Dreams About Snakes and the Symbolism Behind Them

blue snake close up

As with dreams involving spiders, dreams about snakes can be a bit frightening and unsettling, leaving you wondering what does dreaming about snakes mean? For starters, you should know that this is a common dream type that often represents a person in the dreamer’s life who is toxic or “poisonous.” On the flip side, snake symbolism in dreams can also describe an issue related to health, healing, or wellbeing. 

Because of the symbolic nature of dreams, there is no simple answer to what snakes represent. The interpretation will vary depending on factors such as what the snake was doing in your dream and what you are currently dealing with in your life right now. Let’s take a closer look at the various meanings behind seeing a snake in your dreams.

Snake Symbolism in Dreams

Matter of Opinion 

When considering the meaning behind the snake in your dream, your feelings towards snakes are usually significant. Snakes are often seen as something to be feared. So if they make your skin crawl when you are awake, they are more likely to represent something negative in your dream as well. But if you are a person who finds snakes charming, then they could also appear in your dream as a symbol for something positive.

Types of Snakes 

You should consider researching the meaning behind the snake in your dream is what kind of snake you saw. The ways that they interact with their prey may parallel what they mean in your dream. For example, a boa constrictor may represent a person or thing that won’t let you go and inhibits your ability to take action. Poisonous snakes like the rattlesnake, adder, or viper can represent something toxic or evil. A cobra may be someone who is trying to enchant you with their charms, and the typical garden snake is something that might frighten you but is completely harmless. If the snake is a baby, then you may be underestimating a threat that you are up against. If the snake is dead or you kill it during your dream, it represents a threat that you have overcome.

Color Symbolism 

If you cannot determine the type of snake in your dream, the color may also be used to interpret the meaning behind the snake. In the wild, bright colors like red and yellow are commonly used to identify that something is poisonous or toxic. Dreaming about a red or yellow snake is likely a warning sign that you need to be careful and perhaps stay away altogether. On the other hand, a green snake may be a sign that you have nothing to fear.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams 


When you see a snake in your dream, it might feel more like a nightmare. It may represent something that you fear and are anxious about facing when you are awake. The snake may also be something that you find threatening, especially if the snake is chasing or biting you in your dream. In many cases, the snake’s appearance is a sign that it is time to finally face your fears.


In the story of the Garden of Eden, the serpent tempts Eve with the forbidden fruit. The snake in your dream could be a representation of a temptation that you are struggling with. Or it could be a person who is trying to tempt you with something.


Although snakes are actually dry and usually pretty smooth to the touch, they are commonly believed to be slimy and disgusting. While it may be a myth, this concept can be significant when interpreting the meaning behind a snake in a dream. The snake may represent someone in your life that seems slimy and untrustworthy to you.


Although it may seem surprising, snakes are commonly used in icons related to medicine and health. Their appearance on the Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius can be connected back to Greek mythology stories. Your dream may rely on this familiar imagery to utilize a snake to represent a doctor or your health.


Snakes shed their skins 2 to 4 times each year. The snake in your dreams could represent a period of renewal in your life. There could be a new opportunity heading your way, or you may be undergoing a time of personal transformation. On a similar note, it may represent your creative energies or your ambitions to build something brand new.


Snakes frequently represent wisdom in many Asian and Native American cultures due to their ability to shed and renew themselves. This means that the snake in your dream may be a sign of good things to come. More specifically, you will likely find the wisdom to solve a problem that has been challenging you recently.


In some Eastern cultures, dreaming of a snake represents “Kundalini,” a spiritual awakening. The snake will transform you and bring you spiritual growth. You can choose to embrace the process or run from it.

Learn More About Deciphering Dreams and Dream Readers 

From flying to fire to animal dreams like horses, it can be challenging to interpret the true meaning behind your dreams. With that in mind, the best way to make sense of your dreams is by reaching out to a dream interpretation psychic to get the answers you need. It’s often hard to decode the images and messages in our dreams ourselves. An objective mind is helpful, and a psychic can contact your guide team or work with angels or other guides to help you see the meaning in your night visions. For some people, dreams are one of the main ways their sub and superconscious minds communicate with them. A psychic can assist you in making the most of this valuable resource. Before chatting with a spiritual advisor, gain a better understanding of what you can expect from a dream interpretation reading so that you’re fully prepared. 

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