Taurus Man Scorpio Woman Compatibility


Are you wondering about love, friendships, and work relationships? Is it is best to keep going after a relationship that may be a bit rocky or very new? The way that the universe unfolds is systematic in nature. There are tides that ebb and flow. There are people that bring out the best and the worst in the other.

Take, for instance, the Taurus Man and the Scorpio Woman. These two are a karmic match made in the heavens. The strong bull and the skilled scorpion come together in work and love in exciting ways with lasting outcomes. There is no mistaking it, these signs work well together.

The Typical Taurus Man

Spanning the 30-60th degree of the zodiac, Taurus is the astrological symbol representing the time frame from April 20 – May 20. Those born under this sign are ruled by Venus. Taurus is an Earth sign with the symbol of the bull.

As to be expected by those ruled by terra firma, with such a strong symbolic representative as a bull, Taureans are strong, stubborn, and reliable. Men under this sign tend to look for a soulmate. They want to make sure that their bonds with others are as strong as their bonds with the universe. Additionally, as they opt for the finer things in life, a Taurus is unlikely to settle for anything but the best from themselves and those they surround themselves with.

All Sides of the Scorpio Woman

Spanning the 201-240th degree of the zodiac, Scorpio is the astrological symbol representing the time frame from October 23 – November 21. Those born under this sign are ruled by Pluto and Mars. Scorpio is a water sign with the symbol of a great scorpion.

Water flows freely and Scorpio may be thought of as a free flowing and very crafty creature. Scorpions are intensely loyal, taking a long time to make deep connections as they want to be sure that they are making the right choices. Scorpios will not settle and do not care what others think of them. They are hard to hold onto, much like holding water in your hands. Loving a Scorpio means an intense and lasting relationship.

Getting Along at Work

Taurus is strong willed and determined and will persevere until he has achieved what he wants. Scorpio is resourceful, analytical and will take the time to mull over the data until she can find a way to use it to achieve her goals. For a working relationship, the Taurus and Scorpio come together well to get things done. Both want to have success. Taurus may be more certain to make sure there are financial gains along the way. Scorpio may be certain to make sure that the final outcome helps her climb up the ladder. Working together, they will both keep their heads down and get the job done.

One thing to watch out for with Taurus and Scorpio is jealousy. These signs need to know that their work is valued and they need to get credit for what they do. Neither would benefit from a team environment where people always float in and out. Neither would benefit from being micromanaged. Working together, they need to allow the other space and celebrate ideas and hard work along the way to success.  

Getting Along at Play

As friends, the Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman may be found at home, playing games. Both like to succeed. Both like to develop loyalty in their relationships. The issues come along because both can be somewhat introverted.

A Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman may both sit and stew about things in their life. They are good listeners; the trick is getting them to talk about themselves. Signs that like to take in information and process it may spend more hours talking about philosophy or the way that the next chapter of their favorite Netflix episode is unfolding, rather than about their own deeper internal struggles.

A common complaint is that those under the sign of Taurus are boring. A Scorpio likes to meander about and is looking for passion; she may not want to do the same thing or eat at the same place each time they go out. For this reason, the Taurus and Scorpio may not be best friends, but are sure to get along and chill on a Sunday afternoon.

A friendship between these two would best be developed as one spent together when they need downtime. However, be careful when these two are just friends. There is an intensity between earth and water and other feelings may begin to flow.

Getting Along Under the Sheets

The Taurus Man and the Scorpio Woman are passionate. There is an intense heat and eroticism that make these two the perfect pair in the bedroom. Both of these signs know what they want and are not afraid to ask for it.

One of the pitfalls to look out for with this match is that Taurus likes habit. To prevent love making from getting boring, Scorpio needs to make her wishes clear early on. If there are positions, places, or role playing that she would like to enjoy, she should not be hesitant to bring it up. The passion between these signs may at times lead to jealousy, but the Taurus Man’s calm demeanor means that a fight may not last long.  

Getting Along Long Term

Scorpio and Taurus are the perfect zodiac match when it comes to developing a long term partnership and building a life together. As these two are fiercely loyal and take their time to form a relationship, it can be expected that a relationship between the bull and the scorpion will be lasting. Taurus has a tendency to worry about financial matters and deals with the need to develop a fine home life. Scorpio has an intensity to her that keeps the relationship filled with romance, especially when that includes home cooked meals and fine bottles of wine enjoyed by candlelight.

What Does the Universe Have in Store For You?

If you are a Taurus Man or a Scorpio Woman looking for love, our professionals at Keen can guide you in the right direction. Love life, friendships and even working relationships are not always easy to navigate. You are not alone. The stars have set out a path and our talented team is here to help you find your way. Talk to a relationship psychic today to learn more about finding the direction for your life that you are searching for.  

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