Using Tarot and Astrology to Predict Spring’s Energy

by Keen Psychic Advisor: Annalisa38


As Spring blooms, the zing in the air is palpable. The air is warmer, the ground is softer, and the colors are vibrant. The final days of winter mark the end of our hibernation and begin the period of planting seeds. It is time to see everything bloom around us. We see the actual movement of nature growing, coming to life before our eyes. We, as spiritual beings connected to Mother Earth, cannot help but feel the powerful vibration of all the growth around us, without blooming ourselves. We imitate the earth and each other. We are all one, interconnected, and like nature, have our seasons.

There are many parallels to the seasons and with spring, we can see the vibration that we so powerfully feel. It is the time in which we clear the ground and turn the soil and plant seeds. We shake our old selves out, start fresh, and plant our new desires into the universe. Whether it be a promotion, a lover, a new home, or anything else we plant, there is a fire inside that makes us feel like anything is possible.   

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In the calendars that we use today, spring begins at the equinox in March, the third month. March was once considered the first month of the year, before the Gregorian calendar was used. It is the time that introduces Aries, the first of the twelve Zodiac signs. Numbers carry vibrations just like everything else, and the numbers Three and One are important for initiation and creativity.

In the Tarot, The Magician and the Empress symbolize the beginning of the Fool’s journey. The Magician has all the tools at his disposal and lays them out on the table in front of him. After meeting the High Priestess, the second card of the Tarot, the Fool comes across the Empress. She is surrounded by beauty and symbolizes pregnancy, which is the initiation of life and the development of physical form.  

It is no coincidence that the Suit of Wands in the Tarot represents the season of spring. The Wands are movement, initiation, inspiration, and creativity. The Wands also represent fire, which is why we feel the burning desire to expand and create.   

Just how the Tarot represents the season with the Suit of Wands, the Zodiac represents the season with the first, second, and third planetary houses – Aries (we initiate), Taurus (we plant), and Gemini (we nurture).

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Aries, the first sign of fire and of the entire Zodiac, is the initiator. We dream, we desire, we prepare the soil. Mars is Aries’ planet and represents the warrior, the one who inspires us to take action.   

Taurus, the second planet and first sign of earth, is about our wealth and riches. We plant, we focus on what we desire, and we feed our dreams. We center and align ourselves to be in the best environment to receive what we want, like how we make sure that that soil is rich and suitable for nurturing. Venus is Taurus’ planet of love, beauty, and inspiration.   

Gemini, the last sign of Spring and the first sign of air, is spirit. We nurture and water the soil which are our desires. We socialize, we laugh, we play and have fun. We know that what we are growing is in its process and we become a match to them. Mercury is Gemini’s planet of movement and communication, giving us the momentum for our growth.  

With all this momentum and movement, it is the perfect time for us to begin reaching for the things that seemed unreachable before. We plant and nurture our dreams and have the universe’s support to make them a reality. We are like the flowers that we will start to see everywhere around us.  We feel the warmth, grow, and then bloom.


About the Author:

Annalisa has been a professional counselor, intuitive, and vibrational healer for over 25 years. She has advised on Keen since 2001 and has built a professional relationship with many wonderful people. She has the ability to sense situations as they happen, with other spiritual beings. She is a Tarot expert with extensive knowledge of Astrology, Numerology, and Kabbalah. She specializes in reading astrological birth charts and advises for all types of questions that need answers, with special emphasis on love and relationships.

Call or chat with Annalisa38 today for your intuitive reading! 

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