Aura Colors & Meanings

attractive female face surrounded by blue aura

Everything You Need to Know About the Meaning Of a Blue Aura and Light Blue Personality Traits

Since the dawn of the universe, energy has existed. Energy can never be created or destroyed—so the energy that exists even now—within you—has been in existence since before the Bang Bang. The energy that exists now will be here when our universe ends and a new era—a new universe—begins. Energy is the singular thing that …

Everything You Need to Know About the Meaning Of a Blue Aura and Light Blue Personality Traits Read More »

man sitting in front of black aura moon

Everything You Need to Know About a Black Aura Meaning and What It Really Means

Everything has energy. The stars in the sky, the plants in the park, the animals in nature, and certainly people.  All living—and nonliving—things have energy. Energy is the sustenance of all things. Rocks, crystals, and gemstones have energy. Water, the weather, and the clouds have energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed—it is eternal. This …

Everything You Need to Know About a Black Aura Meaning and What It Really Means Read More »

AI-generated image of a person surrounded by a vibrant orange aura in a serene yet energized environment, embodying adventure, creativity, and sensuality.

Understanding the Orange Aura: Meaning & Personality

What Is an Aura? Auras are a type of energy field that determines how we perceive life and influences our personality and relationships. Every living thing – from plants to humans to animals – has an aura around it. Represented by different colors, each of the aura colors has its own meaning and traits. In …

Understanding the Orange Aura: Meaning & Personality Read More »

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