What Does it Mean to Be a Capricorn?

What Is A Capricorn? 

Sea goats are a December and January zodiac sign. Capricorn men and women are the most goal-orientated members of the zodiac. They are likely to innately possess a soldier-like level of self-discipline that all but guarantees their success in whatever they set their mind to. Challenges are never avoided and often welcomed with open arms to better themselves for the future. Sea goats may be on the quieter side, but they are leaders in all they do by actions alone. It’s a Capricorn thing. A Cap’s dedication to their responsibilities truly knows no equal. They use the sweat of their own brow to achieve everything and don’t believe in taking shortcuts. 

While comfortable routines serve Capricorns well in most respects, it can be burdensome for their personal relationships. Finding the right person to spend the rest of their life with is the one challenge you often can’t easily overcome. Capricorns are a cardinal element, so all things they start are the beginning of something great. A bastion of responsibility, dedication, and restraint: this is what it means to be a Capricorn.

Capricorn Facts: 

  • Date range (aka Capricorn season): December 22 – January 19
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Color: Brown, Black
  • Day: Saturday
  • Ruler: Saturn
  • Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer
  • Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 13, 22
  • Famous Capricorns: Stephen Hawking, Martin Luther King Jr., and Betsy Ross

Capricorn Mythology 

Capricorn’s Greek myth is that of Pricus, a sea-goat created by the Greek god of time, Cronos. Pricus was unique and could talk, think, and reason just like any man could. He was a favored creation and, thus, Cronos blessed him with immortality and the ability to turn back time. Pricus had many children, and all of them desired to explore and experience life on land. He would warn them not to stay too long, but they always did. With time spent, they lost their fish tails and intelligence and ultimately became normal goats. 

In sadness, Pricus used his time-turning ability to reverse time and regularly lecture his children of the dangers, but regardless of his warnings, they always chased that same fate. After a multitude of time-reversals, Pricus, at last, realized he could change time but not destiny or fate. He begged for death from Cronos when faced with realizing he would be the last sea-goat alive, but Cronos refused. Cronos declared he would not revoke immortality from Pricus with death and instead allow him to live in the stars rather than on earth.

Capricorn Personality Traits & Behaviors 

So, what kind of person is a Capricorn? 

The Positive: Capricorn men and women are traditional, ambitious, and extremely reliable. Capricorns are often loners and lie on the introverted scale as far as sociability goes. Despite their many achievements, Capricorn men and women are about as far as you can get from braggarts. Their success speaks for itself, and they have no desire to go around showing off and measuring themselves against others for attention or pride.

Sea-goats tend to have very different sides for those who grow close enough to experience them, which is unfortunately relatively rare. Family and home life, in general, are essential to the average Capricorn. Coming between them and their loved ones in anything is a surefire way to be removed from their life.

The Negative: Capricorn may well be the most challenging sign to get close to as their heart is extremely well-guarded, even against something as simple as friendship. If you manage to achieve not only this, but an intimate relationship, you will find a loyal, deeply emotional, and voraciously sexual creature behind the calm and cold exterior. The sea-goat is often viewed as lacking any emotional connection or passion for anything but work, but in reality, they simply guard this vulnerability well. Inquiring suitors must be aware that they don’t often compromise, especially on their lifestyle. Additionally, forgiveness is hard, if not impossible, to come by should you truly hurt a Capricorn after becoming close. 

In a Nutshell

  • Strengths: Responsible, hard-working, disciplined, self-control, excellent managers
  • Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, pessimistic
  • Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, things of quality, music, modesty
  • Capricorn dislikes: Pretty much everything at some point

Capricorn Love & Relationships 

Capricorns should avoid being too inflexible. The chances of finding Mr. or Ms. Right without compromising on even the smallest things are very slim. A sea goat’s values, traditions, and other aspects are uniquely important and should not be sacrificed. However, you should weigh the importance of lesser things when they are causing rifts within your relationships. 

Caps are well aware of their dedication to any goal they set for themselves, so they shouldn’t be afraid to set a goal to be better for their partner. Their emotions are often locked behind closed doors, but revealing at least a glimpse of their heart will keep others from assuming they are cold and aloof. Hard work is a consistent and welcome feature of a Capricorn’s life, but for the sake of your sanity, they shouldn’t forget to have some downtime.


Capricorn men’s karmic partner is traditionally seen as Cancer, but this is not always so true. Cancer men and women are intensely emotional creatures, something that most Capricorns cannot relate to. If this is the path a Cap ultimately ends up taking, they can’t forget their Cancerian woman or man partner will need much more time together than they likely expect. It can work, and beautifully so based on opposites both attract and strengthen the areas where each other are weak. A sea-goat may find much more in common with Virgo-born and even Taurus men and Taurus women as they tend to be less challenging options. Capricorns who find themselves on the stringent side of things also may enjoy a mirror match.

Capricorn Guidance and Needs

Capricorns are beloved for their unmatched dedication to goals and a level of ambition that dwarfs similarly ambitious signs. They remain calm and in control in life, not trusting the reins to those who will undoubtedly do a more inferior job. To a Capricorn, no is not a valid answer, and everything can be achieved with devotion and sweat. Their influential, resilient personalities that brim with confidence are attractive to many, and with good reason. Here are seven non-negotiable needs of a sea-goat:

  • Loyalty
  • Maturity
  • Positivity
  • Honesty
  • Family-oriented
  • Your own personal interests
  • Maturity

You should expect nothing but reliability from the sea-goat, and that is what you will most certainly receive.

This article was designed to give you necessary information on the Capricorn’s common traits and needs, allowing you a glimpse into what it means to be the horned hero of the zodiac. Want to know more about Capricorn astrology? For sea goats wishing to discover more about themselves and their futures, consider an online psychic reading by one of our many popular advisors.

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