Everything You Need to Know About the Meaning Of a Blue Aura and Light Blue Personality Traits

attractive female face surrounded by blue aura

Since the dawn of the universe, energy has existed. Energy can never be created or destroyed—so the energy that exists even now—within you—has been in existence since before the Bang Bang. The energy that exists now will be here when our universe ends and a new era—a new universe—begins. Energy is the singular thing that ties all time, existence, and space together. Energy is the sustenance of all things. Because of this, everything—especially people—carries an aura. All living and nonliving things have energy. All nature, all animals, all elements, and all weather has energy, and thus, has an aura. Yet, what do certain colors mean? Are auras tied to certain frequencies, emotions, experiences, or even chakras? What about a very special aura: the meaning of a light blue aura? Let’s dive into all of this as we investigate the truth behind it all!

What does it mean to have an aura?

Energy is everywhere. It is likely that you’ve felt energy before in many ways: the fuel that runs through you after eating or having a cup of coffee, the crackle of lightning in the distance that makes your hair stand on end, the rattle of a car or a train as you ride within it, or the heat of the sun as it beats down on you from the heavens above in the height of summer. Energy comes in many forms, but one special wavelength that it can manifest is in the form of an aura.

An aura is a colored energy field that emanates from a person or object, created from an intrinsic electrical vibration. As for humans, we all emit low levels of electricity, which can create an outlined pattern around us that is close to our skin. However, sometimes auras can be bigger, extending out from the body like great, billowing clouds. In a sense, imagine an atom: with neutrons, protons, and electrons. The electrons race around the atom, creating the aura. This occurs on a much larger scale when it is a person or object’s aura.

Many spiritual mentors have investigated the human aura and often tie it to our seven chakras. Chakras are energy centers that run up the human body.

However, objects and locations can carry an aura, too—but these do not originate from chakras. Often, this is because they radiate or emanate the energy that is tied to emotions, experiences, spirits, or an intrinsic flow in the area. As an example, all crystals and gemstones carry their own auras, which can be felt when touched or when near them in a space.

Before we further dive into aura colors and meanings—especially the light blue aura—let’s talk about human chakras.

What are the seven chakras on a human being?

  1. The Root Chakra is where everything begins. It is located at the base of the spine, near the tailbone and is tied to the color red. Energetically, it aids in grounding, stability, and embracing one’s physical identity. Its element is Earth.
  2. The Sacral Chakra energizes us to relate to others. It is located above the pubic bone, below the belly button and its color is orange. Energetically, it aligns with creativity, sexuality, and one’s pleasure. Its element is Water.
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra shows us how to take control of our lives. It is found in the stomach area and its color is yellow. Energetically, it is connected to confidence and self-esteem. Its element is Fire.
  4. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras—tied to the material realm—and the upper chakras—tied to the spiritual world. It is located in the center of the chest and its color is green. Energetically, it aligns with love and compassion. Its element is Air.
  5. The Throat Chakra aids us in connecting with our personal power. It is in the throat and its color is blue. Energetically, it aids in all forms of communication and connection. Its element is Sound.
  6. The Third Eye Chakra aids us in getting closer to our communion with divine energy. It is found on the forehead, near the brow, between one’s eyes and its color is indigo. Energetically, it aligns with one’s imagination and intuition. Its element is Light.
  7. Last, the Crown Chakra represents one’s ability to fully align and connect with spirituality. It is found at the very top of one’s head and its colors are violet or white. Energetically, it links to one’s intellect and awareness. Its element is Divine Consciousness.

What are aura readings? What are aura photographs?

First and foremost, when people say they can “feel someone or something’s energy,” what they’re doing is tapping into the energetic frequency of someone’s aura. This can be a feeling that someone they meet has positive energy or negative energy. Other examples could be if someone senses that an individual they meet is a happy person, a sad person, or that they’re high-strung. However, the most common reference to understanding someone’s aura is with a physical component: specifically the color of one’s aura.

Reiki healers, psychics, and spiritual professionals are often able to physically or psychically see one’s aura. Hiring them to discuss your aura can give you insight on where you are currently on your evolution and spiritual journey.

However, one of the most popular ways to see your aura is by going to a store to purchase an aura reading or aura photograph. Usually, you will stand in front of a camera in front of screen that is specially focused on picking up auras. The image is then printed out or sent to you digitally. You can then look up the color meanings or talk to a specialist at the store.

Everything You Need to Know About Aura Color Meanings 101

Just like the rainbow, auras can exist in any color, shade, or hue. Just as a painter or artist can use many different colors in a masterpiece, one’s aura may be a multitude of colors, too. Sometimes we can be composed of a main aura color, but we may have a wide spectrum, as well! Other times auras can be around certain parts of the body—like one color predominantly around one’s head, while a different aura color encompasses their chest or pelvis. Having more than one aura color represents a wide range of energetic frequencies being activated. If a chakra’s energy is out of balance—such as if it is being highly activated—it may also dominate a person’s aura field. An example would be someone who is either ignoring their desire for emotional and romantic connection—their heart chakra may have no color. Another example would be if someone is focusing too extensively and desperately looking for intimacy and a romantic connection—the colors around their heart and sacral chakras may be overwhelmingly dominant.

Here is a quick list of the meanings of common aura colors:

  • Red Aura Color Meaning: fiery, energetic, sexual, or angry
  • Orange Aura Color Meaning: positive, active, or creative
  • Yellow Aura Color Meaning: charismatic, happy, or vibrant
  • Green Aura Color Meaning: nurturing, growing, peaceful, or grounded
  • Blue Aura Color Meaning: peaceful, emotional, sensitive, or insightful
  • Indigo Aura Color Meaning: spiritual, sensitive, or empathic
  • Purple Aura Color Meaning: intuitive, mystical, or psychic
  • Pink Aura Color Meaning: romantic, kind, or loving
  • White Aura Color Meaning: pure, spiritual, angelic, or holy
  • Brown Aura Color Meaning: grounded, earthy, practical, or domestic
  • Black Aura Color Meaning: protected, impenetrable, hidden, mysterious, dark, or evil
  • Gray Aura Color Meaning: low energy, sick, tired, old, bored, or wise
  • Rainbow Aura Color Meaning: vibrant, energized, scattered, visionary, or imaginative

What is the meaning of a light blue aura?

Next to note is that each color of the auric field can be more intense or less intense. This shade of blue and range can give different insights. For instance, a dark blue auric field could have a more powerful and prominent effect, as opposed to a light blue aura. Different shades of blue give us different insight! A unique meaning can be associated to royal blue, true blue, a sky blue aura, and beyond.

When thinking of the color of light blue, we are drawn to think of a few different things: the sky on a clear day, a beautiful tide pool, and the coasts of the ocean. We may also think of rain, pretty flowers, or friendly birds. The color blue is associated with beautiful things in nature.

A light blue aura ties to serenity, clarity, peace, and tranquility. The light blue aura can evoke a sense of calm and harmony. It has a sense of inner peace as we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others and how you’re feeling. 

A light blue aura color also aligns with a true sense of balance—in heart, mind, body, and spirit.

What does it mean if someone has a light blue aura?

A person with a light blue aura color can have a deep sense of compassion, sensitivity, and intuition. They are likely very in touch with their feelings and emotions and are able to empathize and connect easily with other people. They likely value human connection and are caring and willing to help those who require aid. These are the personality traits they often have. People with blue auras are good people.

An individual with a light blue aura could be a natural healer, teacher, or spiritual practitioner. They are able to ebb and flow with the universe and connect on a much deeper level with the mysteries of the universe. They are able to understand synchronicities and open themselves to the messages of the divine. Auras are believed to carry spiritual meaning.

Take it as a sign that you know your true self and voice as you navigate through life. You are likely feeling empowered to speak. Practices such as meditation could be very good for you. This is often associated with having a genuine sense of intuition.  You have an empathetic nature. Someone with a blue aura or individual with blue auras tend to be deep thinkers. These are skills that often go hand-in-hand with relating with good speech and communication skills.

Is having a light blue aura good?

Yes! Let’s further dive into the fascinating world of a blue aura! Having a light blue aura can be a wonderful thing. This means that you are in a very balanced place in your life, personally and professionally. You are calm and at ease and are able to be present in the moment.

Stress, anxiety, and fear likely do not haunt you. Instead, you are someone people can rely on and you love to step up in any way that you can.

You can be a natural healer. You are a great friend. You are a stable and affectionate lover. You likely value family and your emotional relationships.

You may work in a healing profession of some sorts.

It is also likely that you are an excellent listener and a sweet shoulder to cry on. It is unlikely that you are judgmental or critical of others, as you like to see the best in everyone. You know that challenges can happen to all people, but like the calm sky or a serene lake, you seek to embrace the beauty of feelings and help people to grow.

Can you hire a specialist to help you work with a light blue aura?

Here at, we specialize in working with some of the world’s most renowned spiritual practitioners, psychics, and intuitives. Book a session today and learn more about the light blue aura!

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