams?
While having clairvoyant dreams may sound like an exhilarating experience, they can also be less dramatic than one assumes. Keeping a dream journal is one of the best ways to record your dreams and reflect back on them. This allows you to truly see the patterns you’re going through and focusing on at an unconscious level. Meditation, relaxation, and breath work can also aid one in opening up the channels to psychic dreams. Astral travel and lucid dreaming are also ways of further opening one’s third eye to more complex and deep psychic awareness.