Taurus Man Leo Woman Compatibility


The road is tough and littered with obstacles for the Taurus man and Leo woman seeking to take a bond to the ultimate level, but the challenge does not represent an impossibility. As stark opposites in nearly everything, the bull and the lioness may find themselves overwhelmingly drawn to each other for the excitement of escaping the echo chamber that normally surrounds them. Compatibility is possible – friendships can be remarkably durable and irreplaceable, but it is in love where troubles can arise. Clashes are natural in every relationship regardless of sign, but possessing the knowledge of what makes your partner tick (or get ticked off) can keep the seas calm and the boat afloat. So if you are a lioness ready to grab life by the horns or a bull with his eyes set on a queen, let our compatibility guide take out some of the guesswork.

Basic Compatibility

At their core, the Taurus man and Leo woman have everything they need to attract and subsequently frustrate each other. They are distinctly opposing, which is a powerful attractant but both signs can be far too stubborn to make the compromises that would make their partner happy. The Taurus man, as an earth sign, is walking reliability – as such, nearly all his actions can be predictable and he will never let anyone down. The Leo woman is a fireball of spontaneity, prone to getting her way in all matters, but the man that can tame her often wins her heart in entirety. The bull is devoted and passionate, a true lover of romance who loves to get lost in the simple life, enjoying the fruits of his hard work and earned income. The lioness can fit well with him, as she tends toward expensive tastes and being showered with affection that only a Taurus can provide.

The Leo woman often demands to be put first in all things, which can be a little daunting for the Taurus man who is a hardliner with the belief that all things must be earned. Once he is in a committed relationship, his partner is the center of his world, but the self-centered focus of the lioness in a friendship or pre-commitment state can drive him insane. As jointly dominate signs, the struggle for leadership can either bring much grief or drastically increase what they are able to achieve together. The Taurus man’s status as a deep introvert can clash with the wildly outgoing Leo woman, but he has no qualms with her social pursuits as long as she remains loyal. While both star signs value loyalty, that is where the similarities often end. Taurus men value hard work, being responsible, stability, and self-earned financial security. Leo women value attention, being treasured and desired by all, and generosity.

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Love And Relationships

The Taurus man doesn’t have to try particularly hard to win over new friends, despite being more of an introverted homebody than most signs. This ease is due to the fact the bull is tolerant and accepting of people of all types, never imposing his beliefs or values on anyone. Even when slow to make new friends, his loyalty forges bonds that last a lifetime, and he will always have your back. While the Leo woman is quick to impose her will on others, the irresistible charm of the sun sign will have her surrounded by doting friends at all times. While friends are mandatory for her Leo ego, it would be disingenuous to say she does not earn them in her own right due to an endearing personality. Leo women and Taurus men form unbreakable friendships together, usually lacking any flakiness or disrespect. This firm bond can often be attributed to the fact that Taurus men do not require their friends to share their values as they do their partners.

Intimate relationships bring unique challenges when the full spectrum of differences for the pair are put on display. An uncompromising nature makes any relationship difficult and this difficulty only increases when both partners share this trait. Taurus men can often be viewed as exceedingly boring and loathed for their predictable behavior and desire to relax at home during their time off. Leo women, on the other hand, lust for excitement and adventure while quickly growing unhappy if forced to stay home. As she finds this excitement with friends of the opposite gender, the natural protective and possessive nature of her bull partner are sure to kick in, adding fuel to the fire of an already tenuous relationship.

The sex life of this pair, although bound to be frequent and passionate, also suffers a similar fate. The Taurus man and Leo woman love sex, and it will never be in short supply, but there are differences in emotional involvement and preferences that can cause some upset. The bull’s tough outer exterior is largely nonexistent in bed, where he lavishes his lover with his romantic and heavily emotional side. Although a true hedonist at heart, he also uses sex as a primary means of expressing affection and adores the sensuality and closeness of it. Leos are extremely sexual creatures, but their desires are drawn from a place of fun and personal satisfaction. They often lack the desire for emotional connection or romantic buildup every time and instead prefer adventurous and experimental intimacy while Taurus men prefer the vanilla.

Working Together

The Taurus man is the poster boy for hard work and is endlessly dependable regardless of the task. He never shies away from challenges and refuses to cheat his way to the top. His helpful nature means he functions as well in a group as he does on his own, but he may struggle under the leadership of someone clearly worse than him at getting things done. The Leo woman is ambitious and works hard to be on top. Being the best means admiration, something dear to every Leo’s heart. She is not opposed to cheating or causing others to stumble when she is at her worst, but generally is good-natured. The lioness is inspiring and works flawlessly in energetic occupations or as a team leader. Workplace drama is a distraction she may find herself embroiled in more often than necessary. Taurus men and Leo women can work well as a team as long as the leader is set from the start. Without this preparation, they can easily spend more time bickering and dragged into one-upmanship than actually working together.

When these two signs get together, trouble often comes out to meet them. Luckily, neither the bull nor the lioness back down from a fight, and they will persist if they can be sure of happiness. Success and happiness are in your future. Whether it is a friendship, working relationship, or intimate match, you must accept that you will never be looking into a mirror when you view your companion. The differences are there, and you may go over, under, or around but never through. Take heart in the knowledge you have a loyalty level few other signs can match and knowing you can count on someone to have your back is half the battle.

Talk to a love and relationship psychic on Keen for additional insights about what can happen when a Taurus man and Leo woman get together!

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