For the second month this year, Saturn and Pluto will remain close together. Pluto transforms and Saturn restricts, and as these planets are in Capricorn, many will experience job and work changes. Those most affected signs will be Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn.
Restriction or limitation can force you to work hard to alter something that has outlived its time and purpose in your life. It may be time to build a new foundation for future prosperity and success in some area. The seeds of change are being planted now and by listening to your own intuition and advice you can determine where change is needed.
Love Forecast for May
Venus, the planet of love, is in Aries until May 15. Love energy is ardent and sometimes impulsive or aggressive. Here, Venus does not like boredom and routine and cherishes freedom and independence above all else. Venus in Aries loves the chase and courtship. This placement will work well for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) as well as Gemini and Aquarius.
May 15, love energies change again as Venus enters Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus who is at home and very comfortable here. Taurus is known to be well-grounded, and in this transit we are prone to look for stable and long-lasting relationships. This will work well for Water and Earth signs.
Mars remains in Gemini through May 15. Mars rules men and action and is the other planet associated with love and romance. With Mars in Gemini, you’ll crave conversation and intellectual stimulation. When Mars moves into Cancer on May 15, love energy becomes more nurturing. Love can be softer, more caring and activities can be centered around the home.
Retrogrades of the Month
This month, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all retrograde.
Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius asks that we tone down the natural optimism of the sign and focus on what we can really accomplish in any given area, rather than just shooting for the moon. As Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline and responsibility, we can consider its retrograde a learning period. Issues can be processed and sorted out. Retrograde Pluto is a time when change occurs in lawsuits, major financial matters, business and many other significant matters turn inward for resolution. Power struggles can surface at this time.
Taurus New Moon
The New Moon falls on May 5, at 14 degrees of Taurus. Taurus is a rich, laid back sign connected with the earth and spring, and its ruling planet is Venus. The moon and Sun trine Neptune create a pleasant influence, and its sextile to Saturn and Pluto lend stability, humility and patience. This moon will be good for creative and spiritual pursuits.
Spellbinding Scorpio Blue Moon
The full Moon falls at 27 degrees of Scorpio on May 18. Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, money transformation. This Moon will intensify deep feelings, and superficial answers and relationships will not suffice.
A full moon in Scorpio can leave you spellbound in some way or with someone, or it can be a time of walking away from that which needs to be left behind. It illuminates that which holds the psyche, or it can be a time of dissolving those holds if necessary. Transformation of some type is a theme. This Moon opposes the Sun and Mercury, amping up emotions and communications.

About the Author: Leslie began to study metaphysics at a very young age. After college, she pursued a career in media but her passion for astrology turned into two decades of intense study during the 1980s-90s. Leslie joined Keen in 2002 and specializes in relationships, breakups, finance, and time-frames relating to specific life events.
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