What Is an Astrology Moon Sign and What Does It Mean?

graphic of moon phases and zodiac wheel

In astrology, your personality is defined by your Sun sign. It is easy to determine – just look at your date of birth. The Sun moves around the zodiac over the course of the year and stops in each zodiac sign for a month along the way. But the Moon circles the zodiac in a month and only stays in each zodiac sign for a little more than two days. To find out which zodiac sign the Moon was in at the moment of your birth actually takes a mathematical interpolation calculation. An astrologer or astrological software can make the determination. Speaking to your astrologer with your birth date, time and location will easily deliver the location of the Moon on the day you were born. Your Moon sign is the second most important placement, after the sun, in your astrology chart.

The Moon rules your emotional nature and its location in the zodiac in your chart tells you plenty about yourself. Its location in your lover’s chart may tell you too much about him! Are you sure you want to know? Your astrology chart will reveal the location of the Moon, but read that zodiac sign below to understand the root of your emotional nature.


The Moon in Aries gives you energy to accomplish many things, but leaves you hungry for emotional support that always seems elusive. Sports and other competitions that have a clear-cut win and lose to them are attractive because the emotional outcome has a certainty attached to it. Many lawyers, too, have the Moon in Aries.


If your Moon is in Taurus your emotions become pragmatic. You have a cool side when dealing with hurt; this forces you to move on rather than dwell on things. You might develop thick armor to prevent people from falling in love with you. You are sensuous when someone breaks through and may be like a deer in the headlights when love comes your way.


The Gemini urge to be absent when present is amplified with the Moon in Gemini. If your Moon is here, you talk a good game but will often be found scrambling to live up to your bold words. Chatty to the point of annoyance, you rarely reveal what you are really thinking and are often out of touch with how you are feeling. Learn more about Leo Sun Gemini Moon


Fixing your love life is difficult when you have a Moon in the Cancer sign. You are always wondering about the past and left wandering down the halls of memories in your mind. When you feel secure enough in a job or relationship, you are the nicest person anyone would ever want to know. Insecurities can make you quickly lash out, though. Learn more about Libra Sun Cancer Moon , Gemini Sun Cancer Moon


A struggle over maintaining decorum and demanding to be treated well is the constant emotional tension for those with their Moon in Leo. When you try to help others it is through leadership and willpower that you make strides. When you try to help yourself, it is with the regal air of royal authority.  


Your Moon here makes for an attention to details and quick intellect. You don’t feel obligated to do things in a traditional manner and can borrow from many sources for whatever projects you are working on, be they scholarly investigations or masterpiece artworks from your imagination. Being picky about minutia, however, can drive those around you to run away from you and your organizational forays. Learn more about Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon


Did someone call you an airhead? Your attempts at explaining what you know are often made more difficult by your need to remain on good terms with others. Diplomacy makes you second-guess much of your communication leaving people to think you are not the thinking sort. But your emotional life is rich with cerebral ruminations and you have a mind for information that others miss.


The Moon in Scorpio allows you to pinpoint precision about where your emotions are at any moment. Moving away from those emotions, though, is tough, as you can function with a cool demeanor no matter how angry or impassioned you are at any time. The power of your Moon is firm certainty, but this is also your weakest trait as you cannot see other points of view too well. Learn more about Sun in Scorpio Moon in Leo, Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon, Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon, Aries Sun Scorpio Moon


The adventurous Moon in Sagittarius loves to take a gamble and is certain that the adventurous life must be embraced. A blunt personality will form, however, and you cannot take some people too seriously once you have pierced the veil that separates casual and intimate. You have to have it all or you simply do not want even a taste. A soulmate search is successful, perhaps even a few times in your life! Learn more about Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Sun Sagittarius Moon


Being sure of how the world works and your place in it will make life so much easier to navigate. The day to day is never dull when you feel part of something so much greater than yourself. A commitment to the status quo can be disappointing when society responds to changing times and you do not. Flexibility is not a strong suit, but carrying on despite what others think is, so you will carry on. 


This position of the Moon increases your mental activity, but robs you of the personal touch. You see your individuality as more of a corporation and relate to other people as customers, competitors or other branches of the same company. You are a great team player as long as your interests are being rewarded. Group efforts will always feature your name and picture even if there is nobody in your life to look at them and appreciate all you have accomplished. Learn more about Gemini Sun Aquarius Moon, Leo Sun Aquarius Moon


The Moon can make you sacrifice so much for others when it lands in Pisces in your horoscope. The ability to put other people first and work around their schedules is your strong suit. Your love of escapism, though, might put you off on some other wavelength and a true chance to live your dream could pass right by as you stare off into the distance, dreaming your life away. Learn more about Cancer Sun Pisces Moon, Leo Sun Pisces Moon

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