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Chinese Astrology

Gain insight for the 12 zodiac signs of Chinese astrology.
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Chinese Astrology Readings

A Chinese astrology reading can give you insights about your personality traits, love and compatibility, and other aspects of your life. The Chinese zodiac chart is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and contains twelve animal signs: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Your zodiac sign depends on your birth year, but also takes the Chinese calendar and Chinese New Year into account. Keen's expert Chinese astrologers can help you calculate your true animal sign. They can also give you a Chinese zodiac reading based on interpretation of the Chinese astrology charts, pillars, and your birth data.

How Keen Works  You can get a free 3-minute Chinese astrology reading when you first register on Keen. Once your three minutes have finished, you will be asked if you wish to continue your reading for a fee - Keen will never charge you without your permission.

If you wish to connect with your Chinese astrologer via other communication modes, you can get in touch through chat or email anytime you want. You also never need to worry about your personal identity being compromised when you get your Chinese astrology reading. Keen doesn't share your personal information with anyone, not even with the Chinese zodiac reader! Keen also offers a satisfaction guarantee â€“ it's our promise to you that you will be pleased with your experience.

Discover More on Keen!  Want to read more before getting your Chinese astrology reading? Keen can accommodate! Keen has a robust selection of articles, including compatibility based on animal signs and origins of the Chinese zodiac. There is also information about other topics, such as advice on love and relationships,  tarotpsychic topics, and spiritualityPsychic advisors in Keen's extensive network can talk to you about any of these subjects and more. They have many specializations, including feng shui readingsMayan astrology readingsVedic astrology readingsnumerology readingsdream explanationchakra cleansingaura cleansingcartomancy readingsangel card readings, and past life readings.