What Does it Mean When You Dream About Flying?

woman flying through the sky

Have you been soaring weightlessly through the air in your dreams lately? Most of us have dreamed of flying at one time or another, but for you, it may be more than just an enjoyable dream. The feeling of flying is different for everyone. For some, it causes a thrill; for others, it brings on anxieties and intense fear. It can represent absolute control to the point of feeling powerful, or it can mean a loss of control as you have nothing to balance on or anchor to. For example, if you seem happy while flying, then this means you have set yourself free from something that was holding you back. This liberation allows you to move forward in life. However, if you’re flying and you’re riddled with fear and angst, this could mean you’re craving stability. 

While some flying dreams may be simply our mind having fun, others hold real meaning for us if we are willing to look just a little further. The good news is that most flying dreams are positive and lift our spirits by letting us do things we can never achieve. You are the master of your dreams, whether they are comforting, worrying, or creatively thought-provoking. 

Flying dreams are categorized as lucid dreams, which occur when you realize that you are dreaming, yet you can control what’s going on. Flying in your dreams can be described as a thrilling, happy, and liberating experience.While there are no official meanings for dreams, commonly accepted interpretations can give you additional insight on what implications your dreams may hold. So, what does it mean when you dream about flying? Explore what experiencing the world on wings can relate to in your life.

Spiritual Meaning of Flying in Dreams

The Desire for Escape

Flying in your dreams can represent so many things, but the feeling of true freedom is one of the most frequently expressed feelings. This freedom your mind is craving can be a freedom from the struggles of your life, or even just your emotions. You may be trapped in a monotonous situation while your body just screams for a break or the influx of something new and exciting. If you feel you are barely making it through work, drama, and stress daily, a flying dream can feel like heaven. For once, you are leaving all your stress behind and far below, never to bother you again. It is out of sight, and that is a peacefulness that many people crave.

In this case, the dream is providing a momentary release and is a sign that your body and mind need to rest and recharge. There are some situations where we don’t have the freedom or ability to take a break or get some downtime in. Your mind can address this need with the only free time you have available when you are sleeping. While this isn’t a negative thing per se, you should continue to try to obtain time to relax and recharge. Your physical, mental, and emotional health with thank you later.

The Allure of Power

Another flying dream meaning is power. Feeling powerful enough to fly by some otherworldly means is what can make flying dreams exciting. You are just an everyday guy or girl by day, but you are practically a superhero in your dreams. Once again, these types of dreams tend to arise based on what is noticeably absent within your life. If you suffer from a feeling of powerlessness, you are more likely to dream about situations where you have extraordinary abilities. Your internal desire to be better and more capable than you currently are can fuel these dreams into existence. Within these dreams, you typically have absolute control and a fearless demeanor. Death-defying tricks and low drives increase that feeling of being unstoppable. All in all, most people wake up feeling incredible and count it as the positive experience it truly is. The dream itself doesn’t need to mean anything more than this, and it is perfectly normal for those who worry such an imagination may seem childish.

On the opposite side, flying through the air can make you feel powerless if you are not in control of your movement. It can have some relation to the more terrifying dreams of falling. Your high level of fear in a situation that would otherwise be exciting can signify that you are anxious about significant changes in your life. You feel off-balance and unable to ground yourself. The feeling is new to you and thus can be quite overwhelming. Despite the apparent anxieties associated with this type of flying dream, this is more of a reminder to take it easy than it is a problematic negative.

A Brand New Perspective

Dreams of flying or floating can have another, often overlooked meaning: the ability to see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you are confident and determined, but one frustrating obstacle in your life continues to defeat you. Dreaming of yourself flying low and being able to see the world in a whole new way can be your mind’s method of addressing the struggle. This can be especially true if your dream focuses on noticing things you couldn’t see from the ground. Observing soaring birds up close, experiencing the feeling of clouds against your skin, and navigating obstacles from above.

For example, you don’t just see the cars packed around you as you would if driving; now you can see the accident itself and observe the best route to take around it. While these little things may not directly relate to your real-life problems, they can hint at a need to see things from a new perspective. Our stubbornness or annoyance can cause us to have tunnel vision and only view things from our side. Empathy is not merely the ability to feel what someone else does; it can also help us understand and potentially see things from their perspective.

Having a Superiority Complex

When you’re flying in a dream, you may feel like an unstoppable superhero who is invincible to anything or anyone around you. Unfortunately, this type of dream could mean that you think you’re better than everyone else and are literally and figuratively looking down on others. Waking up from such a dream is an excellent opportunity to think about how you’re handling your personal and professional relationships — and be honest. If you feel as though you’ve been alienating everyone, perhaps it’s time to put your ego in check.

Learn More About Deciphering Dreams & Dream Readers 

With an endless amount of possibilities in our dreams, there is no one size fits all interpretations — and dreams of flying or floating are just one of the many different types. Snakes, spiders, horses, and fire are only a few of the many other common dreams people have. With that in mind, the best way to make sense of your dreams is by reaching out to a dream interpretation psychic to get the answers you need. It’s often hard to decode the images and messages in our dreams ourselves. An objective mind is helpful, and a psychic can contact your guide team or work with angels or other guides to help you see the meaning in your night visions. For some people, dreams are one of the main ways their sub and superconscious minds communicate with them. A psychic can assist you in making the most of this valuable resource. Here’s what you can expect from a dream interpretation reading so that you’re not caught off guard and you can make the most of your session.

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