Sun in Virgo: Plan Some Magic!

Woman with checklist, imaging drinking wine in front of a romantic fire

From August 23 through September 22, the Sun will be in the zodiac sign of Virgo. While this is an important time of year for anyone born under this sign, it is equally important for non-Virgos as well. The sign coincides with the ancient preparation of the harvest. Primitive tribes would sacrifice a virgin in order to appease the gods and guarantee a plentiful harvest. In our thankfully more civilized times we wind up our vacations and get ready to get some work done before the Winter with its weather delays and myriad holidays.

It is no coincidence that late August through mid-September coincides with “Back to School” as Virgo is the most organized sign in the zodiac. Virgo is practical and incisive, fact-finding and comprehensive. In the zodiac, the Sun is the ruler of your ego. When it visits Virgo, plans are put into place and a new season of learning begins.

The game of love is often played well with planning in advance. While the Sun is in Virgo, it is a good time to begin getting organized for a coming romance. Whether you have met a potential soulmate or are still looking; regardless of your status in a committed relationship looking for a spark to reignite passion or your first attempts to get back into fulfilling your desires after some time off, the Sun’s visit to the zodiac sign of Virgo gives everyone the opportunity to plan for passion in the present or the near future.

Read your sign below to prepare for love entering your life:

  • Aries March 21 – April 19

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Noon hour
    This is a great time to pursue a specific love interest as you will be able to easily gather information about him and tailor your schedule to create many seemingly random encounters.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 3

  • Taurus April 20 – May 20

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: After sunset
    A romantic gesture that begins while the Sun is in Virgo will take on a life of its own. If you compliment your lover, expect a shower of flattery. A small gift to him will ignite his generosity!
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 20 and 21

  • Gemini May 21 – June 21

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Before lunch
    A possible conquest is ready for you. Someone you see on a daily basis would be your committed lover if only you reeled him in through the mildest flirtation.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 1

  • Cancer June 22 – July 22

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Late at night
    If you are looking for love, take the word of a good neighbor or family member on a possible match. A friend of a friend is looking for love too, and that might be you.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 12 and 13

  • Leo July 23 – August 22

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: After work, but before dinner
    If you belong to a club, school, church or other tightly-knit group, a soulmate is nearby. Are you a fan of a particular team? Look for a like-minded lover of sport to be headed your way.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 14

  • Virgo August 23 – September 22

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Over breakfast
    Put yourself in the game in a big way. Volunteer to work at the information booth at a charity event and meet a catch for the future there.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 16 and 17

  • Libra September 23 – October 22

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: After sunset
    You and your future soulmate are having dreams about each other. It may be difficult to find him in the physical world, but a month of heavy dating may bring him to the forefront.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 2

  • Scorpio October 23 – November 21

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Noon hour
    There was not a chance for love this summer as you were quite focused on career matters. You can speed up finding a partner by getting out and about. Love awaits you amidst the crowd.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 20

  • Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Just after lunch
    A co-worker might have a tip for you on someone near your job who is available. Looking good at work will get you noticed by someone more than qualified to be your one and only.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 2

  • Capricorn December 22 – January 19

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Dinnertime
    Look for a little magic to go a long way while the Sun is in Virgo. Language barriers suddenly become exciting obstacles around which to flirt. A passion could be heating up across cultures.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 9

  • Aquarius January 20 – February 18

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Sunset
    There is something primal in the chemistry you will feel in an attraction to an almost perfect partner. Look for an antidote quick, because the Sun’s trip through Virgo could make this man in your life an addiction.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: August 31 and September 1

  • Pisces February 19 – March 20

    Best Time of Day to Flirt: Late at night
    You may come to realize that the partnership you are in is as perfect as life might have to offer. While the Sun is in Virgo you may need to press issues of marriage or deeper commitment.
    Plan Ahead to Make Magic On: September 4

Sun Forecasts of 2009

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