Mars & Pluto in Harmony: Transformative Seductions

Planets Mars and Pluto connecting over a zodiac wheel

Over the next few days, Mars, the planet of action, is in harmony with Pluto, the planet of transformation. This astrological alignment, known as a forming sextile, has not occurred between these two planets since September of 2008.

In astrology, a sextile describes the time period when two planets are exactly 60° apart on the 360° zodiac circle. Mars and Pluto are in sextile harmony from Tuesday, September 14, when Mars enters Scorpio, until Thursday, September 23, when Pluto ends a retrograde period. When they reach this latter point they will be about 63° apart and the effects of the sextile will dissipate rapidly.

A sextile is one of many planetary relationships in astrology called an aspect. A sextile is a weak aspect, but Mars and Pluto are powerful planets and this forming sextile is strong enough to rub off on your actions here on earth.

Mars is the ruler of action, forward progress, taking the lead and moving an offense. When Mars is tense with other planets, these efforts are thwarted, held back or otherwise distracted. But when there is harmony between Mars and another planet, the chance arises to make great progress in an active pursuit of yours.

Pluto rules the underworld, the realm of secrets, mysteries and the untapped power in all of us to undergo transformation. Since Pluto is such a slow planet, other planets form tension and harmony with it. Its slow route through the zodiac makes it appear as if it is standing still, while planets approach and make forming or separating aspects. Pluto’s slow trek builds so much energy that planets making aspects to it end up unleashing this transformative power on an unsuspecting earth … unsuspecting unless one follows astrology!

But while in effect, this is a great opportunity to advance any agenda that includes passion and stealth seduction. The most obvious influence of this planetary alignment is on romance and getting the most out of the moment when a courtship gets physical. But Mars and Pluto energy lend themselves to transforming the way a boss looks at you, allows you to find out secrets about the way to get ahead and also adds powerful energy to projects you are working on that are nearing their completion. It is an excellent planetary aspect under which to experiment.

Depending on your zodiac sign, the Mars sextile to Pluto can assist your love life or help a project at work. Read below to see how you should be spending the ten most transformative days of 2010.

Aries March 21 – April 19

It may not be snowing yet, but you can start practicing for that winter ski trip with some skateboarding. Extreme sporting will get you in touch with desirable guys and this window of astrological opportunity is perfect to train for tomorrow’s stunts today. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

A trip of any sort will be made more exciting by the people you meet and the partner with whom you travel. Single Bulls will partner up quite quickly on a plane, ship or train. A second honeymoon awaits you Bulls who are spoken for. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Gemini May 21 – June 21

The sweet smell of success will pull you into working on a project, but your enthusiasm must be tempered with realism. What are the motives of the other people involved? Are you sure you will be compensated and treated well? Do your homework away from work. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

You may be ready for a little more action about town and the party spots are calling. But you might be at the point where you know better than to get stuck at a tourist trap. Some time spent with a guy interested in expanding his mind will balance your wilder escapades. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Leo July 23 – August 22

A job promotion is yours for the taking. But the impact that it has on a hobby of yours will cause you to question the quality of life issues versus the financial rewards. Mars harmony with Pluto reveals what you truly want out of life. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

A look backward can be the best way of dealing with the present. You have already been through a trial like the one you are going through now, and the previous outcome should give you plenty of information on which to base your current course of action. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Money issues that have dogged you for most of the year will suddenly seem like they could be easily resolved. Mars action insists you jump at an opportunity that has arisen. This is a chance to take a big step toward financial security. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You could seduce the man of your dreams in a matter of minutes. Many years of painstaking preparation will suddenly put you in the company of the one guy who can fulfill all of your needs. The short duration of time you two will have together is the only downside of the ecstasy that awaits you; but you must make the first move. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

A direct connection to your deepest values allows you to stand out from the crowd. Someone with power and pull will see that your ability to stand up for certain beliefs makes you deserving of a reward. Try hard to entangle yourself with this powerful person’s entourage. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

You are undergoing subtle but permanent changes in who you are and the presence of Mars speeds up a transition you have been meaning to make. You may have put things off because you felt it would be tense or difficult and now, suddenly the chance is here and it is easy to take the leap. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Your hunches will be quite sharp during this forecast period. An opportunity arises to make the most of your natural charisma. Whether or not you talk the man of your dreams into doing things your way, pulling him closer into considering your way at all is a big victory. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Pisces February 19 – March 20

Politely declining to get involved is not your style. But the realization that you are spreading yourself too thin will force you to stay committed to one or two special projects. Learning to say “no” is a big step forward. Looking for more specific guidance? Call an astrologer on Keen for your personalized forecast based on your individual cosmic traits.

Mars and Pluto are planetary energies that spawn violence and reversals of fortune when they are in tense aspect to each other in the zodiac. Enjoy this short period of harmony and make the most of it. Progress established now will be a permanent gain on anything from the most casual hobby to the deepest love relationship.

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